My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 404

On the world tree that seemed to have ignited the entire sky, many people suspected of witnessing the suspicious figure, but this did not attract attention at the time. What really broke the matter was the search for relics afterwards, which could definitely be preserved. The saintly cloth cross that came down unexpectedly disappeared.

Then there was an unjust, false and wrong case. At first, the senior generals of the trial court were furious after hearing the news. They felt that the Holy See had made an omission in the search. The Thousand-Lai Magician scraped the ground inch by inch on the grounds of commemoration and purification activities, and scraped this thing out as much as he said.

Then it was really scraped out, but it was not a cross, but an on-site divination magic. The result was that the thing was in Ireland.

When the results of this divination came out, honestly everyone was full of question marks. Why did this involve Ireland?It's impossible to fight, but someone soon remembered the suspicious person reporting at that time.

Then the whole army collected clues. Witnesses took the initiative one by one, and all kinds of magic using holy relics went into battle. There was more and more evidence, which was basically a real hammer.

As a result, the sacred cloth cross was picked up by Irish leader and Queen Scarha of the Kingdom of Shadow.

As soon as this result came out, the European Coalition Government, the Tribunal, and the Holy See, as long as they could catch up with one organization, they would all be bombed.

In their words, we are in front of us for the future of mankind with bayonets. It's fine if you don't help, so why pay me???

Is it an individual???

On the day this matter was confirmed, the former friends and subordinates of the presiding judge Roland could not sit still. Every heroic spirit who had experienced cruel wars and worked and fought with him was petitioning to investigate this matter to the end. Of course, this is only the will of the high-level, if this matter is revealed to the low-level soldiers...

Then you have to fight.

The prestige of the former judge, Roland, among the soldiers at the bottom is incredible, and the reason is very simple, because the veterans of the Forest of the Nine Realms who occupied the main body were all lost on the night of Christmas, and he fished out one by one from the tide of destruction.

They have experienced the most terrifying nightmare, but they persisted in surviving by relying on his little hope, and in following the footsteps of that person, he did not let down these admirers. The flames that skyrocketed were like a kind of belief. Always stay in the hearts of the soldiers, illuminating their way forward.

No one dared to tell the truth to middle-level and basic-level officers and soldiers, because this is likely to arouse the bottom-up movement of the military and even the country.

Of course, these are only on the national level, but on the personal relationship...There is no room for negotiation on this matter.

The man left, but left two women who were saved by him.

Joan of Arc and Marda, two former saints, are now two poles of power in Europe. One is the new President and Judge of the European Union, and the other is the new Pope.

For them, this incident has not touched the bottom line anymore. It was repeated horizontal jumps and deep squats in the midst of corpses and bones.

The cross was a talisman they made personally for their lovers back then, and it was also a storage for the fragments of the man’s soul after leaving their power to them. In their eyes, this incident was not a relic, but a kidnapping.

As for Altria, why didn't she forcibly suppress her anger, as for Morgan Lefy next to her, heh, the less she reacted, the more ruthless she moved her hands.

But now the most dangerous is Joan.

Altria looked forward, and a few meters away, the saint in armor was still in a daze.

After the death of that person, Joan became stronger in the torment of almost infinite regret, so strong that Altria didn't know whether he could defeat it. If the Irish envoy who was about to arrive did not give a statement that everyone could accept I am afraid that she will be killed on the spot.

In Altria's contemplation, the communication outside was connected, and the staff informed everyone in the conference room that the Irish envoy had arrived, which changed the atmosphere of the entire conference room.

The knights of the round table frowned and raised their spirits, while the European heroic spirits clenched their fists as if preparing to fight, and both sides were waiting for the woman named Skaha to show up.

However, to everyone's surprise, the door opened, and a man with blue clothes and blue hair tied a ponytail walked in.

"What's the matter? What about Scarha? How dare she find someone else to attend this kind of meeting?"

"Report your name, and please explain the situation."

Questions continued to sound in the meeting room, and the blue-haired man scratched his head with an unmanageable look.

"My name is Cuchurin, and I am the representative of the Irish conference. This time, my teacher Skarha will attend the conference.

"Teacher? So you are her disciple?"

"Not bad."

In the field of vision, Cu Chulin keenly discovered that three unusually powerful auras were locking him, one was the King of Arashi and the woman in black around him, and the other was the woman in black armor opposite them.

Oh, they are all beautiful women, but this murderous, especially the guy with black armor...

The Irish bulldog swallowed, spreading his hands and confessed:

"I know it's not me you want to see now, but I can't help it."

"Teacher she is missing."

Chapter 54—The Man Who Picked It Up

Roland never dreamed that he would be forced to this point one day.

Whether it was playing around the Roman Empire when he came, or after applying for a viceroy among the heroes, Roland seemed very comfortable. The most common ending of his opponents was that he didn't know how he died, and even the other way around. Become his supporter.

The side effects of his illness made him seldom fight with all his strength, and he has never experienced such a situation where his body is painful and the soul is overwhelmed.

This time the opponent was too strong, so strong that Roland had no idea of ​​defeating him at all for a time, and it is likely that there will be no future.

The comet's running method is still going on, Roland seized all the time to think, thinking about where the illusory life is.

First of all, the most troublesome thing is that Roland's current direction is to go deep into the magical realm, and Hassan's direction is the human area. In fact, according to common sense, Roland should be running there.

But Roland didn't dare.

Switched to the comet running method, he is now Achilles’ deteriorating template, but he does not have the twelve trials of Hercules’ reckless face artifact, and the first generation of Hassan... is a flat-a belt that will die. metamorphosis.

Whether it is split in half or a slight cut with only a small wound, as long as the face becomes dark and you die, you will be ruined. This makes Mr. Roland, who used to play with other dogs in the previous life, dare not try, especially recently. The luck is terrible.

The comet runs fast, but you don't believe it because Hassan will never touch Roland, and he doesn't dare to bet his life.

It’s no longer possible to run back, and run farther and farther in, so what about left and right?

Roland thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

Now his condition is too bad. As soon as the comet run is over, it is estimated that he will find a place to spray tomato juice. Turning left and right instead of running in a straight line is equivalent to shortening the chase distance of the original Hassan in disguise, and what will happen even if he runs out?

His grandma's, there are seventeen Hassan outside!

Roland can basically conclude that in the entire border town of the Demon Realm, one is counted as one, and there are definitely Assassin people squatting. As soon as he appears, he will immediately hit the encirclement net.

The man who flew across the forest quickly touched the blood bottle in his hand, passing through the original blood master's abilities one by one in his mind.

"At night, as long as you persist until the evening..."

The man muttered to himself, his fast-moving body suddenly stiffened, and the expression on his face changed.

Damn, it's out of oil.

Just like the old driver who was drifting on a mountain road but suddenly turned off, Roland's current mood is very complicated. The repeated drastic changes and battles have caused him to use the blood bottle frequently, so that the duration of the effect has begun to be shorter than normal.

This kind of drug resistance change made him unexpected, but what made him even more helpless was the physical exhaustion after using the treasure of Comet Run.

Too tired, that is the feeling of accumulating energy when you move your fingers.

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