My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 467

It was Nero and Roland.

However, neither Nero nor Roland expected that at the end of the difficulties and obstacles, it was not a smooth road, but an iron wall.

"You, you are, Roland?"


When Malda saw the black long-haired boy who walked in and asked this sentence in a trembling voice, Roland's heart was in chaos, and Nero's heart was broken.

How many is this?

I won’t say anything about Joan’s girlfriend's declaration for the time being. Altria’s reaction was also very strange, obviously there was a problem with her man’s past. Nero gritted his teeth and accepted it, but what happened to Malda?

Marda is now the Pope of the Holy See. Most people used to think of her as a merciful, tolerant, kind and gentle saint. Now she is the representative of Bing Qing Yujie. There has never been a scandal. Why can she participate?

Wait, Joan just said that she was a girlfriend. Joan and Marda met. In other words, maybe they just knew each other?

"Under the crown of Marda, our time is urgent. Could you please hold the ceremony immediately?"

Nero stopped Roland who wanted to say something, and tentatively raised this question, only to find that Malda began to waver visible to the naked eye.


With an unnatural expression on the face of the blue long-haired girl, she tried her best to maintain a smile, recovering the brain that had almost stopped working because of being too shocked.

Yes, yes, I am here to bless the Nero couple, but...

"Does your marriage partner refer to the person next to you?"

"Yes, this is Yu's lover."

When Nero said these words decisively, Malda's expression was a little broken, and she stared at Roland for a while in a daze.

Marda had thought about the scene when they met again more than once, and even dreamed of it several times in a dream.

It was in the small church in the early morning. Before the worshippers had entered, the sunlight shone through the ceiling into the somewhat dim room. Malda prayed in front, and then the door was pushed open with a creaking noise, and walked right in. It's a long time no see man.

But after all, it was just a dream. Every time Marda wakes up with her eyes open, she only has an empty room and a pillow soaked in tears. Her joyful expression slowly recedes as she wakes up, finally turning into equal amounts of sadness and loneliness. .

Will see it again, definitely.

She comforted herself silently like this every time, then put on a smiling face, adjusted herself to become the leader of the country for the people, and worked hard to make him proud of herself when we met again.

But what I didn't expect was that the hard work was not rewarded. She and him did meet in the church, but in a way of getting married and blessing people.

"Wait, Your Majesty Nero, I can't bless this person's marriage with others."

Malda shook her head in a panic, and the cross scepter in her hand trembled slightly with her body.

"And now there seems to be a riot outside, right? Well, if this is the case, I think the two of you should temporarily suspend the wedding to solve other problems..."

"There is no need for procrastination! Joan of Arc is already making a lot of noise at Yu's wedding!"


Nero's words surprised Malda. The Pope obviously didn't expect that his good sister would actually do it directly.

"This is the end of the matter. It doesn't matter if there is no blessing, but under the crown of Marda, please don't interfere in the rest of the marriage."

His Majesty the Emperor pulled Roland down to the signing table for the marriage certificate, and severely warned Malda:

"Jan of Arc's behavior has severely damaged the relationship between our two countries. If you also show hostility, I will judge the two countries as hostile countries."

"Jan of Arc may only be due to personal affair, which I can understand to a certain extent, but I believe that you, who love the world deeply, will not ignore the relationship between the two countries, right?"

Nero constrained Malda with words, and stood before the marriage letter with Roland. She picked up the pen and quickly wrote her name. At this moment, Malda was still entangled.

Nero's threat did indeed work, and Malda was suddenly confused in front of the words that seemed like a declaration of war.

As a compassionate saint, Malda naturally wants the people to be happy and healthy, to live at home and work. The deterioration of the relationship between the two countries and even the hostility will naturally affect the people. If it evolves to war, the consequences will be even more disastrous, but. .....

Is it necessary to give up your feelings like this?

The girl was shocked when she watched Nero finish signing and handing the pen to Roland. The moment before Roland started writing, the atmosphere in Malda suddenly changed.


Why do you want to watch him marry someone else here, obviously I am the first?

Why can you not consider the situation of the Roman people, but I have to consider the impact of this incident?

Why can Joan vent her feelings freely, so I must be selfless?

To be strong must be traumatized?Honestly, must you endure silently?

No, it shouldn't be like this.

In this world, honest people should not be bullied!

In front of Roland, who was about to sign with her head down, the silent Malda completed a magical explosion in an instant. The space seemed to be pierced at this moment, and the endless wind surged like a cannonball to surprise. The boy who started.

"Iron! Fist! Saint! Cut!"



"Hey, Gawain, what do you think it was just now?"

"I don't know, but there are screams from the crowd. It seems that another accident has happened."

"Could it be the guys in Europe? Mary and the others were also at the wedding. In this case, the crazy woman should get news."

"Well, it is indeed possible."

In the sacristy showroom in the church, Gawain and Mordred were panting and squeezing their knees, guessing about the shock that just shook the entire building.

The two of them have now put on magic armor, holding weapons covered in dust, and looking out of breath, they have obviously experienced an extremely difficult sports battle.

In fact, it is indeed the case. The side hall where the two of them first escaped from the main hall was now left behind by them, and it was already the fifth room here.

what?Why did the Knights of the Round Table of Britain flee?

Of course I can't beat it!

Mordred panted and thought about the battle that had just happened, and his whole body was a little trembling.

What kind of monster is that Hercules?

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