My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 472

Or is it... clairvoyance?

Roland's golden pupil squinted slightly. He remembered that the sage Chiron said that he was outside the observation range, so according to common sense, he should not be able to see him with clairvoyance, or it was actually because Chiron's clairvoyance level was too low. So I can't see it?

There are many ideas in his mind, but Roland can't hold back and re-formulate his strategy now. The long-haired boy nodded at Skaha.

"Okay, unarmed combat, unlimited moves."

After the two parties confirmed the project, they started slowly approaching a fairly flat area on the roof, and Skaha took out a knife and threw it into the sky:

"Start with landing."

"it is good."

At this moment, the two sides looked at each other attentively, waiting for the moment the knife fell, Roland's face was serious, and Skaha still smiled without any tension.


When the sound of the falling metal hitting the stone sounded, Roland's body burst out with a bright light, rushing out like a change of shape, but Skaha did not respond.

Go ahead!

These two words appeared in Roland's mind when he launched the attack, and then he started his own stormy attack.

Now that he has the first move, he may be countered once he relaxes slightly, so there is only one solution, and that is to keep attacking until the enemy falls.

Standing like a knife, Roland's left hand cut directly to Skaha's temple, and at the same moment, his right hand held back and waited for Skaha's response.

To hide or block?No matter which one is next, there will be continuous attacks!

Roland's eyes flashed, waiting for the opponent's decision, but to his surprise, Skaha did not dodge or resist, but made the same move, the same left-handed knife.


Roland was surprised at this moment. He estimated the time of the two hand-knife hits and found that it was the same moment.

The first trick is all gone?

What kind of trick is this?

The young man who thought about this stepped back and accepted the move, and began to prepare to meet the opponent's pursuit, but something unexpected happened to him again, and Skaha actually let the anti-mobile phone go without action.

Roland steadied his footsteps, watching the smiling Skaha bursts of bad feelings in his heart. The move just now made him a little weird.

Normally, if he moves first, it is almost impossible for the opponent to make the same moves as him but hit with him, because Skarha's speed is not much faster than Roland. She has observed Roland's moves. Doing the same action again takes time to imitate.

And this time difference is also the reason why it is actually difficult to perform the magical skill of using the other way to the other body.

Of course, there are exceptions, that is, predicting his tricks in advance and issuing them at the same time. To do this, the other party needs to know him absolutely, or the other party can predict the future.

"Clairvoyance? Minyan's words can only evade beyond common sense. No, no, there is no magic response. Even if it is clairvoyance, the minimum magic power is..."

Roland stood there a little unable to advance or retreat, he settled down for a moment and decided to try again.

The next step was an offensive like a gust of wind and raging waves. Roland ejected like a cannonball, and directed a set of Combo towards Skaha.

As a direct disciple of the Greek fighting master Chiron, Roland's combos can almost be described as airtight. From boxing, elbow, knee kick to special attacks on vital parts, attacks with more than ten digits lasted within a second. It took half a minute.

This is Roland's ultimate explosion. It is the power and speed that can be achieved only by relying on power and ability. Among the Greek spirits, Achilles, who is the fastest and most capable, can only defend before Roland's actions are completed.

Then, in Roland's full-strength powerful attack, Skaha raised his mouth.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, come on as much as you like."

She whispered.

Chapter One Hundred and Eleven

The violent fists squeezed the air to make a detonation, the burning flame was blown away by the spray of magic power, and Roland's Pancrasing at this time had reached the peak so far.

The Pancrasing taught by Chiron is not a fighting performance in the arena, but a real killing technique. In actual combat, it can be described as deadly. Even Achilles, the strongest player of this thing, does not practice often.

As for how Roland learns and trains, it depends on Hercules, an honest Greek.

It's hard to break the defense up and down, and it's okay if you miss it. It's a perfect human-shaped battle machine.

The premise is not to be beaten to death.

And now, under the unpredictable strength of the enemy, Roland's Pankrasin has gone one step further, taking it to the next level in this actual combat.

Clairvoyance is indeed a terrible ability. If someone uses clairvoyance to predict actions, it will be an overwhelming disadvantage to anyone. What should we do about this situation?

When Roland and People's Teacher Chiron were in the war, they thought that there were only three solutions to this situation.

First, a wide range of group injury skills.

The enemy can predict that if you can't hit a single point, then throw aoe. Anyone who breathes nearby will be beaten, so the enemy is naturally included.

Second, the super high speed that cannot be avoided.

The move is predicted, it doesn't matter, as long as you play fast, his evasive action will not keep up with you.

Third, find opportunities in close hand-to-hand combat.

What should I do when the opponent cannot be killed by a large-scale group injury skill, and the speed of both parties is basically the same?The only way to crack it is close combat.

In the final analysis, clairvoyance is a kind of visual observation. Then when the opponent sees the predicted content, it is sent back to the brain, and after thinking, the brain sends instructions to avoid action. This is different from normal battles. There is a time difference in thinking. .

And this time difference is the only chance to win.

Intense close combat can make the users of this branch of Clairvoyance—Future Vision fatigued too much, and the probability of making mistakes will be higher and higher during successive attacks.

Just like now, Roland didn't know if Skaha had such a clairvoyance to see through the future, but it was definitely right to go up and down.

The continuous sound of blows resounded on the roof of the church, and the collapsed tower smashed into the two fighting men. They were directly beaten into fragments flying upside down by the aftermath of the fist. Roland's punching speed became faster and faster, and the whole person felt that he had entered State, hearty.

What's the number of combos?Or is it thousands?

Roland didn't know, but he knew that the opponent's defense was indeed getting more and more difficult. In the beginning, Skaha tried to interrupt him, but now he is barely defending.

Hurry, hurry, hurry...

The long-haired boy gritted his teeth, seeking another breakthrough, and then in his efforts, a gentle smile came out.

"are you happy?"


"You feel happy to be with me, right?"

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