My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 494

After sighing helplessly, Roland hugged Skaha for the first time, a little painful with strength.

"I know that you don't take your life seriously, and you have been pursuing death, but you also think about me, don't you know me best?"

"If you can't come back, do you think I will live here alone? In think I can give up Nero and give up my fellow Greeks, which will drag you down to live. Coward?"


Roland’s words made Scarha wrinkled. In the long observation, she naturally knew the choices that the teenager would make, but she still wanted to give it a try. This time she wanted to see if he could forget everything about the outside world. She stayed on.

"I'm sorry, Skaha, I wasted your thoughts."

Roland felt the tenderness in his arms, and his heart was full of guilt. Skaha tried his best to make him avoid death, but now he wants to go back to send it, which is a waste of everything the woman has done.

"No, I am willing. I have known this kind of result a long time ago, but I don't want to admit it, and I can't stand it... If I can't stand it, you die again."


The strange words in Skaha's mouth made Roland a little confused, but after thinking about it, the boy didn't study it deeply. After holding it for a while, the Queen separated and said something that made Roland's back hurt.

"Tonight, stay with me for a while."

"Uh, this..."

"Also, there are some things I need to let you know."

Skaha stroked the boy's cheek and said.

In front of me.jpg

Chapter 128: Familiar Night, Familiar Taste

The next day went smoothly. After understanding each other's thoughts, the two began their final preparations.

Skaha is not an unreasonable person. More importantly, it cannot be prevented if it is unreasonable. Magic is of little use to Roland. Unless she takes care of it 24 hours a day, she has no way to truly Limit Roland's.

The project of simulating the gate of the demon land ended, and Roland also asked how Scarha discovered him out of curiosity.

"How did you find it? First of all, you didn't show up by the window."

Skaha pointed to the black castle on the cliff, his pupils flashed red and said:

"Normally, because of the reason that the gate of the demon world will appear when I come back, you will always watch the window if you sense the fluctuation of the magic power? There is nothing interesting in the shadow country, it is difficult to imagine that you will be attracted."

"Because of this? How do you know I'm nearby?"

"Because of these ghosts."

Skaha pointed to the nearby ghosts again, and Roland couldn't help but wonder after taking a look.

"What's wrong with these things?"

"They shouldn't have appeared here, because I have walked this road. Generally speaking, they will stay away from this place for a few hours, but they found out when they came back today. They should have been attracted to the neighborhood by the breath of people. And the living person in the Kingdom of Shadows is now only you."


Roland stared at the ghost who started running away to keep a safe distance after Skaha returned. He had found the cause of his failure. In the end, the two returned to the castle together and started life again.

To be honest, Roland feels depraved here in Skaha. He used to work in Greece year-round. Although the salary is very high, he occasionally wants to take vacations. This trip to the Kingdom of Shadows is considered a rest. .

But when it comes to Skaha, the Irish people have a strict image of a teacher. To some extent, the Kingdom of Shadows is also the land of many heroes, especially the nightmare land of Cú Chulainn and the like, where Mr. Big Dog bleeds. Sweating, but the same person did not die, but Mr. Roland was fragrant and spicy.

Of course, Mr. Roland, who is guilty of Skarhar, can no longer be served by others. He decisively cooks a lamb chop by himself, while Skarhar finally uses his own vegetable reserve to make an Irish homework Roland doesn't know the name of the dish, but to put it bluntly it is vegetable stew with lamb.

The vegetables added are the usual ones. Carrots and potatoes are indispensable, but I didn’t expect to add barley. The seasoning is also very good. Although Skaha doesn’t know how to make much, it may be too much. The reasons for many times are still excellent.

Irish people’s taste for soup is not the same as that of Frenchmen on the other side of the Strait. France has more thick soup, while Irish people prefer clear soup. So the taste of Skaha’s stew is more suitable for Roland’s taste and there is no fishy smell. .

Perhaps it is the reason why I know that the time together is not long, Skarha made a cocktail again today, but this time he was a lot more sophisticated.

First, mix Irish whiskey and brown sugar into a cup, turn the cup at an angle, and bake it with a flame. When the two merge together, pour in the freshly burned Mandheling coffee, and finally pour the fresh cream into the glass. seal.

Skaha's series of operations are skillful and beautiful. Although the preparation process is much more complicated than other cocktails, it is not impatient but makes people feel pleasing. Roland can only sigh about this. Skaha is beautiful and beautiful. Cool, that mysterious and unpredictable temperament seems to fit well with the female bartender.

However, Roland didn’t just watch Skaha's cocktails. This complicated brewing process was too discriminatory. It reminded him of a story he had heard. The teenager stared at Skaha's two cocktails. After a while, he asked:

"......Irish coffee?"

"Well, although it's actually only this whiskey that is related to Ireland, it fits my taste."

Skaha put two glasses of wine in front of Roland and smiled, and asked with some mischief:

"Then please, which cup is mine?"

"Forget it, the Queen, you decide for yourself."

"Is that so? I finally have the right to choose."

Roland smiled bitterly and threw the decision-making power to the joking Skaha. He drank the rest of the cup. This is different from the past. The misunderstanding between the two has been resolved, so naturally there is no need to guard against.

And Roland now has a very special affection for Skaha in her heart. She really added the ingredients today, and Roland will drink it in every drop.

The teenager gently stretched out his hand to pinch the foot of the cup. The cup is still a little hot due to the burning and the heat of the coffee. He looked at the cup of Irish coffee in silence, not knowing what to say for a while.

Flowers have a flowery language, but wine may not have the meaning of wine. Most wines have no stories or legends, but the cocktail called Irish Coffee is different.

There is a short story about this glass of wine. It is probably that the bartender at Dublin Airport in Ireland fell in love with a flight attendant. Unfortunately, the lady doesn’t like wine and only orders coffee every time. The bartender is very troubled by this, so she mixes wine and coffee to create For this cocktail, the name Irish coffee was added to the menu, and it was only seen by the girl a long time later.

Legend has it that when the bartender made this cup of coffee, he shed tears because of his excitement, and touched his tears around the edge of the cup, but it was a pity that the girl left the job and returned to her hometown, and the two never saw each other.

To be honest, some cleanliness Roland condemned the bartender’s tearing behavior in the story. After all, this story should be just a fabricated gimmick, but because of this story, this glass of wine has some different meanings, especially When a bartender spontaneously mixes it for you.

This cocktail symbolizes the love of watching and waiting. It is known as the fermented taste of love and miss. The mellow and astringent coffee, the sweetness of cream and sugar, and the taste of whiskey mixed together really look like love.

This is a glass of wine that goes well with Skaha, and it goes well with the current situation.

"What's wrong? With such a heavy expression, it seems that you know a little story about this wine?"

"Well, I didn't expect you to know this kind of thing."

"Although it is not up to date, I still know a lot about wine. After all, we called it the water of life at the beginning, and... this wine is not my favorite taste, but It's really like me."

Roland heard Skaha's words and looked at the cocktail in her hand. Although Skaha has always deliberately ignored the process of getting acquainted with Roland before, based on her understanding of Roland, the time of acquaintance should have been quite long. Up.

"However, I am different from that bartender."


"The people in the story didn't convey their feelings in the end. They could only watch the loved ones leave. I was like this in the past, but it's different now."

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