My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 606

On the other side, Semiramis, who was protected by the magic bullet, moved forward much faster. There were as many as dozens of purple chains circling around her. They could spread out to shoot through the enemy line and gather together. It can also be used as a shield to protect the safety of Semiramis.

The concentration of nearby ether is much higher than usual, which also strengthens Semiramis. Strictly speaking, these chains are magical in nature. In this environment, the strength and reaction speed have also been greatly improved, and the repair ability has also become Even more outstanding.

A man and a woman in the sky garden began to meet inside and outside, and outside the sky fortress, under the silver iron curtain, the forces of Uruk began to gradually react.

Roland had already separated from Ishtar and Ile at this time, because Roland needed to go to the Lan group headquarters, and Ishtar and Ile, as the native gods, also needed to summon the companions of the Semiramis team.

The Lan team and Ishtar’s team have experienced several battles before, and the relationship between them is really not good. It is in the eventful autumn, Roland has no time to organize any sorority, and now he can only manage his own affairs, and then look for them. Opportunity to resolve conflicts.

After losing the superior of Semiramis, Ishtar has become the true leader of this team, but it is still not enough to rely on her command, because Ishtar cannot represent Babylon, so I think twice. , Roland thought of such an idea for her.

"Go to Gilgamesh and let him take the lead temporarily before Semiramis is rescued."

"Huh? Why should I listen to that guy? It's not enough if we rescue ourselves."

"This incident is not that simple. We will provide linkage support centered on Gilgamesh. In this way, we can help each other in time if there is a problem on either of us."

"Ishtar, let go of your grievances at this time, the most important thing for us now is to rescue Semiramis!"

The solemn warning of Ereshkigal made the long-haired goddess gritted her teeth unwillingly, and finally agreed with her holding her head.

"Ah, really, I just listen to him once, and only this time!"

The unconvinced Ishtar and the serious Ile left in this way, and Roland immediately came to the Lan Group headquarters and began further preparations.

Thanks to the quitting of another Venus goddess, Quézar Koyatl, Roland and others finally have a large air vehicle like the wind god pterosaur. After a little explanation of the situation, the heroes of the Lan team also expressed Willing to accompany Roland to meet the monsters in the sky for a while.

"Big sister, I don't think it's a problem. In fact, I have nowhere to go except you. I will help. This is the same as we said before."

The blond goddess said this and showed his attitude, Roland no longer shy away from this, and directly connected to Gilgamesh in the tower.

"You goddess is so noisy."

"Huh? If it wasn't for Roland, do you think I would listen to you?"

"Hey, it's already connected, are you two enough?"

The long-haired young man in the Lan group reminded Gilgamesh and Ishtar who were arguing for some reason on the other side of the terminal. After they discovered Roland, the fight ended and the three parties began a formal meeting.

The whole meeting went smoothly. The three parties first declared their willingness to participate in the rescue this time, and then formally announced that they would let go of their grievances and would never attack each other during the rescue process. After reaching a peace agreement, they began to formulate strategies. .

This incident happened too suddenly and within a short period of time. Gilgamesh believes that the three parties need to keep some strength on land to prevent further changes in the situation, and the elite forces that have the ability to fly or use vehicles to fly will give their full support. Suspected trapped sky garden.

"But, how do we know the position of the sky garden in this situation? The sky has become like that, and I can't feel anything."

When discussing the rescue, Ishtar first raised this question. Gilgamesh looked at Roland in silence when he heard the words, and the young man with long black hair smiled.

"Don't worry, people on my side have a way."

Chapter 88—Offensive and Defensive Battle in the Sky

Thousands of meters in the sky, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon have become a battlefield.

Countless silver monsters of various types have gathered in the square, looking from a distance like a silver wave hitting the hall in front, and at the gate of the palace, Semiramis finally fought bravely to get here. Amakusa took his head.

"Shiro! How are you..."

"I'm worried about you, so I can't help but come out and take a look."

The long-eared woman looked at the young man with a lot of scars on her body and was worried for a while, but in the face of many enemies, this worry was quickly transformed into anger towards the monsters. The purple chain was like a fountain, in just a short time. The explosion within the time shot at all silver monsters in all directions.

Shisada Amakusa launched a fierce attack at the same moment, and the nine black keys in his hand shot out like a flying knife, successively killing the powerful monsters. With a swipe of the sword, a monster was divided into two.

With the tacit cooperation of the two, the enemies in the distance were bombed to death by Semiramis, and the nearby ones were cut in front of the formation by Amakusa. The rapid killing quickly wiped out the nearby monsters, Semiramis. Si seized the opportunity to close the gate of the palace and finally blocked the enemy out temporarily.

"Huh, it's dangerous...Shiro, don't do this anymore."

After passing through the crisis, Semiramis began to tell Amakusa to resolutely oppose men's danger. After a warm exchange, the two quickly crossed the hall and came between the thrones.

The door closed again, and the sound reverberated between the thrones. Semiramis immediately took action after entering the center of the sky garden. The sky garden magic collector and reactor heart were operating at full capacity and began a counterattack.

As a magician, Semiramis is really good at not just playing with chains. In fact, because of Roland's reminder, Her Majesty has made a lot of "gadgets" recently.

"Go out, Dragonfang Soldier, Graeme!"

Beginning with Semiramis’s words, the hidden doors in the sky garden opened one after another. The huge magic power in the garden magic furnace was injected into everything that was done before through Semiramis’s control. In a soldier's body, a pair of eyes began to light up in the dark secret door.

Five thousand Dragon Tooth soldiers, two thousand Grahams, this is the upper limit of the sky garden can reserve troops, but just this is scary enough.

The dragon-tooth soldier, who wins by number, will be strengthened in the sky garden, and even some have the ability to fly. Graham is relatively stronger in combat effectiveness, and its individual strength even surpasses the wild counterparts in the demon realm.

With such a large military force and the cover of the sky garden, it is more than enough to push down a small country, and Semiramis's means are more than that. Inside the palace gates, each machine is opened, and they have been deployed. Green poisonous gas began to spread in the hall.

"Although it is not a powerful method, it is enough to delay time."

Semiramis sat on the throne, looking at the silver sky behind the red lake above.

"The rest is just waiting."


"This time the rescued lineup is really luxurious, if it is this lineup, there should be no problem."

Within the Lan team, Yuan Laiguang and others looked at the list of rescue teams formed by the three forces, and they couldn't help but feel shocked and their confidence doubled.

First of all, it is the hero of Babylon Gilgamesh, who has all the treasures in the world, has no shortage of flying vehicles. His vehicle is a huge spaceship named Vimana from Indian mythology, which is gold and The light boat formed by emeralds can soar in the sky, and has a powerful attack power.

Next in the second echelon are Roland and Ishtar, fierce men who have the ability to fly. Garner is also one of them, but because his flying nature is the release of magic power, it consumes magic power. , Naturally a little worse than the two who are born to float.

After that is Quetzal Koyatl, the feathered snake god, who can freely summon the wind god pterosaur can be said to be the largest vehicle provider this time, and it is really for the heroes without the noble flying ability. After helping her a lot, Oda Nobunaga, who was not able to fly well but was barely able to fly while standing on the gun, came next.

The Leopard Man, Gen Yoshimitsu and the most important envoy, Suzuka Gozen, used the Fengshen pterosaur as a vehicle to accompany the army.

The supernatural power she possessed as a sorceress was a mysterious and mysterious thing, and she itself was blessed with treasures and wisdom, and was even more powerful, a treasure that knew everything--three thousand worlds.

This treasure is to place Suzuka’s weapons under direct fire from Asahi to create three thousand great worlds...that is, all worlds, even parallel worlds can be created and viewed in Taito. Thus, it becomes possible to calculate the future, confirm all the possibilities of oneself, and be able to choose the best solution to the event.

Simply put, it is a powerful ability similar to omniscience.

However, as the so-called being strong is often accompanied by a price, opening this treasure not only requires Suzuka Gozen to be in the state of the front treasure, the blessing of wisdom, but also keeps her close to the past posture, or it will be transformed into The demon has lost the protection of humanity, so the opening time of this treasure is as short as possible.

This time Roland hoped that Suzuka Imperial Front could accompany him, because no one knew the thickness of the cloud, and the status behind it was also unclear. Taking into account so many factors, it was naturally the best choice to get the Princess of the Heavenly Demon aboard. Of course, Roland will personally accompany her throughout to protect her safety.

After selecting the characters for the expedition, the members of the Lan team boarded the Fengshen pterosaurs to set off, and the others were temporarily placed under the command of the ground commander Enqidu. The three parties gathered above the agreed city, the world’s most arrogant Mr. Jin The local tyrant aircraft was witnessed by many people below the city and caused a great sensation.

But now everyone has no time to care about these unnecessary things. Gilgamesh looked around and found that everyone was already there and immediately ordered to set off. The group of people leaned against the surging sky of silver light. past.


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