My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 84


The years cycle again, one year later.

Yin Lan was sitting in the dark secret room. On the table in front of him, there was quietly placing a gleaming, crystal clear seed.

"This is the final form of the growth concept heart."

Yuser stared at the crystal seed feverishly, and said with a trembling voice: "It can use the power of the receptor to grow and continuously absorb and evolve. With its ability, no matter how powerful it is, it is possible to absorb it."

"Of course, the side effect is that you have to contact Arthur frequently, and you need to resonate between the two hearts every once in a while. Just so, let Morgan stay with Arthur in the name of brother and sister until the heart is exhausted. Her strength."

He raised his head and looked at the young man at the table.

"Now, my task is complete, it's your turn."

He stretched out his hand and pushed the container containing the seeds to Yin Lan.

"You who know her state best, put it in Morgan's heart."

Chapter 76 Morgan's Diary (5/6)

Yin Lan walked through the complicated palace, walked through the corridor he had walked countless times in the past few years, and came to the familiar door.

Behind that door, Morgan was falling asleep under the influence of sleep magic. Uther had made all the preparations, only waiting for Yin Lan to personally put the seed of absorbing life into the hearts of his students for the sake of Britain's justice.

He stood still in front of the door. He had always maintained a clear mind under the influence of power, but now he is in a mess.

Usser's previous words echoed in his ears.

"What are you hesitating about, don't be pretentious, you have no feelings at all."

"Go, put it in Morgan's heart, and our long-cherished wish for many years will come true!"

The indisputable righteousness is like a blade on his back. The young man understands that this is a major move to save Britain and even the human world. It is also the core of the final battle plan for more than ten years. Under this perfect plan , Their gain will far exceed sacrifice.

And even if it’s personal affair, even if it’s personal affair, even if it’s a personal relationship, even if you are a father, you can sacrifice his daughter cruelly. What reason does Yin Lan, who is just a mentor, stop?

He stood in front of the door like a sculpture for a long time, and finally pushed in.

Behind the door is the girl's bedroom. Yin Lan waits for Morgan outside the door almost every day, but has never entered the room. Now, the girl's private realm is open to him for the first time. He settled and began to look around the room.

The entrance is the pink full of girls' hearts. The room is a bit messy. On one side are piles of animal puppets of various colors, and on the other side are many books and instruments, like a desk area like a magician's workshop.

In the deep part of the room, on the comfortable and luxurious princess bed, the petite and exquisite girl was sleeping soundly on her side. Yin Lan paused for a moment, and walked towards the bed.

There was another long silence. Yin Lan stood by the bed and looked at the figure who was getting along with him day and night. Her face was still a poker face that no one could see, but she slowly stretched out her trembling hand, but it touched his heart. The betrayal is not peaceful.

He stretched out his hand to hold the girl's arm, Morgan, who was lying on his side, turned over to lie flat, and with the movement, the heavy notebook in the girl's arms slipped to the ground.

Yin Lan moved for a while, and he bent over and picked up the note that fell on his feet. Maybe it was to delay time, maybe it was just curiosity that he had never seen before. At that moment, the young ghost opened it with awkwardness.

"This is... a diary?"

The trembling hand stopped, Yin Lan looked at the heavy diary, for some reason, suddenly wanted to know the inner world of the girl.

What is Morgan's life like?Happy?Sad?Does she have any unfulfilled wishes?Maybe, I can help her finish.

With these questions, Yin Lan hesitated for a moment, and finally opened the diary and began to quickly scan the diary.

In the diary composed of children’s handwritings that make people laugh, the first half is basically some simple thoughts and running account-style descriptions. This is probably part of the girl’s literature class homework. The content format is quite boring. Only words that miss my father have some personal touches.

No meaningful content.

Yin Lan thought so, his hand slowly slowed down, but just as he was about to give up, a diary suddenly attracted his attention.

July 29th, sunny

I saw the new teacher today. The teacher is very young and beautiful, but he doesn't smile and seems very strict. Maybe the teacher doesn't like me. Be careful not to make a mistake.


Yin Lan stared at this brief diary.

it's me?

Was Morgan's first impression of himself like this?

He was stunned for a moment, and Morgan's description of him aroused his interest. He thought about it, and then began to look through it again.

There were several pages of current accounts and missing records, and pages of diaries were turned over. It was not until more than ten days after the date that Yin Lan found out about herself again.

August 15th, sunny

Today I forgot to do my homework, but the teacher didn't mean to me and gave me macarons. Although there was still no smile, the teacher didn't seem to hate me.

It was still a short diary, Yin Lan paused for a moment and continued to turn back.

September 1, overcast

Today the teacher officially taught me magic tricks. It’s amazing, but I can’t learn it. The teacher has been teaching me. Although he doesn’t laugh, he still leaves homework, but the teacher is a good person.

October 25th, sunny

Today the teacher praised me, he said that I am a good boy, so happy.

The young man smiled unconsciously, he continued to look through it, and took over the content of the diary as Morgan grew older, and the length of the diary became longer, and the frequency of Yin Lan's appearance gradually increased.

February 1, sunny

The place for class today is the zoo.

Although it is a zoo, it is not a real zoo.

It is a zoo created by the teacher's magic to recall animal souls.

The elephant is so tall, the rabbit is so cute, and the giraffe!

The teacher started to smile recently, not the mask-like smile, but the real happy smile.

The teacher treats me very well, but always treating me like a child makes me angry. Morgan is no longer a child, but a lady!

In other words, how old is the teacher and me?


October 22, overcast

A strange person was found during the journey, and a battle broke out. The bad guy jumped into the sea and turned into a monster!

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