My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 90

The young man stroked the forehead of the witch in his arms and said with a smile:

"The moment I saw you, I understood, Uther looked away."

"Although you are protected by the power of the island, you are a mysterious darling, but you also have the possibility of heroic spirits, so you can break my great enchantment, and therefore I did not let you indulge in enjoyment as Yousser said. Is really teaching you."

"It turns out that I was right."

Yin Lan looked at the broken golden enchantment and sighed with relief.

"You, and Lily, you have unlimited possibilities. It is because of you that I believe that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, there is still a future in this world, and it must be us who will win."

"And what I have to do is to protect you well before the wings are full. You are different from me, but the hope for the future."

"But... there is no such future without you."

Morgan choked with tears, his scarred hands firmly grasping the youth's clothes.

"It is true that the ending of death is contrary to my original intention at the beginning. Once the mystery completely erodes the world, I will not be able to protect myself. In the beginning, I was actually driven by reason to train others to fight instead of me for this reason."

"However, during the training process, a little girl restored my feelings, and my thoughts gradually changed."

Yin Lan gently wiped away tears for Morgan, and said with a smile: "Compared with the fear of watching you die in front of me, death is not that terrible, and I don’t know why, I always feel that I will not die completely. What if there is a miracle?"

"There is no miracle! Don't go! Please..."

Yin Lan smiled bitterly at the tears that were wiping away more and more. He knew that Morgan would not accept his ideas anyway.

"I'm sorry, Morgan."

He stretched out his hand to stroke the witch's platinum-gold hair, and the light of the sleeping magic lit up, and Morgan, who was seriously injured, immediately became drowsy. She desperately resisted, but was helpless.

"No, I want..."

She struggled to grasp the youth's clothes, and after two lines of tears slipped down, her eyes finally slowly closed.

Yin Lan didn't move. He stroked Morgan, who was crying and sleeping, thinking about the disaster that had appeared countless times in his dream-the mass extinction.

"Time is running out."

He lowered his head and looked at the hopeful muttering in the eyes of the witch in his arms.

"Become stronger Morgan, become stronger and stronger, strong enough to overcome all difficulties, strong enough that no one can stop it, and then live."

He leaned over and kissed her softly on the forehead as he did on that day more than twenty years ago, sending parting blessings.

"May your life be happy and healthy, may your path be bright and brilliant, and may your soul be peaceful after wind and rain."

"Goodbye, Morgan."

The golden light flashed and the figure disappeared, leaving only the sleeping witch under the protection of the elves.

Chapter 81 Choices in Parliament (4/6)

A few days ago.

10 Downing Street, the prime minister's residence.

At the large walnut desk, Kay pulled his hair, trying to recall every word and sentence Merlin said in his sleep.

Votigung's conspiracy, Britain's crisis, Lily's situation.

A lot of unfavorable news circulated in his mind, making Kai a headache for a while.

"Clang clang."

"Come in."

After knocking on the door slightly out of rhythm, Kai's deputy walked in. At this time, the tall man, who was always known for his calmness, walked into the room with a tremor and placed the documents in his hand in front of Kai.

"Your Excellency, the research institute's data has come out. In the past 24 hours, Britain's ether concentration has soared and has exceeded the Allison warning level. The research institute thinks this may be, is it..."

"Magic Tides."

"...Not bad."

Kai opened the mouth and said the words that were feared like a tiger. He glanced at the documents on the table, and didn't even turn it over.

"What else did the Royal Academy say?"

"This, they also said that at the current rate, the magic tide will trigger the fall of civilization after 217 hours, and the whole of Britain will be affected."

The adjutant looked slightly puzzled at Kai, who was still calm after hearing the news, while the latter silently got up and walked to the window, quietly lighting a cigarette.

"What did the think tank say?"

"...After nearly tens of millions of quantum calculations, they concluded that 76% of this mutation may have been caused by the Humble King Votigeng, and 11% were errors in the different dimensions of the Great Enchantment. , 8% are the radical sabotage actions of Ireland, the European Union, the Pacific Federation and other countries, and 5% are dozens of other very unlikely conjectures."

"Oh, what about the coping strategy."

"Uh, this, this, is still under discussion."

After the adjutant stammered, he found that the Prime Minister in front of him was neither surprised nor angry. He was just blowing smoke rings in front of the window, and seemed to know everything.

After a cigarette time, Kai pinched the cigarette butt and finally gave the order, letting the adjutant who was fidgeting in silence breathe a sigh of relief.

"Get your car and go to the house."


Nearly a day after the start of the magic tide, the meeting representing the highest class of Britain was finally held at Buckingham Palace.

The senior officials and dignitaries of the House of Lords gathered here at this time, but unlike when they were fighting for the number of reinforcements a few days ago, the needle in the House of Lords at this time can be heard, and the heads of the various consortiums and nobles are full of clouds.

In fact, everyone hasn't figured out what happened. Compared with the Mordred rebellion in which intelligence was clear and even involved, the current tide of magic is so terrifying and unknown.

How did it happen?How to deal with it?These big people are waiting for answers. They believe that the man, the sage of Britain, will let the round table boy who was the prime minister deliver the necessary information.

The door opened and Kay walked in amidst the singing of the guard.

The big figures in the House of Lords winked at each other, and after an insincere greeting, finally a humble nobleman stood up and attacked the newly appointed Prime Minister on behalf of all.

"Your Excellency, since yesterday, the concentration of magic power throughout Britain has been rising. It is rumored that this is a tide of magic power. How do you think about this matter?"

"Oh, this thing."

The calm-faced Knight of the Round Table stared at the front and said faintly, "This is the tide of magic."


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