My idol is super cute

My idol is super cute Chapter 1135

Akwa was silent for a while, and the live broadcast room became silent.

"What's the matter?" Akwa asked suspiciously.

Although the audience can't hear their communication, they can still communicate by themselves.

"The person chosen by Mo Ge Ge is our newcomer." Qiancao Hana said: "The newcomer who just came last month, a very clear and sensible child."

"I'm like this?" Kagura Meiya answered casually.

"Ahem, as clear as Mei Ya who sings seriously." Qiancao Hana said: "Mo Ge Ge will not harm her, right? She seems to like PUBG this game, and the game is not bad."

"How good is it?" Kagura Meiya continued.

"Well... I brought Jinghua to eat chicken before." Qiancao Hana said: "This is not the point. The point is that Mo Gege will not harm her, right?"

"Should not?" Kagura Meiya said with some uncertainty: "Liang Mo is still very sure about bringing new people or something, don't you see that I am fine now? Don't worry, Liang Mo is very righteous. Yes, I will not cheat my friends."

Qiancao Hana couldn't help but feel a little scared, just because you became like this, Sister Xing became neurotic, Chuuxue started to have a black belly...

Although there are reasons for their nature, Qiancao Hana still feels that Liang Mo is indispensable...

Chapter 934

"Well, if we close the wheat for too long, netizens will have opinions." Akwa said, "I'm driving."

Even if they started the delay, they were still talking from the point of view of netizens. Suddenly they were silent for too long, and many people would just quit.

Not all single pushers are loyal. Some people listen to the live broadcast while doing other things. When there is no sound here, they may just run away and go to someone else.

"Okay." Qiancao Hana had no choice but to hope that her friends would ask for happiness.


"Hello, little sister, how old are you." Liang Mo laughed very strangely.

At this time, the game hadn't started and everyone hadn't flown yet. He had some time for this girl to introduce herself and drain her traffic.

Liang Mo still didn't care to help with such trivial matters.

"I... from a human point of view, I am fifteen years old, but I am actually 217 years old..." Yusu MANA's voice was a little weak.

"Well, what's your name?" Liang Mo said.

Yousu MANA has experience playing with Jinghua, knows what Liang Mo is doing at this time, and doesn't have stage fright: "My name is Yousu MANA, I like to play horror games, my height is 155cm..."

"Where are the measurements?" Liang Mo continued to ask.

"This, this can't be said..." Youqi MANA felt that Liang Mo was much bolder than Jinghua.

"Tsk, this is the only issue that everyone cares about!" Liang Mo said with a dissatisfied expression: "Then you scream O'Neill, I will show you how good are you?"

'Mo pigeon pigeon is too cruel, but I like it.'

'Yes, measurements are the real issue that needs to be cared about.'

'The child's voice is so small.'

'It feels like using ASMR's voice?'

'listen well.'

'What's the address of the live broadcast room?I'll order a subscription.'

'what?Is this point subscribed?Your subscription is too cheap.'

The people in the tubing are different from those in Xiaopozhan. Here, it seems very rare to order a subscription, just like asking for money.

If you don’t watch it at Xiaopozhan, you may follow the order and support it. This is the legendary DD split technology.

"Ouni-chan..." Although Yusu MANA was shy, she still called out.

'Fuck it, so soft, I want to record it.'

'Recorded, I use this to coax myself to sleep every night.'

'Please share.'

"Yeah, really good." Liang Mo put on Youqi MANA's Twitter account, YouTube room number, and Youqi MANA's vertical painting.

Due to the rush of preparations, this time it is impossible to be a linked live broadcast of two LIVE 2D.

"By the way, your voice is very soft." Liang Mo said: "I think my Sheila will like you."

'Grass, why is it your Sheila?'

'Xie La Guan Mo Ge Ge called her brother, and Mo Ge Ge paid for her 3D character.'

'Jing Ge Ge said that it was because he finally got drunk Mo Ge Ge, he agreed to come down.'

"Mo pigeon is bleeding, 3D seems to be expensive, right?'

'My brother can change to a 3D, Jingge pigeon earns it.'

'It's not good. After all, Jingge Pigeon was tricked into HOMOLIVE for three months. Traveling back to China became a part-time job.'

'Is it so real?'

'Tsk, Mo Gege is so foolish, MANA sauce makes two calls, see what can be fooled, more points.'

"Xie Lachan, we chatted together, but I haven't linked together, eh... it's very rare for her to broadcast live." Yusu MANA said: "Can you take me with you in this game?"

"No way." Liang Mo said.

"Why not? So many people have participated, why can't you take me, just take me." Yusu MANA's voice became soft.

Having experienced the baptism of various girls, Liang Mo has absolutely no resistance to this kind of voice.

"Well, take you with you, why, do you want to form a team with me in the charity tournament?" Liang Mo said: "I can take you to lie down and win."

"Hehehe...For charity, I would like to team up with Senior Cat Palace." Yusu MANA said.

Charity plugs and exhibition games do not involve bonuses, but she wants to observe the cat boss's style up close.

After all, the cat boss is recognized as the number one FPS game among all VTUBE.

The FPS games mentioned here are of the CS GO category, not the chocolate and vanilla ones.

"Okay, I will arrange it for you then." Liang Mo said.

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