My idol is super cute

My idol is super cute Chapter 1194

If Liang Mo's side is a bit tougher, you can completely deduct the fire and let the non-fire go to the air. The contract will be fulfilled normally, and the performance will be separated. But this is a situation where the fish is dead and the net is broken. It's not necessary.

'Should we stop thinking about it?This year is good for both parties.'

'We don't have local tyrants, and we don't focus on Xiaopo Station. Without Xiaopo Station, we can return to the tubing.We don’t have to get the Huaxia branch. I believe that this new thing is not only interesting for Xiaopozhan. At present, Xiaopozhan’s advantage is that users are oriented to the second dimension. We have a way out even if we don’t cooperate with Xiaopozhan.'

On this point, Liang Mo is still very confident. The Huaxia strategy exists because of him. He has not invested much in the cooperation with Huaxia. Liang Mo did not go to Huaxia and did not invest a lot of money. Now this strategy can be fully recovered.

Even if this road doesn't work...then treat it as China's crackdown and can't go.

'This, anyway, it is a Japanese company. Since you have this kind of authority, they don't understand. Everyone is from Huaxia, so think about it for yourself.'

'This is professional ethics, in its place to seek politics, why don't you boycott anime so patriotic?'

There is no movement there.

Liang Mo shook his head.

Business is business, and patriotism is patriotism. He hates pinning hats the most, doing nasty things with righteous slogans.

Just like Huaxia people do some silly business abroad, thinking that they are foreigners anyway, but does this not discredit the international image?

This guy is only testing, using this threat to test his attitude. If he is not tougher, the other party will hit a snake stick.

Now he clearly refused, and even said that he can't cooperate. Should the other party replace him?

'Why don't I let our supervisor come and talk to you?Can you fully represent HOMOLIVE here?'

'Of course, you'd better find someone who says it, otherwise the talk will never end.'

Liang Moshun closed the chat window and waited for the other person to change.

In any case, PK with normal anchors is absolutely not allowed. Don't look at people who usually watch hundreds of people, the running water is quite scary.

"what happened?"

Xue Nai couldn't help asking when he saw that Liang Mo's typing was obviously not writing a copy.

"Nothing, small matter, I will solve it."

Chapter 978: Negotiation Routine

Xue Nai saw that Liang Mo didn't need her help and continued to do her own thing.

Soon, the other party changed individuals.

"Sorry, sorry, the following person is not sensible. What he said is not what our website means, but his own meaning. I have trained him and deducted his bonus. I will come to the match in the future. My position is supervisor.'

'Yes, if you can talk well, just talk well.'

Liang Mo sneered, training?Deduct bonus?Who knows if you have discussed it.

He is very familiar with this set. First go up to a cannon fodder test and have a tougher attitude. This person must not be too important, so that both sides have room for maneuver.

For example, before I went to talk to the Rainbow Club about the appearance fee of Awei, it was Yadoo and Jinghua who went there. No matter what they did, Liang Mo had room for it. After all, he and Xue Na did not appear.

As for the replacement...maybe the other party should have changed the docking person long ago. After all, there are too many people under Liang Mo, and an ordinary employee may not be able to cope with it, but just take advantage of this opportunity.

Liang Mo was sitting in the current position, and his temper could not be really particularly irritable. He just responded to the threat of the other party with a strong attitude and told the other party that he would not take this set.

'Well, if this is done, both of us will earn a profit. This is certain. We will also take care of your efforts.'

Intimidation is not enough, it is directly lured.

Liang Mo put his arm on the armrest of the chair, his face resting on his fist.

His meaning is very simple. If Liang Mo agrees to play the year, or think of a way to get the firm to intervene in this year, as with some anchors, cutting leeks on both sides will give Liang Mo a benefit.

If Liang Mo is an ordinary employee, he might really work hard. If his boss doesn't understand anything and gets fooled, then the money will not be available?

There are many such people everywhere. Selling company secrets directly for money is too common in TV series. The reality is not TV series, it will only get darker.

Many people sometimes think that novels, movies, and TV series are outrageous. There will be no such people, and there will be no such things. In fact, more knowledge will find that reality is sometimes even more outrageous than novels and TV shows.

Liang Mo had a very impressive TV series. A boss and his father were put to death. At first, the hospital was plausible, saying that his 1.8 million yuan was spent on his own, but he asked him until his father died. When I went to pay the medical bills, the hospital was aggrieved again. It seemed that the boss told them it was wrong, and it was also wrong to find a reporter.

Someone on the barrage said that in reality, a regular hospital is impossible, right?The director made random shots.

As a result, this TV series has converged. After all, it is an adaptation of reality. The reality is five million...

'No interest, the sister of the office president is my girlfriend.'Liang Mo slurred smoothly.

'Then, let me post the process of our game. You can take a look. If you have any requirements, you can discuss it.'

When the other party saw that Liang Mo had said this, and coupled with the uproar about Liang Mo's affairs with the manager on the Internet, he didn't think much about it. He really thought Liang Mo had soaked his boss.

This is not a good temptation. What if Liang Mo is more ambitious and treats this office as his own?

Liang Mo took a closer look at this game and found that VTUBER suffered too much, just like the normal year of other platforms.

But if he doesn't participate, he doesn't want to really tear his face. What he has to do is not to be tough, but to find a way that is reasonable for both parties and make demands.

'Well, let's change the rules, how about a virtual anchor zone?'

'Virtual anchor area?'

'Yes, the virtual anchors PK themselves. I will restrict all Japanese VTUBERs so that everyone does not pay for themselves. Fans who like to let everyone play voluntarily, I will not let them take the initiative to run for the champion of this game.'

'This, the income is a bit low, right?'

The anchors do not yell or give benefits, and many netizens are too lazy to spend money.

Many anchors don't just pay for the guild when they play the year, but they also get lucky draws to let passers-by pay for it. This is the reason.

If Liang Mo does this, if VTUBER doesn't yell, then it really becomes the fan's own business. Fans organize spontaneously. How much enthusiasm can there be and how much money can they get?It is definitely not the same level as other partitions!

'Do you want a long flow, or do you want this circle to become chaotic in a short time?'

'VTUBER's circle now seems to be thriving, but there are many chaos hidden in it, but it will not break out in a short time.'

'If we let them take the initiative to play the year and organize their fans, one is not in line with our firm's policy, one is to affect their impression in the hearts of fans, and one is to make some conflicts explode quickly.'

'Don't worry, even if it is a spontaneous organization of fans, they will not make their VTUBER too embarrassing. If others don't say, Meiya will definitely ask for money. We don't have a rhythm in this matter, so that we can develop in the long run.Don't forget, Meiya has the most fleet now, not an ordinary anchor.'

'The guild has a lot of turnover, and there are many netizens brought along, but is VTUBER's income usually low?In terms of live broadcasts, Xiaopo Station is not a powerful one, and the anchors he cultivated have not shown any phantom god level. There is no need to imitate blindly.'

This is how he stepped down the other side and asked the other side to seriously consider his proposal.

If VTUBER doesn't care about the results of this competition, let their fans come by themselves, and they can maintain their personality.

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