My idol is super cute

My Idol Is Super Cute Chapter 367

Before Nakano Sanjiu finished speaking, Nakano May's news was sent over, and Liang Mo had a second reply, and the content was that he was still with his colleagues.

"Well, let's watch a movie, they should be almost the same, shopping for a day? If you go shopping for a day, this boss definitely fell in love with him. Let me tell you, some perverted women, that is A boyfriend who likes to grab someone else might not have liked it before, but later when I saw you with him, I liked it..."

Chapter 290: Familiar Process

"This ring is good." Kagura Nana took out a ring and put it on her hand, feeling quite suitable.

"If you like it, you can buy it. I will pay for the consumption today!" Liang Mo said grandiosely.

In the Baiyen shop, even expensive things are not much more expensive.

For example, Kagura Nana's ring is only 500 yen. It is an iron ring, not even silver.

"It's getting up generous." Kagura Nanai gave Liang Mo a white look: "Then I want this, I want this, I want this too..."

She took a few ropes and trinkets, and they totaled only 1,000 yen.

"Well, buy it for you." Liang Mo didn't care at all, the momentum was like saying that he would pay for the consumption tonight.

"Have you ever bought anything for girls before?" Kagura Nana put the bracelet on her hand, thought about the ring, and put it on the ring finger of her right hand.

The meaning of wearing a ring in Japan is different from wearing a ring in China. The pinky finger of the left hand is recruiting lovers, and the right hand is showing charm; the ring finger of the left hand is engaged and married, and the right hand is peace of mind; the left middle finger is to improve interpersonal relationships, and the right hand is to ward off evil and protect the body; The index finger of the left hand is positive and upward, the right hand is concentration and mobility; the thumb of the left hand is tenacity, and the right hand is guidance and authority.

In some respects, it is similar to Huaxia, but if you look at it as Huaxia, there are too many married women and women in love in Japan.

So, don’t just make up for it when you see wearing a ring, first look up the differences in customs and culture...

"Have you ever." Liang Mo thought for a while.

"What is the most expensive thing to buy?" Kagura Nanae asked puzzled.

"For a girl?" Liang Mo confirmed.

Kagura Nana nodded.

"I bought a jade necklace for my cousin. I don't remember if it was the most expensive."

"I'm not talking about relatives, it's normal." Kagura Nanana said with a black thread.

Liang Mo thought for a while, "Isn't that the kind of courtesy and Shanglai?"

"Yes, that kind of thing can't be counted." Kagura Nanana said.

If that counts, the ghost knows what Liang Mo's property has bought.

"Then the most expensive one should be the 20,000 yen Mr. Pan doll? Xue Nai gave it on her birthday." Liang Mo said, "She doesn't want anything too expensive. If it wasn't for her birthday that day, the dolls I bought would still be limited. Version, she still can’t ask for it.”

That kind of thing is a priceless treasure in the eyes of people who like it, but it is just a cheap doll in the eyes of people who don't like it.

"Where are the other girls?" Kagura Nana continued.

"Mei Ya, but I haven't given her anything particularly expensive." Liang Mo said, "She is also the type that doesn't accept too expensive things. Well... it used to be like this, but I don't know anymore, I feel Now she dares to ask for anything I give her."

"That's because people have fallen in love with you. I think you belong to her." Kagura Nana smiled and said, "Well, among the girls around you, who do you think is most likely to be a boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"I haven't thought about it, I don't dare to think about it. I think it will get a headache." Liang Mo rubbed his temples: "I don't feel any routine is reliable now."

Kagura Meiya fell in love with herself?

When Liang Mo thought of opening his eyes, Kagura Meiya lay on his side, shook his head quickly.

It's too familiar to start.

Based on the relationship between Liang Mo and Kagura Meiya, even if they become successful, they will skip the so-called love phase because they are ready to live together temporarily.

"As long as you are sincere, you will be able to succeed." Kaguura Nana said: "Don't think of everyone as Yukino, and don't judge from previous experience. What you have to do now is to forget the unpleasant past."

"What happened has already happened, how can I forget..." Liang Mo shook his head.

"In this way, you fall in love like playing a game, find a goal as a build account, take a shopping date as a level training, buy a gift as a purchase of equipment, wait for the full-level god to install it, and take it out! "Kagura Nanana said.

She hasn't reacted yet, Liang Mo is now taking her to level up, and then giving her krypton gold...

"Then... what should I do if my account is stolen?" Liang Mo thought for a while, but account hacking happened occasionally in the game.

In other words, isn't this a metaphor for raising a child?After finally reaching the level of the god costume, he was abducted by a man or woman...

If the child is filial, it’s okay to be nostalgic on the account when you have time. If the child is not filial, it will be completely stolen. People have even changed your password, and even more ruthless, you can continue to charge. Money, abuse your account without recharging...

"You're not saved." Kagura Nanana sighed, "Okay, go back early."

"It's still early, and it's coming out today anyway." Liang Mo looked at the time: "Should we go to a movie?"

"Okay, I'm fine anyway." Kagura Nanana said.

Suddenly, she felt something was wrong.

Eat, go shopping, buy gifts, watch a movie, do you still have to eat after watching the movie, and then...

This set has gone smoothly!

Kagura Nanana said vigilantly, "Are you planning ahead?"

"What premeditated? Didn't you let me go shopping with you?" Liang Mo couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, let's say you didn't plan..." Kagura Nana thought for a while, as if it was really true.

I couldn't figure out how to punish him at the time, so I could only let him go shopping with her as a coolie.

Now Liang Mo doesn't have a few bags in his hands. Seeing his relaxed look, it doesn't look like he is tired.

"Check out." Kagura Nanana shook his head, cast aside those thoughts, and put the items that had just been selected on the counter.

Liang Moshun took out his wallet and took out the money.

"Your boyfriend is so kind to you, at least he is willing to accompany you. My husband is so busy every day, there is no time to accompany me..." The female clerk said while checking out: "I doubt whether I am a married mistress. It's..."

"We are not a boyfriend or girlfriend..." Kagura Nana blushed.

"Sooner or later, if you are unfamiliar, you would like to go out shopping together." The female clerk covered her mouth and smiled.

She looked at Liang Mo and Kagura Nanarou's talented women, and it didn't look like that kind of mature friendship.

"Ahem, let's go..."

Kagura Nana grabbed Liang Mo's wrist and hurriedly walked out of the hundred-yen shop and headed for the cinema on the roof.

"Holding hands..."

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