My idol is super cute

My Idol Is Super Cute Chapter 537

"Goodbye." Liang Mo waved to her.

Although I don't know how Yang Nai told her, Liang Mo also thought that there was such a person in the office. At least it was very interesting, right?

Well, the only downside is that you may be ready to be surprised by her at any time.

"It seems that the early stages of LOVE LIVE have started to go smoothly. In this case... Actually I wanted to talk to you a long time ago." Kagura Nanana said.

"What's the matter?" Liang Mo asked curiously.

"Don't you think that your thoughts are very feudal?" Kagura Nanae tentatively asked: "You can accept new things, but your ideas are still stuck in the past."

"What's the concept?" Liang Mo didn't understand, he felt that his ideas shouldn't be advanced, and he would definitely not lag behind.

He can see many business opportunities, but he is not interested.

In terms of new things, VTUBER is something new, and he accepted it quickly.

"Emotional concepts." Kagura Nana said, "Do you feel that your ideas are stuck in the last era? Before you fall in love, you should get to the bottom of it, and even think about everything clearly. Don't you think this idea is very backward? ?"

"I don't think, don't everyone be like this? At least most of the people I know are like this." Liang Motan said, "Unless it's casual fun, as long as it involves talking about marriage, they will obediently follow the requirements of the family. Find the right one."

Kagura Nanana narrowed his eyes, and it seemed that Liang Mo's view of feelings was not just a pot of Xueno alone, but a pot of the entire environment.

Hua Xia is very particular about the right family, or that the better the family, the more like this, the bigger the family, the more so. That's why the blind date between Liang Mo and Sigong Huiye was born.

However, if this concept is not reversed, then... Fuxue and him are completely impossible.

That little idiot Chuuxue, thinking about things, never considered the key points.

Kagura Nanana felt that the current relationship between him and Liang Mo could discuss this topic.

"Right?" Kagura Nanana showed a slight smile: "If your family asks you to marry someone you don't like, will you marry?"

"No." Liang Mo decisively shook his head: "Don't worry, my grandfather has given an order. No one can force me to marry someone I don't want to marry. Whoever I marry in the future has the final say."

His eldest brother is a little bit unlucky. As the eldest son, he must have some tasks.

His second brother is better, at least there are more choices, but his choice must be right.

And Liang Mo naturally likes freedom, likes to do these messy things, do these little things in the eyes of relatives.

He is not restrained, and his grandpa is very indulgent to him.

Of course, freedom comes at a price.

He didn't intervene in any of his family's business, he only had stocks, and had no actual right to speak.

For some Liang Mo acquaintances, they still like the feeling of holding everything in their hands, but Liang Mo doesn't think so.

Just like in ancient times, if he were a prince, he would never want to fight for the throne, or even go to the border to be a prince.

How good is it to be a happy lord in the capital?Most people don't dare to provoke them, they don't fight for anything, they won't be jealous, and they have high status and rich money.

"So I think your mindset should have changed." Kagura Nana said: "Others must pay attention to the right person, but you don't need it! Others don't want anything before they fall in love, and they don't want to marry someone. This is You are a rogue, but you are different."

"Why am I different?" Liang Mo was stunned.

"Others may be pressured by the family and can't be held responsible, but you, can't you be responsible? You don't mean who you want to marry, and you don't care whether it's right or wrong, and what the family thinks?" Kagura Qi Nai said: "Aren't you just talking about these things?"

Liang Mo blinked.

He suddenly felt that what Kagura Nana said was really reasonable!

Seeing Liang Mo waver, Kagura Nanana couldn't help but smile.

In fact, it is very simple to solve Liang Mo's strange view of love. As long as you find the loopholes in his thoughts, you don't need to completely overthrow it, just follow his ideas to find loopholes.

If he is the same as his eldest brother, then Kagura Nana can't help it, can't persuade Liang Mo to raise a lover, right?

I want to persuade him to have a prerequisite, that is, he must have a sufficient understanding of his outlook on love, his family, his position in the family and his family's attitude towards him.

To understand this, at least simply talking is not enough. You must always talk about yourself first, and then talk to him, consciously or unconsciously.

Moreover, if the relationship is not good, you should not mention it, otherwise it will appear ulterior motive.

In other words, not only must oneself understand Liang Mo, but also Liang Mo must understand himself.

Kagura Nanana can figure out such a complicated thing. It's almost the same in recent months, so Jiang Fengchuixue can figure it out...

If she could figure it out, she would lose her name for nothing.

"As for the future, do you care about it? For education or something, you don't believe that your own ability can teach the next generation well? Or do you think you can't make that money? At that time, will your wife work or have it at home? Does it affect you? As long as you are able to afford a whole family! Even if your wife likes to run outside, you can also hire a nanny. You are now in charge of LOVE LIVE. As long as you succeed, the future can be said to be boundless. "Kagura Nanana said.

She knew that Liang Mo didn't like to rely on his family to do anything. He would use his family energy only when he had to. He usually relied on himself.

He is a person who is very confident in his abilities, and he is a person who just came out of school...He believes that his future is bright.

"I haven't thought about what you said..." Liang Mo frowned slightly.

"The authorities are obsessed, and the bystanders are clear." Kagura Nana wrapped herself a piece of cake: "I always think your view of love is too complicated. Others can be more complicated, but you don’t need it. They need to consider the issues, neither do you Yes, you just need to make yourself better and have the ability to face all the changes in the future. Or do you not believe that you can cope with all the difficulties in reality?"

"How is it possible, of course I can do it!"

Chapter 429

May 6th, overcast and light rain.

Liang Mo stayed in the office during the day, and did not relax until about four in the afternoon.

Last night, he and Kagura Nana went back after eating. After all, after the nine people had finished talking, they didn't know when they were going.

What Kagura Nana said to him last night is still reverberating in his ears. He thinks it makes sense, but it is not easy to change for a while.

In other words, even if he really wants to fall in love, why should he have a love partner?

When thinking of the person to fall in love with, Liang Mo's mind began to flash through all kinds of girls, all without repetition, completely explaining what is called DD.

It's better not to think about this, because Liang Mo feels a headache.

He suddenly discovered that if he just fell in love and didn't think about it so much, he just looked at whether he liked it or not, there were a lot of things he liked.

This one is cute, that one is also cute, just like when he watches the live broadcast, he has no idea who is better to watch.

He also knows that this kind of like may not be the kind of like, but after he puts down his burdens, he suddenly feels that there is still a pure like before that kind of like.Just like I liked Yukino at the beginning, I like her character, difference, and most important looks...

"Liang Mo, Hui Naiguo has replied. The Muse will participate in LOVE LIVE." Xue Nai said to Liang Mo after reading the email: "Their two-dimensional characters will be designed on the first weekend after Golden Week. You may I can’t make it back. Also, Nicole and Eri can’t work overtime these months. When you come back from a business trip, you may have to share some of Eri’s work. I will arrange for someone to take over for her.”

"Well, I knew it yesterday. I went to watch Honokao to convince them..." Liang Mosi asked, "Tell you something...Xuexia, what kind of girl do you think is suitable for dating? "

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