My Little Mom is the Richest

Chapter 1014: Go to Suzhou Public Office

No wonder these soldiers had green light in their eyes when they saw it. I can't wait to get on the plane to have a try. But they think about it if they have official duties. How can they dare to go to D180 like this?

With heavy equipment on their bodies, the four soldiers walked slowly in front of Mu Xiao. They almost only left their eyes outside, and they wore heavy bullet-proof facilities elsewhere on their bodies. These bullet-proof facilities can even block the bombardment of a three-pound C-4 bomb frontally.

Although the D180 is a fighter plane manufactured by China, the person driving them may be a spy of the enemy country. Everything can happen in the army, so in order to prevent this from happening.

These people must wear these heavy bulletproof equipment before going down for inspection. Although it will affect their actions, it can also provide them with a strong protection program.

Mu Xiao directly handed over his officer ID to the person who came for the inspection, and the soldier carried a precision instrument with him. Put Mu Xiao's officer ID directly on it and scan it. All Mu Xiao's military information was displayed on the instrument.

The soldier who was verified was shocked, and after confirming that it was correct, he quickly returned the officer ID to Mu Xiao. A neat military salute was made by these four people, "Hello, Colonel, the 308th Air Force of the East China Air Defense Reserve, salute you!"

Mu Xiao was not interested in these formal things at all. It was just that the military rules were strict and he had to follow suit. The same military salute was made on Mu Xiao. After recovering the officer ID, Mu Xiao turned her head and said to Mu Qiu behind him.

"Xiao Qiu, you get on that fighter first. Let's change the fighter to the base of the air defense center in Suzhou. Then take a car to the urban police station."

Mu Qiu hurriedly said, "Sister, don't have to be so troublesome. I drove here by myself. Let's go directly to the urban police station. It is troublesome to turn around to save it."

Sister? The four people looked at the young man behind Mu Xiao with different expressions. Mu Xiao has a great reputation in the army, and few people don't know her. The young man in front of him is the nephew of the female soldier!

This makes everyone feel a little novel, but novelty is novelty. They will also return to the plane after the routine inspection. Just when they were about to go back, Mu Xiao stopped them.

The soldier looked back at Mu Xiao and said, "Is there anything else the colonel?"

"Our plane can't fly out temporarily. You will leave a few people beside the plane. Wait for someone to come and take the plane away. I think you will take it and stay here. My people still have tasks to do."

After speaking, the soldier nodded. After the officer on the pager explained the situation, with the approval of the officer, he stayed here and guarded the D180. Their commander couldn't help it even if he didn't want to agree, who made Mu Xiao's military rank higher than him.

The three special forces on Mu Xiao’s plane stepped down, and Mu Xiao ordered them, "Liuxia, Yang Lingjun will accompany me. Hande, you get on the plane and wait for my notice after arriving at the air defense base. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Hande opened the door and walked straight to the rope ladder where the fighter jet had dropped. Mu Xiao turned on the headset and ordered to the rest of the people on her head, "Follow these four fighters to the air defense military base, and then wait for my arrangements."

"Yes!" There was a faint sound of electric current from the headset, and the six planes hurriedly left the sky above the abandoned factory. Mu Qiu took Mu Xiao and two special soldiers out of the gate and walked to the place where he parked the off-road vehicle.

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