My Little Mom is the Richest

Chapter 1032: Grenade bombing

After hearing the gunshots, more than a dozen mercenaries also fired at it at the same time, and suddenly the entire staircase burst into flames. Liu Xia, who was hiding in the room, joined the confrontation. After Mu Qiu shot more than a dozen shots, she stepped aside and exchanged bullets for her pistol.

My eyes gradually regained their vision, and I can see something in front of me clearly. Mu Xiao on the stairs on the third floor took out a grenade from her waist and threw it in one go. The head of the mercenary in the middle of the stairs was the first to spot the thrown grenade.

"Grenade!" After a roar, he didn't care if he was injured and quickly rolled down the stairs. But the companions didn't have such a fast reaction speed. The three people who had not had time to react, saw a grenade fall under their feet!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the three bodies were blown out and landed in the living room on the first floor! There were also two mercenaries who leaned a little closer, with blood on their feet, and five or six pieces of shrapnel that flew on their legs.

Their screams came from the stairs, and two people came up and dragged them down. The group of people who were still in shock only saw a figure swaying in the middle of the stairs, followed by fires from her muzzle.

Fortunately, this group of people were prepared. When they saw Liuxia's figure flashing in the stairs, they had already taken precautions and ran to the bunkers beside them. With a burst of fire, Liu Xia only killed the two people who had been wounded on their feet.

After playing the magazine in her hand, Liu Xia hurried back. Sure enough, as she ran back, deafening gunfire came from below several bullets hitting the spot where she was just now. A wall that was blasted black by a grenade was instantly riddled with holes.

Liu Xia, who ran back to Mu Xiao's side, changed her magazine and stared at the corridor below. The three of them did not dare to go down easily. After all, this group of people were not simple goods, they were all warriors who had been desperately fighting on the battlefield.

How many times had they escaped before they survived on the battlefield. Faced with such a group of well-trained people, a small action may put them into crisis. Five minutes have passed.

As long as they delay it for fifteen minutes, they will turn into this group of people making dumplings! The gunfire downstairs stopped abruptly, and the mercenaries downstairs found that the figure had escaped, so they stopped shooting.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the rapid breathing of his companion could be heard quietly. The head of the mercenaries pointed their fingers at the two people behind them to beckon them to open the main switch. The darkness around them really affected their combat.

Then he pointed to the three people on his left and asked them to throw grenade upstairs. The three of them went forward and slowly turned to face the second floor, "Bang!" A mercenary armed with a grenade was shot and was directly headshot by Mu Xiao!

The mercenaries on both sides didn't even think about throwing the grenade in their hands directly, and one dived behind the sofa in front of the living room. Three explosions sounded, two upstairs and one downstairs.

The marble-paved stairs were suddenly exploded into splashes, and fist-sized pieces of marble flew around, almost injuring these mercenaries. On the second floor, Mu Qiu Muxiao stood up from the ground.

There was a humming sound in the ears, and the two of them were too close to the scope of the explosion. There was no time to find a shelter, so he fell to the ground, his head and back covered with dust from the explosion.

Mu Qiuxiang stood up and patted the dust on her body, her ears keenly heard the faint footsteps coming from below and approaching the building. The sound of the pick came into his ears.

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