
  Chapter 279 The Gwangpu Group has gone

This night is destined to be not ordinary.

Even many great characters can’t sleep at night. When the Eastern Sun gradually climbs, they don’t even bother to sleep anymore. Instead, they return to the workplace for an emergency meeting.

As one of Tokyo’s core areas, such a bad murder case is enough to attract attention. Coupled with the reason of being close to the imperial city, the Metropolitan Police Department deployed most of the police force overnight, even The Self-Defense Force, which has always ignored domestic security, also dispatched troops under the slogan of defending Lord Heavenly Sovereign.

This kind of big move is almost impossible to cover up. Even though the Metropolitan Police Department has forced reporters out of the observation circle, and I don’t know the real inside story, it’s just such a large-scale transfer that can already be eloquent. It is destined to write a big article and even appear in the international news.

The real inside information and film and television materials were all blocked by related personnel, and the staff present were also silent by their superiors, even if they did not know anything—all they knew were dead.

Chief-In-Charge at the scene arranged police forces to lock down the entire Chiyoda district in order to trace the trace of the murderer woman as much as possible, even though Chief-In-Charge knew that it might be supernatural and weird, but also impossible Just don't give orders.

Then they dispatched police to explore the scene, confirming that the scene is safe and clean, and put the corpses in the mansion into a body bag, and move them out one by one, preparing to bring them back to the police. Office headquarters.

The action team and the accompanying doctor who could enter to condense the corpse entered the scene and discovered that the mansion had become a Land of Buried Bones. The corpse was lying on the icy ground, overflowing with blood. The dark red stained the ground, but there is a strong smell of blood just going in, which makes people directly nauseous.

Not to mention the terrifying black holes on the limbs and torso of those corpses, from which all kinds of visceral fragments were revealed, which was scary just by looking at them. Even the previous Chaotic Burial Mound was not so tragic.

Some police officers with poor psychological quality directly vomited on the spot, and some even went into shock and were carried out.

Even the accompanying doctors who often face corpses are only slightly better, look pale sweats, one after another nausea from the belly, if it is not for professional ethics and frequent dealings with corpses, I'm afraid I can't help it now.

The scene was as busy as a war, and even temporarily mobilized cleaning trucks to come and clean, and also dispatched various cranes to handle the ruined walls of the mansion after the burning, and it ended in the early morning without any results. Action.

When was the last time such a tragic case occurred? The senior staff of the Metropolitan Police Department and the Police Department present suddenly thought of something that would fight the bad nature of this time.

That is the last time there was such a bad murder in Taitung District. The warrior in the ancient kimono also slaughtered hundreds of people with inhuman power. It was simply non-human, and it has been until now. This case is still pending, and the murderer simply disappeared like disappeared from the face of the earth.

And this time, it is even more weird, I am afraid that it is not even human.

A person with a heart has linked the two events together and conveyed his thoughts directly to his superiors.

is it possible that the era of the ancient Hyakki Yagami is coming again. The representative Heavenly Sovereign, who represents the gods walking in the world, and the worshippers of the eight million gods, those in shrines and temples Does it have this ability?

This kind of doubt almost surfaced in the hearts of all insiders. Even after living for so many years, they still feel ridiculous, but the reality lies here, and they can't help but believe it.

This matter directly reached the ears of the Prime Minister without any hindrance. Even the Prime Minister got up early in the morning to personally interrogate this matter. At the same time, he sent people non-stop to check information and visit Heavenly Sovereign.

Almost all the upper-levels knew about this, and they couldn’t hide it at all. At the same time, they all doubted this World. Is the Kazuto-based world view of science and technology about to collapse and usher in ancient times? The glory of gods and ghosts.

In the early hours of this day, many people stayed up all night.

On December 25th, at 8 o'clock in the morning, the Korean News released a report that shocked the people.

At about three in the morning, a tragic terrorist attack occurred in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, with a total of more than 200 casualties. It was the largest and worst attack in the island nation in the past ten years. The murderer organization is still unknown. , The police system is being pursued.

This time the incident is too noisy, no matter where it happened, or the force that was dispatched, it can't be concealed at all.

Unlike the terrible incident in Taitung District last time, no matter how many people were killed, they were silent. When they were discovered, the scene was sealed off, and the movement was not that big. The people killed were affected by the society. The force is small, and the island country’s official capabilities will soon be able to suppress it.

This report directly shocked everyone. Countless citizens who care about city safety were angry. Even just a few hours after the news came out, there were demonstrations organized by the masses spontaneously.

The entire island nation’s upper and lower systems are running frantically. The cabinet is under pressure from internal citizens and foreign media. At this moment, it is already busy like a spinning top.

But before noon, an event that made everyone more eye-catching came out.

The mansion that was attacked turned out to be one of the famous consortiums-the mansion of the Gwangpo family.

Most of the dead in the terrorist attack were members of the Gwangpo family.

According to the current reliable information, the main line of the Gwangpu family in Tokyo has been wiped out. No one has survived, and even the servants in the family have not survived.

Guangpu Group is mainly engaged in the financial industry, in which banking is its core industry and foundation, as well as subsidiary industries, hotels, schools, etc., in terms of finance, and even an international predator, it controls the trend of the island country’s stock market. Now the fall of the Guangpu family is undoubtedly a blow to the stock market.

On this day, the stock market has just opened and almost all went green, reaching the largest bear market in the island country in the past ten years. The shares of Guangpu Group have dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, and the situation has even reached the compulsory intervention of the Securities Regulatory Commission. It was almost delisted.

At noon on this day, I don’t know how many people walked directly to Aoki Mori alone, or fell into Tokyo Bay. Because of the huge stock market crash, they chose to end their lives.

Also with the collapse of the Guangpu Group, more huge monsters choose to swallow it. It is bound to take advantage of the danger and fiercely to bite off a piece of fat, and purchase the industry at the lowest price. Industries forced to be listed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission will compete for auction qualifications at all costs.

Among them, Fukai Group is the most. At the most critical moment, First directly won most of the stocks in the banking industry that has been controlled by Fiercely of Guangpu Group, becoming not just in name only, but also in Reality's leader of Guangpu Bank has successfully set foot in the financial and banking industry.

In such a short time, this huge monster collapsed in half.

Even if someone knows that there are people in the Guangpu family who will come out to control the situation, it is not enough for the Guangpu Group to describe it as a wound or even a strength great injury. It can even be regarded as a wind and The rain fell apart.

Even if the people who split the family can reverse the situation in the future, the Guangpu family will be removed from that level.

感谢沉浸在yellow 的world 里大佬的五千赏            (本章完)

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