My Master Is A Tsundere

Chapter 145 - Veia's Kinks

Rant Valo listened to her and silently observed his chest.

"What is this feeling?"

Rant Valo suddenly noticed an odd feeling coming from his chest. It was like his chest was tightening as Veia rubbed the black liquid on his chest more and more.


Rant Valo felt something poke his skin. He looked down but saw that nothing was poking it.

"Are you starting to feel it, Disciple?"

Floriana Sabina asked him with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Ah! Ow! Ugh! Ow sh*t!"

Rant Valo felt various and different feelings of pain start to assault his chest. It was like something was trying to escape from it.

"Master Floriana, what is this!"

Rant Valo shouted in pain. Whatever was happening to his chest, it was very painful.

Rant Valo's original body endured the pain for quite a while. It even caused his clone to stop cultivating and watch them on standby.

"Hahh… Hahhh… Finally…"

Rant Valo breathed haggardly. The pain finally started to subside.

"Now, let's remove it!"

Floriana Sabina suddenly said.


Rant Valo looked at her in panic. What was she gonna remove?

"We'll remove this hard black film on your chest, Disciple."

Floriana Sabina explained to him after seeing the confused look on his face.

"You'll remove it!?"

Rant Valo looked at her like she was crazy. If she removed that hard black film, which was the dried oil and the black sticky liquid, it would cause him immense pain. After all, the hard black film was firmly stuck to his skin.

"Of course. Why not, Disciple? This was what we were aiming for."

Floriana Sabina retorted.

"What's this, exactly?"

Rant Valo asked her in worry.

"You'll see when we peel it off."

Floriana Sabina explained to him. She then started removing a small part of the hard black film from the edges of his skin and slowly pulled it off.

"Ow! Ow! Oww!!"

Rant Valo moaned in pain as the hard black film was slowly removed from his chest. It brought with it his chest hairs which only made the pain 10 times worse.


Floriana Sabina said to Rant Valo. She stopped and looked at his chest in amazement.

"Master's chest looks so yummy…"

Veia couldn't help but mention from the side. Rant Valo's chest was now full of buffed muscles. It was like he actually worked out.

"What the…?"

Rant Valo looked down at his chest in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he has a chest full of muscles. He even got a six-pack. If the bodybuilders of the world heard this, they would have hunted down Rant Valo for cheating.

"Tada! That's your instant chest buff, Disciple!"

Floriana Sabina said to him proudly. There was a smug file on her face.

"Chest buff?"

Rant Valo looked at it, puzzled. He still couldn't touch it as Veia and Floriana Sabina were still restraining his arms.

"Now we can rest on your chest."

Floriana Sabina said to him before she rested her head on his chest. Veia also followed and did the same thing as her.

"For that!?"

Rant Valo asked her in bewilderment. He suffered all of that just so they can rest on his chest. He feels like he had been scammed.

"Mmmm. Disciple, we can rest now."

Floriana Sabina moaned in delight. She hugged Rant Valo's chest very tightly. Veia also did the same. They were both like sloths stuck to a tree.

Rant Valo's clone sighed and sat down to continue his cultivation. It would be a waste of his time to watch more as it would consume his time to cultivate.


Rant Valo looked at the ceiling with a deadpan expression. He looked down at his buffed chest, and he couldn't help but be impressed by it. It was so muscular and hard to the touch.

He thought that it was not bad to have something like that. The pain was very worth it as he could keep it.

The trio soon fell asleep together.

"Good morning, Master."

"Good morning, Disciple."

Veia and Floriana Sabina greeted Rant Valo while they were using his buffed chest as their support.

"G-Good morning. You girls are heavy…"

Rant Valo returned their greeting. He could feel their weight pressing on his chest as they used it as their support.

"H-Heavy! Really, Master is stupid!"

"Stupid disciple! I'm not heavy!"

Veia and Floriana Sabina complained to Rant Valo. As girls, they didn't enjoy being called heavy. It made them feel conscious about their body.

"But you're suffocating me…"

Rant Valo insisted to them.



Floriana Sabina and Veia snorted in annoyance. They lifted their arms from Rant Valo's chest and crossed it on their chests.


Rant Valo let out a bleak sigh and sat up. So many things happened last night. It was the most pain he had that he practically fell asleep like a log when they finished.

"Master, did you like your new buffed chest?"

"Right, Disciple. Did you like it?"

Veia and Floriana Sabina asked Rant Valo in curiosity and interest.

"... I did."

Rant Valo was reluctant to admit it but he still nodded his head nevertheless.


"Disciple is such a tsundere."

Veia and Floriana Sabina giggled together. This was one of those rare times that they worked together to gain an advantage against Rant Valo.

"T-Tsundere!? I'm not."

Rant Valo immediately denied Floriana Sabina's words. In his opinion, it would not be manly if he was called a tsundere.

"Fufufu. Don't worry, Disciple. I can understand tsundere language."

Floriana Sabina smiled at him teasingly. She was enjoying seeing the red-faced Rant Valo.

"What does that even mean?"

Rant Valo smiled wryly in return.

"Master, can I lick your muscles?"

Veia suddenly said from the side as she fidgeted her fingers.

"V-Veia!? What are you saying?"

Rant Valo was bewildered at the way Veia was acting. It was one thing for them to give him a buffed chest, but it was another for her to request to lick his muscles.

"I-I thought that Master would also taste delicious when I licked him…"

Veia murmured and avoided their gazes.

"Perverted demon!"

"Perverted demon!"

Both Rant Valo and Floriana Sabina admonished her at the same time.

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