My Private Marvel System

: One hundred and ninety three

Angered for a while, the girl saw Dole's extremely relaxed expression, and even more annoyed, she drew out a few white runes and said in a loud voice, "Return to life! I am not born! Tathagata! Vow! Void and nothing! Everything Tathagata!" A pale green light glowed around the girl.

It was the first time Dole had come into contact with onmyoji, but he felt the danger, and he didn't dare to be so casual, "How can a mortal compare to the king's spirit, the proud child of heaven." Dole's voice instantly became low and domineering. The powerful golden light formed a sharp contrast with the faint green light. The two lights collided, and the sound of collision in the air was emitted from time to time.

The girl took action, each rune ejected sharp sword energy, and then like a moving turret, it kept surrounding Dole.

Dole's kingly aura completely isolates the girl's runes. He smiles coldly. The kingly aura is turbulent and will break at any time. "What?" Dole was surprised, the kingly aura was so vulnerable? His body shape flashed, and he jumped into the distance, and the rune was like a tracking missile, chasing after him.

Lian Ao looked at Dole and chuckled softly, “Dole, Dao is natural, and onmyoji is nature. Your kingly aura can reject foreign objects but can't reject nature?

The girl was stunned by the anger, she didn't even hear what Ao said, she just tried to kill Dole, and drew out a few more runes, "Return to life! Common King Kong! Violent Demon Barrier! Great Wrath!" Destroy! Horror! Holy Fury Whisperer! Fudo King!"

Behind the girl instantly lit up, thousands of rays of light shot towards Dole, except for the sound of high-speed flight, even the shadow could not be caught.

The king’s aerodynamic swing is even more powerful. If it was the calm lake rippling before, now it’s a tornado on the lake. He can’t hold it anymore, but Dole doesn’t make a woman’s idea, even if he wants to kill him, he probably won’t. Knowing how to beat women is a matter of principle. He can't do anything except defense.

"The power of the king is incompetent, the spirit of the king, choose the good one!" Dole strengthened again, looking at Lian Ao, let him think of a solution quickly.

Lian Ao Gaga gave a weird smile, which was so evil, he even picked up the fur paper on the ground and gave Dole a look.

Dole has guessed what Lien Ao wants Dole for. 80% of the time he wants to tell the girl that he has a way to lift the curse and coax her into signing a contract. Although Dole knows that it can make the bug send a'satisfaction' signal, he really doesn't know how. To lift the curse, Lian Ao's method is too despicable, no, it is more despicable than despicable.

Dole warned Lian Ao with a look, seeming to tell him that this was too inhumane. Lian Ao gave a wry smile and glanced back at Dole. The look seemed to say, "If you don't do it, I will do it anyway." .

Dole struggled for a while. Anyway, he signed a contract and didn't threaten her to do anything. It would be fine if he didn't get rid of it, woman, woman...

Dole strengthened his defense, smiled bitterly and said, "I know how to lift your curse."

As soon as the girl mentioned about it, her curse stopped immediately and she was a little questioned, "You know? I won't believe you, let me go! Yaochatian! Bondage ~ **** ~ three multiplication factors ~ auspicious achievement~!"

A pillar of light that soared from the sky enveloped Dole and bombarded Dole ceaselessly. The king's anger kept fading, and finally it was as thin as smoke. Dole seemed to be carrying thousands of tons of gravity on his back, and finally knew what was outside. How did the gravitational field form? The beam of light pressed Dole abruptly and almost couldn't straighten his neck. The bones all over his body creaked and creaked, and I knew it was bad at first sight.

A heavy blow pierced the ground to form a shock wave to attack the enemy and jumped back into the air with the help of reaction force.

The powerful shock wave gave Doer an opportunity to not only not hurt the girl, but also to subdue her, "Dragon Soul Release!" Behind Doer, the dragon shape was highlighted, and the dragon soul's eyes were high, a roar and sharp claws instantly Pulling apart the beam of light, Dole's figure also turned into nothingness, and flashed to the side of the maid lying on the ground. The girl now seriously lacks trust in everyone. As long as she shows her kindness, the girl should understand.

The maid looked at Dole fiercely, "What are you going to do? Use me to threaten Miss?"

Dorr smiled bitterly and said, "If I really want to be against your lady, I will only defend and not fight back? And why should I use you to blackmail her?" The maid's eyes turned arrogantly and said, "I don't care what you want to do. But if you dare to hurt Miss, I will definitely stay with you!"

Dole sighed, "You are the same as your master, you don't know good people." After talking Dole tore off the runes.

The girl was shocked by the power that Dorr had just exploded, especially the phantom created by the high energy that made her even more ignorant, so she clearly understood that if he really wants to be disadvantageous to herself, I am afraid that it will be difficult for her to be in his hands. He has gone through ten moves, and even the moves he performed by Ao are even more unknown to him. Two unidentified characters have extraordinary powers. Maybe they can really lift my curse.

The maid thought about it, and indeed no one would be so stupid to untie the enemy, and hesitated, "What are you going to do?"

Dole chuckled, "Let your lady continue to ask me questions, so she will believe me."

There is still some doubt in the girl's heart. The man in front of him has done so many things just to ask himself questions again. What does he want to prove? What is the attention?

Dole can naturally see that the girl still doubts herself, but there is no other way. His purpose is to help the girl. There is no other plan. The more simple and sincere help, it will always make people misunderstand. After all, the world is not for nothing. lunch.

The girl is also desperate and can only be a dead horse doctor, as long as she has a chance, she still has to try, she still has to do, and must do.

The girl still had the mentality to give it a try, still cold "Do you believe in true love?"

The figure of Loli flashed in Dole's mind, and that naughty rabbit, love? It's hard to choose, no one wants to abandon it, Dole smiled indifferently, "Then do you think true love exists?"

The worm on the girl's chest squirmed obviously, and the girl looked at Dole incredible "how did you do it?"

Dole still smiled. "You continue to ask, everything will be revealed soon."

The girl’s face finally got rid of the cold, and her voice was not so bitterly cold. In her opinion, falling into the hands of this man was many times better than that of Wang Di. She was so partial to this man who had only met a few times in her heart. "The second question, how do you see this world?"

The smile on Dole’s face was somewhat restrained, and replaced by indifference. "I will change the world, and I will create the perfect world that I dream of. This world has been fascinated by various temptations of interest and material, and I want to let the world See through what you have missed, what you really want, instead of superficially chasing outside things."

The girl obviously felt the bug’s reaction, and she was even more sure that Dole would be able to lift the curse. Her voice was already a little cheering, "Do you think I am beautiful?" After the girl said, she realized how she had asked such a question. Turning red, he dared not look directly at Dole's gray eyes.

"You are beautiful, you have a temperament that others don't have, and you have advantages that others don't. At least your perseverance, I sigh, I only have a weak heart..." Dole said meaningfully. He thought of a lot, Zhu Chen, Bai Yu, Ge Yanhuan, Xu Zhen, Sman Karti...

The feeling on the girl’s face is unobstructed, "You have passed, as long as you make a contract with you, then the curse will definitely be lifted."

The maid still looked at Dole with a cold eye, "Miss no, how can you make a contract with this kind of person from a distinguished background? And don't forget, you will no longer be free if you make a contract."

The girl patted the hand of the maid and whispered, "It's okay, he's not like a bad guy. Even if I make a contract without freedom, it's better than death."

The maid refused to give Dole a good look, her eyes were tightly stared at Dole, and she said gloomily, "If you dare to do anything to Miss, I will make you regret unlocking my seal, hum!" Just like a trick, he instantly turned into a monster, fleeting, and very fast, Dole wondered if he was wrong.

The girl pulled the maid and said apologetically to Dole, "Don't mind her, she is just worried about me."

Lian Ao didn't know what he was playing, and threw a piece of fur paper from his hand again. Dole looked at Lian Ao suspiciously. He might have done anything with the contract, such as special terms... This Dole couldn't help shivering, even Ao is a pervert, and he can do anything. Although he didn't say it, his eyes were really weird.

Lian Ao was dumbfounded, and said openly, "It's okay, I have reduced the restriction of the contract, and the restriction conditions have also been reduced. There are no special terms except for a lifetime of not being able to harm each other and obeying orders unconditionally. "

The girl knew instantly when she heard that, Dole's kindness was moved, and he was a good person.

The maid really doubted "Miss, there would be such a cheap thing? I don't believe there is such an idiot in the world."

Dole looked at the maid unceremoniously, "Keep curses down behind you, you let me hear it."

The maid provocatively said, "I just want you to hear it so that you don't have to make an inch. As long as I'm here, you don't want to hurt Miss."

Dorr smiled bitterly. "Look at the contract, I don't know how sloppy the words are."

The girl lightly took the fur paper, and just looked at it casually. In her opinion, she is really a super good person to treat someone who is about to become a slave with such respect and respect, and she is also worried about him. His character How long can it last? There are so many temptations in the world, so many compelling things, which made her look curious about him.

The girl didn't feel any melancholy this time. Just ask where to find such a master. She decisively covered her with fingerprints, the fur paper glowed, and the names of both parties appeared in the fingerprints, "Abe loves?" Dole said softly. "Dole?" The two looked around, Abe fell in love, and quickly looked away. The atmosphere that both sides saw was extremely embarrassing.

The maid glanced at the two of them, and pushed Dole violently. "I'm Qi", her eyes were very fierce, and she seemed to say, "Don't have any other thoughts about my lady."

Lian Ao backhanded the contract, "I will keep it for you."

"What to keep? Release it." Dorr said lightly.

Lian Ao looked at Dole like a fool. After watching for a long time, he slowly said, "Don't you know that the contract cannot be cancelled after it is established?"

"What? Can't it be relieved?" Dorr asked in surprise.

Lian Ao said unceremoniously, "Nonsense! Otherwise, why would I just reduce the limit of jumping? There is no way to cancel the blood contract. There are ways to cancel other agreements, such as curse and heaven."

"Then why don't you take a curse or make an appointment?!" Dole basically roared.

Even Ao shook his two sleeves strangely, "Two-sleeved breeze, Wang Di thinks that there is nothing left except the blood contract. Anyway, the effect is weakened, and there is no difference."

Dole said dubiously, "Forget it, anyway, as long as I don't issue an order, everything will be the same."

"That's it, I'll find a place to sleep." Lian Ao didn't know where to go without waiting for Dole to speak.

Sheng Jie looked at the time, "Dole, we should go now. Since we failed this time, we can only go back and plead guilty. Doll has time to come to me and I will receive you well."

Sister Yue smiled softly, "If you want to find someone, you can come to your sister. My sister will help you find a good sister, haha."

Tan Li has been tired of Sheng Jie "They said everything I want to say."

Dole smiled, "Then don't pass it here."

Sheng Jie nodded, took Yue sister Tan Li, and disappeared instantly.

Zhan Tian arched his hands and disappeared in a flash.

The only thing left is Huang Chuan. Huang Chuan respectfully said, "Thank you, I will treat my parents well, thank you for helping me, you really make me indescribable for giving charcoal in snow, thank you again."

Dole smiled, "It's fine if you know, how do you leave this island?"

"Go back in the submarine, then goodbye." Huang Chuan turned and left, Dole said in a low voice, "Remember what you said, if you commit another crime, no one can save you."

Huang Chuan waved his hand and walked up the stairs.

"This time the banquet is over." Lian Ao didn't know where he ran out.

Dorr glanced horizontally and arrogantly, "Didn't you go to bed? Why are you back again."

"Sleep? How can I sleep if I can't sleep, and I'm very curious about onmyoji, you quickly order that little girl to explain and listen." Lian Aoxin said with joy.

Dole is unceremoniously kicking. "I said that if you don't give orders, you won't feel good when you are restrained and lost your freedom."

Lian Ao looked towards Abe and ignored Dole directly, without any modification, and said directly, "Your last name is Is that Abe?"

Abe nodded in love, and his expression was very melancholy. There seemed to be many things he didn't want to say.

Dole kicked again in vain and kicked Lien Ao. "Don't care about him, don't say it if you don't want to say it, no one will force you if you don't want to say it."

Abe nodded lovingly, "Thank you."

Dorr felt entangled, "It's this atmosphere again, it's not quite right."


On another plane, Liu Dao followed Gu Tong for a month. Gu Tong became more and more anxious. "The time is coming. I don’t believe that no one will be interested in that kid. He must have hidden the secret of Jiu Gong. Why? No one believes me?! Do you."

"Oh, I thought who was talking foul language on my site? It turned out to be Gutong. I didn't expect you to disappear for a few years, and the scenery will be the same when you come back." said a short winter melon who was evil, and he was old. Half of the pass, but with such a big beard, wearing a fashionable single eye mask, and a high hat on his head, looks nondescript. (To be continued.)

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