Chapter 282 : You will never be my opponent (2/x please subscribe!)

Ishida Yulong smiled and said, “The soul-cutting knife in my hand can not only slow down the gathering of spirits. Also, Shu absorbs nearby spirits.”

“Therefore, your weapon gathered by the souls can’t play any role in front of my soul-cutting knife.”

“Also, I want to tell you the most important point.”

But at this moment, Qi Erqi was already there, a little at a loss.

Of course Qi’erqi knew that even her strongest trick was to use the Quincy in front of her, and there was nothing she could do.

Qi Erqi, who was in a daze there, looked at Ishida Yulong and asked, “What is it?”

“It’s the Quincy, I never use other weapons, and the soul-cutting knife in my hand is also a bow.”

So, Ishida Yulong erected the square iron pipe.

I saw that after the lightsaber retracted 617, it turned into a big bow made by spirits.

And that soul-cutting knife is an arrow.

Before Qi’erqi could react, Ishida Yulong had already shot the Soulcutting Knife out.

The soul cutter quickly shot into Qi’erqi’s body. And directly penetrated Qi’erqi’s body.

In fact, Qierqi was already exhausted at this time.

Can’t maintain it anymore, the changed appearance returned to its original appearance, and fell to the ground unable to move.

Qierqi originally thought that he was bound to die. At this time, she actually found that she hadn’t died yet, but she wanted to move, but she couldn’t move it anymore.

Ishida Yulong, who was next to him, smiled again and said, “I didn’t want to kill you, I just shot through your Adam’s apple. That’s where you gather your souls.”

“Although I will spare your life, or (cdej) may make you feel very humiliated, but I still hope that you will live well.”

“However, you are doomed, you can’t beat me.

After speaking, Ishida Yulong turned and left the room and continued to walk forward.

At this time, Qi Erqi, who was lying there unable to move, couldn’t speak, and was speechless.

Ishida Yulong was right. His arrow had pierced her Adam’s apple.

Qi’erqi couldn’t gather the souls, and couldn’t fight anymore.

At this time, beside Qi Erqi, a figure appeared. However, in a blink of an eye, it has become more than a dozen.

“what ”

Seeing this group of people, Qi Erqi’s eyes widened, and then as they approached, Qi Erqi also let out a scream.

These people are responsible for the recovery, injury and death, and the elimination of Espada’s body.

If there is no death, they will kill them with only one purpose, which is to obtain battle information from them.

Although Qi’erqi didn’t die in the hands of Ishida Yulong, Dennis was killed by these people.

Just at Ishida Yulong, he won the victory and continued to walk forward. He didn’t go far, but on the side of the corridor, he suddenly heard a loud yell.

“So you are here, it was so hard for me to find you.”

When Ishida Yulong looked back, it turned out that it was one of Nilu’s older brothers, Don Dochaka.

Don Dochaka has always been wary of Kurosaki Ichigo, because he is afraid of Kurosaki Ichigo, what wrongdoing will he do to Pyxie?

But he had a good impression of the Quincy in front of him. In Dondochaka, I think Ishida Yulong is more reliable.

“Dondocaka! Why are you here?”

“I am not, Captain Qian Ye, let me follow you, right?”

“You are so embarrassed to ask, don’t wait for me, it makes me easy to find for a while.,

But, fortunately, I finally found you. You can’t just leave me behind. ”

“This place is like a maze. I turn around, but I can’t find an exit.”

But Don Dochaka seemed to be talking non-stop.

And Don Dochaka looked at Ishida Yulong and continued: “I saw the battle between you and that person just now. It was wonderful, and your strength is very strong.”

Ishida Yulong looked at it, and Dondochaka seemed to be complimenting himself with sincerity.

Ishida Yulong was there, and his expression was a little unnatural.

It was the first time Ishida Yulong was praised so and straightforwardly. ”

“You compliment me like this, should I thank you?”

“No, no! I just told you the truth.”

“Let’s go! Let’s leave here together!”

As Dondochaka said, he also walked forward.

And Ishida Yulong was there, just stunned. Then, Dondochaka walked forward together.

“At least compared to those Arrancars, Don Dochaka in front of you should also be a friend!”

Ishida Yulong was also thinking to himself there.

It was here when Ishida Uryu resolved the battle and defeated the opponent.

But in another room, Sado Yasutora was also in crisis. .

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