Can you turn the tide of the school festival? May be.

(Yukoshita Yukino will not rely on anyone.)

Because you are Yukinoshita Yukino.

The author has something to say:

PS: Hawking’s death has caused a wave of popularity.

I think of Yun Tianming in The Three-Body Problem.

What does it mean to be alive? People cry, laugh, run, jump, and breathe the same air. But I can’t cry, laugh, run, jump, or even slit my throat to breathe. I only have a thinking brain.

How far can a human brain drift in the universe? I want to see the past that is more distant than the Big Bang, and I also want to experience the future that is more distant than the collapse of the universe.

But even if my thoughts catch up with the speed of light, I can glimpse scenes hundreds of millions of light-years away that cannot be observed by human eyes - the birth and annihilation of black holes in every corner of the universe every minute and every second.

I still can't catch up with you, my time.

I'm too old.

【Birthday Special】Umi Sonoda

In the sunny courtyard, Ayase Hanabi set up an arrow and drew her bow, aiming at the target not far away. With the frequency of breathing, the arrows wandered around, causing him to hesitate for a moment.

is that so?

Raise your arms a little's too high. Forget it, let me teach you.

Sonoda Umi is elegant without any makeup, wearing a blue and white kyudo uniform, wooden geta on her feet, and white socks that wrap her cute little toes.

Umi moved lightly and came to Hanabi's side, clasping the bow string with one hand, and wrapping the other hand around his broad shoulder, holding his warm hand.

The girl's long flowing hair brushed the back of the boy's hand, which was particularly alluring.

Hanabi was slightly startled.

(This way, doesn’t it look like I’m actively hugging you?)

As if being shocked, Hai flinched like a frightened deer and shouted shyly: Really, try it yourself! You are obviously a layman, why are you interested in kyudo?

Why do you think...because my girlfriend is a general of the Kyudo Club.

The arrow shot from Ayase Hanabi's hand spiraled in mid-air at high speed. At this moment, Haiwei's girl's heart was penetrated by the arrow of love. She held her hands on her chest and let out a woo.

Hanabi looked at the result of missing the target and said angrily: Ah, failed. As expected, only Umi-chan can play kyudo.

(Say what failed.)

(Didn’t you steal my heart?)

The arrow in Haiwei's eyes flew across the boundaries of time and was frozen in the moment of love. That was when the two were still dating. The girl came out of her trance, only to see a target full of arrows in front of her.

Did you miss the target? It's really rare for Umi-chan. Minami Kotori clicked her tongue in surprise.

Haiwei was silent and bowed: I'm sorry! The national competition is coming soon. It's obvious that I asked you to train with me, but I haven't been able to get into the state for a long time. It's really rude.

The bird shook his head and smiled: It's not the bowstring that's trembling, but your heartstrings. Your heart is confused.

How am I going to represent Otonogizaka now and compete for the top ten or even higher rankings? Umi muttered to himself, holding a cold bow and arrow, squatting in the shadow of the dojo.


The little bird's eyes gradually became firm, and he made a decision in his heart.

On the day of the National Kyudo Club Competition, Umi walked back and forth in front of the school bus, carrying a longbow wrapped in blue cloth. I made an appointment with Xiaoniao to accompany her to the competition, but unexpectedly I met someone unexpected.

Umi looked at Hanabi and said stumblingly: Why...are you here? You should be on the executive committee.

I lost it. If Xiaotiao hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that while the whole school was preparing for the school festival, someone was planning to fight alone. Hanabi said with a smile, Umi Sonoda is a brave man. General of the Kyudo Club. , the figure who fights hard for school is very handsome.

(I'm...actually not strong at all. I just hide behind the armor called strong and cry secretly.)

Before the game, Hanabi comforted her: Don't be nervous, just think of the target as something nasty and shoot it.

That's you. Hai Wei smiled sweetly.

Hey, do I hate you so much?

What do you think?

In the hustle and bustle of the arena, when Hai Wei thought of someone cheering for her from the audience, her heart calmed and she shot the decisive arrow.

(With this arrow, I will give you everything I have so far!)

Sonoda Umi almost single-handedly pushed Otonogizaka Kyudo Club into the top three in the country, creating new history and leaving a name in the hearts of all viewers.

Beautiful! Hanabi admired and stepped forward to greet her.

Hai Wei smiled and said: Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life.

Hanabi looked at the sweaty and panting girl, and felt pity for her. He couldn't help but use a towel to wipe her sweat, and pinched Ai Yanyi's face.

Wait...I can come by myself. Haiwei narrowed his eyes like a caressed kitten, and then continued to complain, Your hair is messed up.

What identity should I use to legitimately protect you, my ex-girlfriend?

Hanabi smiled and said nothing, ran her hands through Umi's hair by her ears, and put the towel on it.

Umi had just unscrewed the mineral water bottle and took a sip. He met Hanabi's eager eyes, hesitated for a moment, then handed the water to him and said, Here.

A gust of wind blew by, gently lifting the girl's long hair. Every strand of hair seemed to be dancing, revealing bright and shy eyes.

Hanabi joked: Umi, this is an indirect kiss.

……give me back.

Hanabi touched the warm bottle lip and drank it all in one gulp.

You are the person I hate the most!

The author has something to say:

Haiweixian, recycling CG

Extra: Kiss of Promise

On the school rooftop, Muse is training to prepare for the school festival. Everyone returned to their respective classes to help for the time being, so only the second-year students were left to practice extra, and Hanabi found a place to be lazy.

During the break, Xiaoniao mysteriously took out a box of brand new tarot cards and said, This is too boring. Let's play a game.

What game? Honoka suddenly became energetic.

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