Oh, what guarantee do you have? Reputation, Ayase Hanabi-san. Sagami smiled half-heartedly.

(The reputation of the scumbag Hanabi is ridiculous even when I think about it.)

Hanabi pressed the table, looked at Sagami from afar, and said calmly: Okay.

Eri couldn't help but interject: My brother... Hanabi is very good. He also writes lyrics and music for Muse's works. The band he is in can be trusted. Let this matter go as it is, and just rehearse carefully in the future. .”

The majestic student council president has spoken, and no one dares to question it.

Well, if the president says so... Sagami forced a smile and secretly gritted his teeth.

She suddenly realized Ayase's strength. Rather than saying that Hanabi is a lackey of the student union, it is better to say that the student union is his back garden. Eri, who is obsessed with her younger brother, Yukino, who is unclear, and even Teacher Hiratsuka and outside sponsor Fang Yangnai are inextricably related to him.

——Ayase’s power.

It is simply impossible to bypass Hanabi to seize power.

(Am I going to spend my entire career as Chairman of the Generalissimo as a puppet?)

Never allow it!

Sagami said: One more thing. Although Ms. Yukinoshita Yono is an alumnus, many changes have taken place in her alma mater over the years. You might as well visit it. Ayase-kun will be the one to receive it.

Hey, isn't this the job of the outreach team? Hanabi was stunned.

Okay. Sagami said firmly.

Yang Nai smiled and said: That's great, that's exactly what I meant.

(Took the bait.)

(Seeing Ayase-kun getting along with your sister day and night, will you get jealous, Yukinoshita? It’s planned... No, I have to hold back, I can’t laugh yet.)

Sagami Minami stretched and said, I'm so tired. Let's end the meeting here today.

Yukino frowned and said: But, the future work arrangements...

It's up to you. Yukinoshita, I believe in your ability. Sagami said disapprovingly.

From the beginning, Yukino single-handedly improved the school festival's mess. However, Yukinoshita will not rely on anyone, not even Ayase.

(This is your biggest weakness! Now, you are exhausted by the heavy workload, and then watching the boy you love fooling around with your sister, you will be exhausted mentally and physically and fall into despair.)

Sagami Minami exuded a mysterious confidence, raised the corners of his lips and said, The meeting is dismissed.

Hanabi accompanied Yangno out of the teaching building and walked along the forest path. The relationship was limited to a friend's sister, and there was nothing to say for a while.

Yangono suddenly approached Hanabi, almost touching her, and smiled slyly: What's wrong, this is not like a harem boy who is good at sweet talking, or protecting Yukino-chan in front of all the students in the school. Hanabi-kun is actually a protector. Are you a wife maniac?

Protect your wife? Hanabi was startled by the bold statement and calmed down, There is no such thing. Yukino and I are just friends, maybe not even friends. Before, you asked me if I broke up with Yuigahama. .In other words...you have investigated me?

Because Hanabi-kun is very famous. Yangno chuckled, I didn't expect that a few years after graduation, someone as interesting as you would appear in my alma mater...


Nice's self-deprecation.

A beautiful smile and beautiful eyes. Yukinoshita Harano's smile and frown are charming and moving, revealing the charm of a blend of youthfulness and maturity, which makes people wonder about her true age.

I would like to ask, how long has it been since Yang Naosang graduated?

Do you want to make insinuations about a woman's age? That's not okay, cunning Hanabi-kun... Yangno nodded her lips and said, But I can reveal a little, I'm still in college.

...Yukino said you became the president ten years ago.

That's deliberately mocking my age. There are hidden tricks in a place like this. Yukino-chan is really a child who won't grow up. Yangno looked intoxicated. Ten years ago, Yukino-chan was still a little girl. She has grown up. It’s just not cute at all.”

Hanabi was ashamed and thought: I don't quite understand the way you sisters fight against each other.

I understand, Haruna-san, couldn't you... Hanabi showed a look of pity, Have you been repeating a grade in college for several years?

That's the venomous tongue! Just like Yukino-chan, you two really have an affair. Yangno hugged her belly and almost burst into tears from laughter.

Thank you for the compliment.

At this moment, in the office upstairs, Yukino looked out through the glass window and saw a man and a woman enjoying themselves. Outside the window, the autumn air is crisp and the sun is shining brightly. She stood in the shadow by the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

Viewed from this angle, the overlapping figures look like they are kissing.


Xueno suddenly woke up and saw an unexpected person, and said in surprise: President?

Eri glanced at the pile of documents, but Yukino didn't even have an assistant. Feeling that she was in the same boat, she smiled and said, Let me help you.

But... why? Yukino was obviously at a loss as she had never interacted with Eri-senpai.

Anyway, he is one of the candidates for younger siblings. Eri murmured in a low voice, He is just a good guy. He is just messing around with women and never touching anyone. Why do I have to help him appease the harem?

Eri-senpai, what did you say?

No, it's nothing. Eri looked up and smiled brightly, Because I am Hanabi's sister.

Yukino envied the relationship between Ayase and her brother, and when he thought of his sister, he felt only sadness and loss.


The author has something to say:

PS: Harano \u0026 Yukino line, Sisters Flower Story, I haven’t written a meaty scene for a long time. The speed may be a bit fast next, so all passengers are asked to fasten their seat belts.

I have driven four-wheel drive vehicles and tractors... my dream is to drive a high-speed rail.

Chapter 213 University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo, headquartered in Bunkyo District, Tokyo, Japan, is Japan's highest academic palace and the first of the seven old imperial universities. So far, Tokyo University has produced 9 Nobel Prize winners, 16 Japanese Prime Ministers and 21 National Assembly Speakers, as well as a large number of business tycoons and political elites. Its popularity and influence in the country are unparalleled.

Ayase Hanabi stood in front of the magnificent gate and couldn't help but admire it. The Japanese are accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle. Students come and go in a hurry and don't care about fireworks at all.

How's it going? I also worked very hard to prepare for the exam before I got into this place. Yang Nai was quite proud of herself.

It's awesome.

Are you interested in giving it a try? You can start preparing in the second grade. Yangno said with a smile, If you can get into Tokyo University... I will support you in your future college life.

I have an older sister who made similar suggestions. But... let's forget about this hellish difficulty school. Hanabi shook her head, Because, I am very clumsy.

The sister Hanabi refers to is Kotobuki Tsumugi. The significance of Dongda is that no one knows whether future classmates are financial giants or political bigwigs. Networking is crucial, and this may be the hidden meaning of Yukinoshita Yono. After all, she is a noble lady of high society.

This is not what a monster who has never had a deviation below 90 in the national mock test should say.

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