No matter how healthy the food is, if you don't like to eat it, it's just garbage. Yangno came a little closer and blinked her beautiful eyes, If you really like something, you can't help but want to eat it until there's no bones left. You understand. , Hanabi-kun?

Is this the reason why you and Yukino have a bad relationship? Hanabi smiled calmly.

Hanabi-kun is a smart person. Did you really not understand, or were you just pretending?

Yangno said something leisurely, and without waiting for Hanabi's reaction, he put the small bag on the table and took out his wallet.

You stay and look at the seats. I looked at the seats. I guess Hanabi-kun is a carnivore who doesn't refuse anyone who comes, right?

Hanabi was frightened and felt that talking to this woman was too tiring, so she said perfunctorily: Just follow your taste.

When Haruno came back with a heavy plate full of food, Hanabi hurriedly took it.


Yangno obviously had a good upbringing and ate like a lady. She enjoyed the fried chicken deliciously, and finally forgot about the image, sucking her fingers with unsatisfied content. The scallion-like jade fingers sank into the delicate lips, very beautiful. Just this action can make countless men explode on the spot.

If you eat too much, you will gain weight. Hanabi reminded her kindly.

Yang Nai hesitated, put down half of the hamburger, and said reluctantly: I'm full, and I'll leave the rest to you. Just be my man.

You are the loser, your whole family... Hanabi was suddenly speechless.

But you can't scold Yukino.

Yang Nai smiled evilly and said, Why don't you continue? I'm listening.

“Family Bucket is so delicious.”


In the end, only half of Harano's burger was left, and Hanabi refused to eat anything.

Wasting food is a bad habit.

Hanabi retorted: You were the one who wasted it in the first place.

He's not really a foodie, and he hasn't reduced himself to the point where he's just feeding on women. But...if it's something that her sister can't finish, Hanabi will definitely accept it happily.

Well, it is a family rule of the Ayase family not to waste food.

Yangno tilted her face, showing a peaceful smile, quietly watching Hanabi wolfing down the food, and suddenly said softly: Don't move, there's something on your face.

Hanabi was startled and watched as her slender hand touched the corner of her mouth and took out a few crumbs. At this moment, the woman in front of her exuded a dazzling sisterly glory.

Yangno wiped her hands with a tissue and joked: You don't think I will eat it like in the animation, do you? That would be too rude.

Hanabi complained: I'm sorry...this is not what a woman should say when she leaves half a hamburger for a young boy she has just met.

Scare, Nice's complaints!

The two chatted more and more.

Speaking of which, Hanabi-kun who answered questions in class is very handsome. I finally understand why Xiaojing often talks about you to me. She complains with her mouth, but in her heart she regards you as one of the best students.

Haruno made no secret of her approval, but Hanabi couldn't resist.

When you say 'one', don't tell the other one that it's you.

Haha, you are so perceptive. As far as I'm concerned, you are probably the student she has the most trouble with.

Shameless admission!

Yangno was very thick-skinned and happily took it as a compliment. He said with stern eyes: A mere high school student actually studied university courses by himself. Hanabi-kun... your genius seems to be more than that. I am really getting more and more curious about you. .”

Hanabi drank the coke in one gulp and said, Be careful then. You know, curiosity killed the cat.

(Wait until I dig out all your secrets and confirm that you pose no threat to Yukino, then throw it away like a rag, you scumbag.)

Yangno smiled charmingly.

You are Yukinoshita Yukino’s nightmare. Is a woman like you worthy of being called sister? Stop you before you do more harm, witch.

Hanabi's profile was clean and delicate.

Tens of minutes later, the sun was setting under an apartment building. The car was passing by quickly, and a gust of wind blew through, forcing Yangno to hold down her white dress.

She used her other hand to lift the hair beside her ear and said softly, Thank you for taking me home. Why don't you come up and sit for a while?

Hanabi declined: No, my sister is about to finish school.

This is not the way Yukinoshita treats guests. Yono said pitifully.

In the end, Hanabi couldn't defeat Harano and took the elevator up to more than ten floors to visit Harano's house. At first, Hanabi thought so, until he was sitting in the girl's boudoir, looking across the room casually, and saw a pile of cat dolls. This is not in line with Yangno's preferences.

I see……

Yangno opened her collar and fanned in, complaining that the weather was really hot, exposing her delicate collarbone. Then, she said to let Hanabi wait for a while and take a bath first.

Because it's my own home, I don't have the habit of locking the door. Do you understand? Yang Nai said with a smile.

What do I know? I don't understand. Don't leave yet!

Hanabi vaguely heard the sound of water rushing from the bathroom. There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to take out the big treasure... and play mobile games for a while.

At the same time, Yangno, who was naked in the bathroom, looked at the satellite map on her mobile phone. A bright spot was quickly approaching the origin, which was Yukino's coordinates.

Fortunately, I put the tracker in Yukino's schoolbag beforehand.

Yangno threw the phone into the basket casually, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I also want to thank the chairman for creating the opportunity for me. Do you think you can use me and the scumbag to provoke Yukino? It's so stupid and cute. You thought you had written the script, and I allowed you to write it from the beginning.

Now, my dear sister, let me confirm it with your own eyes. Men are such unreliable creatures. In this way, you can grow a little, right?

The show is about to begin.

The author has something to say:

PS: Damn, how long will your car be delayed? It’s been two days!

The workers' pants were all taken off, and their chickens were frozen to death.

Chapter 215 Fresh Yangno

What are you playing, so absorbed? Yangno's voice sounded in his ears.

A mobile game.

Hanabi suddenly looked up and saw a beautiful scene.

Yukinoshita Yono was only wearing a pure white bath towel, with her hair tied up, exposing a large area of ​​skin. It looks like it has been soaked by water, and is pink and smooth, making people want to kiss it. The thin bath towel clings to the jade body, outlining the beautiful curves. The unfathomable ravine in your chest is one that you will be unable to extricate yourself from just by looking at it.

Just like Yukinoshita Yukino many years later, she is more charming than innocent.

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