No, it has been already.

On the rostrum, the speech was delivered in a painting, and the speech was decent, elegant, and not sloppy. I originally prepared a long manuscript, but in the end it was completely useless.

Eri didn't like nice words, so she slapped the manuscript on the table and smiled beautifully: "Please enjoy the school festival."

"Ah, long live the president!"


The students went into a frenzy. There was no need to think that the last intimate shout was from Honoka and the others. The idiot trio secretly winked at Eri, making it difficult for her to hold back her laughter on stage.

"Thank you, President, for your understanding. It's hard for us to stay on stage." The student who acted as the host smiled, "Next, I would like to invite the Chairman of the Executive Committee to give a speech. I would like to welcome you with applause...Sagami Minami!"

Sagami Minami is just an ordinary person. He has never seen a big scene, so he obviously has stage fright.


Sagami stood in front of the podium, so nervous that he was sweating profusely. He took out the manuscript paper from his pocket and accidentally dropped it to the ground, so he had to bend down to pick it up. There was faint laughter from the audience, and I seemed to catch a glimpse of mocking faces from the corner of my eye. She froze, and slowly and tightly grasped the crumpled speech.

"The golden autumn is refreshing, and the laurel is fragrant..." Sagami started stumbling.

Backstage, Hanabi lifted the curtain and saw Sagami's legs shaking.

"Thank you for your hard work, kid. With Ayase Eri and Suyu in front, it will make people think that the performance is bad no matter what, right?" Yukino came to Hanabi and shook her head.

"You're just an 'ordinary person' after all." Hanabi turned around and smiled, "You came back so early. Are you over your cold?"


"do not move."

Hanabi lifted Yukino's bangs, touched it with the back of her hand, and said, "The fever has gone away, so I'm relieved."

"Wait a minute..." Yukino blushed, holding her hair to avoid it, "Why can you do such a thing without any psychological burden?"

"Why are you so shy? Are there any parts of you that I haven't touched yet?"

Yukino turned away without saying a word. Hanabi is already very familiar with it and can read the girl's mood from the subtle expressions.

"Why are you angry again?"

"Which girlfriend were you making out with just now?" Yukino said, "Duango? Or the first-year Gogeng, the third-year Kasumigaoka... or your idols."

As expected of Yukino, she can see through the harem at a glance. Fortunately, my sister was not exposed, otherwise she would have been doomed.

Hanabi smiled dryly: "How do you know?"

"I have strawberries planted on my face and I don't even know it." Yukino's words were full of resentment.

Hanabi hurriedly wiped her mouth, and sure enough, there was lipstick. Seeing this, Yukino silently took out a tissue and helped him wipe it. The latter remained motionless and was still being helped by Yukino.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't want to see you perform on stage like this and become the laughing stock of the whole school."

Yukino crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can. Even if he is angry, he will show tenderness inadvertently.

Hanabi smiled slightly: "Thank you."

Melting snow warms the heart.

The author has something to say:

PS: I just found out that Nan Jiang came to Guangzhou! Afterwards, I heard that Nan Jiang blew a kiss, and I was really envious and jealous.

In fact, I haven't paid attention to Nanjiang's current situation. Maybe it's because my cooking power is also losing. The last time it was LL's FMT, Nanjiang was absent due to injury. At that time, everyone said that they would never see Nanjiang come to the mainland in their lifetime. In any case, she is the true heroine of Jingu, and I have always been patient in not writing about Nan-chan! Because you can’t impose this kind of love on book friends, but Nan-chan is so cute!

The baby fell down and Nan-chan needs a kiss to get up!

Chapter 225 New Generation Light Music Department

In the school auditorium, the performance went on step by step. The various programs are dizzying and exciting.

Ayase Hanabi conveyed instructions through the headset and calibrated the time. The duration of each program is limited, which tests the execution ability of staff and participants. Except for Sagami Minami's speech that was not ideal, everything was within control, or Hanabi's personality charm played a role.

Yukino was surprised and stared at her serious profile.

Hanabi pushed the microphone aside to prevent the conversation from being spread across the channel, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your honor, I will leave the rest of the work to you, Vice Chairman. It's time for me to prepare to appear."

"Of course, who do you think I am?"

Exuding a strong sense of confidence, Yukino took the headset from his hand, put it on her head, and clamped her long flowing hair. Hanabi hoped it was a pair of cat ears, so she could imagine how cute they would look.

Hanabi raised her hand. Yukino was startled for a moment, then understood.

The two high-fived each other lightly and then passed each other. Hanabi walked towards the lounge without stopping. Yukino didn't look back. When she pulled down the microphone, she seemed to feel the lingering breath of Hanabi, and the corners of her mouth raised a beautiful arc.

"This is... Yukinoshita."

"Thank you for your hard work. Sorry, I'm late."

When Hanabi pushed open the lounge, she saw four armed people.

Haruki is holding the guitar, and Takeru is playing the drum kit. The other two girls were even more dazzling.

Touma Kazusa wore a black navel-baring outfit, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin. Wearing the small top hat crookedly, she looks like a sexy female police officer and exudes a rebellious temperament. It must be said that Xuecai has a very sharp eye, and the style she chose for the winter horse is a perfect match for its owner.

Xuecai said gently: "No, the time is just right."

Dongma pulled the shoulder straps that had slipped from her shoulders, held her forehead and said, "I'm so hot-headed that I put on the dress you chose, Xuecai."

Ogiso Yukina wore a white dress, and the bra was like two upside-down bowls, highlighting the pride of a woman. The delicate collarbone is also exposed, and the white silk wrapping the slender legs forms a stunning beauty.

Yukina stuck out her tongue and said, "Don't say that, I think it's beautiful. Right, Hanabi-kun?"

“But isn’t this level of exposure too shameful?!”

"I was already prepared before I stepped on that stage."

The two girls looked at Hanabi nervously, not wanting to be seen as a bad woman by him. Hanabi is obviously not a conservative or a chauvinist, and has no reason to stop her friend's decision. Besides, they are really beautiful.

One black and one white, like an angel who has been banished to the mortal world.

Hanabi praised: "It's beautiful. You two, I think the audience in the audience will be crazy for you."

Touma and Yukina blushed at the same time.

(But, what I care about is not others, but...)

The air becomes ambiguous. Haruki and Takeshi felt like they were redundant.

"Since you said so, you can only accept it reluctantly." Touma said hesitantly.

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