My sister is a black widow

Chapter 2 02, Pride and Stalingrad's Night

You can search for "My Sister is Heiwusou Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When Leon woke up, the sun over Stalingrad had enthusiastically climbed high in the sky.Leon opened his wistful eyes, and a small spider on the cobweb on the ceiling was watching him quietly, but the cobweb under him was dangling.

"Morning." Leon murmured.

Ok?what time is it?

The sun is so big, it may already be noon.

Leon stretched, maybe he was thinking about it for too long last night, and slept till now.I wonder if Natasha is gone, by the way, Natasha.Leon quickly jumped out of bed and opened the door to look for Natasha's figure, only to see Ivan quietly listening to the radio on the table at the dining table.

"Leon, Natasha has gone, and the next meeting is a month later." Ivan didn't look back, still trying to listen to the rustling station on the radio.

"Hmm." Leon turned back to the room.

"Leon, what do you have for lunch?" Ivan asked.

"Bringbread." Leon replied feebly, "There was some left yesterday. Go and heat it."

Ivan turned to look at him, and Leon looked back straightly.

"Leon, this is not a good idea for you to repay me." Ivan shook his head, "think about who brought you back from the ice and snow to the warm room."

Leon touched his nose and said vaguely: "It's you."

Okay, go and feed Ivan this big slacker hot spot and lie back.

Leon walked slowly towards the kitchen.

When he came out with two plates of bulin cakes, he saw that Ivan frowned, the door opened a little, and there was a lot of coldness in the room, as if a guest had just arrived.But Leon heard no movement.


Ivan did not respond.


Ivan looked at him as if suddenly awakened.



"You are ten years old this year. Do you want to go to school?"

Leon shook his head, Ivan burped a drink, and shrugged: "Well, I'm not surprised." He murmured again, and no one in Petrovic's family likes going to school.

"Then you don't want to be a great Soviet soldier." Ivan made a vow, he knew Leon's miserable life experience is because of whom.

Leon smiled softly.

Ivan was very solemn this time, looked at him and said: "Then you have to do something, not just at home."

Leon agrees with this, "Maybe you can teach me something, Ivan."

"Me? No, no, no, I'm just an ordinary Soviet guard." Ivan shook his head, "You and Natasha, I have taught you everything I know in the past ten years."

"Yes, you are a good old man."

Ivan smiled triumphantly.

"But it's not enough. You have to know more guns, learn more skills, and be able to live like a person in a more difficult environment."

Oh, Ivan’s words are too heavy.

But it was right.

In the 1930s and 1940s, whether with or without superpowers, these years were like shit.

No one likes killing and war, but if you have to accept it, you must be able to protect yourself first.

"Maybe I can also go to Taras and learn, um, karate and French boxing." Leon offered his own suggestion, "with Natasha."

Ivan thought about it very seriously, and then slowly said, "No, Natasha went there for another reason. I haven't been able to order Taras to listen to me."

"But I can try to find you a qualified teacher."

Leon was a little confused, "Father, aren't you just an ordinary Soviet guard? Why do you seem to know a lot of big people?"

Ivan looked at him and smiled, clicked on himself, and said, "Boy, you have to know that I have lived long enough and have gone to many places, so I have to have some ability."

Leon agreed.Ivan is one of the few good people in this country. In this era, this country has very few good people, and even fewer good people can survive.


Leon waited shortly, and three days later, Ivan took him away from home.

Victor, is the name of the old man in front of him.A pair of iron-gray pupils, a short beard as hard as a thorn, stood on the ground like a beast, and the next moment he couldn't wait to rush up for a fierce fight.

When Ivan talked about Victor, Leon thought it was the saber-toothed tiger, but the facts proved that the repetition rate of names in this world is not low. It is just an old man from the Soviet Union. It should be just a pure old man, not a genetic modifier. Mutants, demons, or gods.

But betting on all of Leon’s past and present IQs and insights, he dare to say that this is definitely not a normal old man. No normal old man will look at you like a tiger in the forest and look a little eager to try.

When Leon was in a daze.

"Victor, you scared Leon." Ivan was very enthusiastic, after all, he brought his stupid son to his teacher.Biquge Novel

The old man did not smile, looked at Ivan and nodded, then stared at Leon, and said solemnly: "Your name is Leon?"

Leon wondered if you knew everything, and asked...Well, Leon nodded.

"Leon in Greek means lion." There is no emotion in the old man's iron gray pupils, as if there is only a piece of Siberian cold. "But I have been to Africa, and the lion is not the top hunter on that continent. "

"Oh? Sir, isn't it?" Leon had a temper.

The old man was not moved by his somewhat provocative tone, and coldly said: "The most terrifying animal in Africa is the honey badger."

It seems that I heard the name of Brother Flathead...

The old man went on to say, "The honey badger is different from other animals in that it is never satisfied. It is always on the way to fight and go to fight. Leon, Ivan asked me to teach you something, but I would not teach it to an arrogant person. It seems that I don’t care about your father’s request or the things I teach."

The cold voice sounds a little ugly in Leon, but it seems to be getting louder, "Perhaps everyone has something they are good at, hidden secrets, but something that can make you stronger, even if only a little , Should not be underestimated. This is the heart of a warrior. If there is no heart of a warrior, I will not teach you anything."

The old head turned around like a piece of steel.

The voice floated over and got into Leon's ears: "Stand here, if you are still at this time tomorrow, come in."

Leon and Ivan looked at each other.

Leon smacked his lips, and asked bitterly, "Who is this old gentleman, how can I make people scared when I meet..."

Ivan looked at him with some sympathy, "Victor, the real Sangbo master, masters Mongolian wrestling, judo and Chinese boxing. He is the person with the best fighting skills I know. Most importantly, he knows how to watch. Human, Leon." Ivan's tone sank, "I think you have also discovered that you have an arrogant heart, although I don't know why, but in this world, arrogance can often kill you."

Ivan left after speaking.

Leon stood there thinking.

In the previous life, I was an ordinary person, but in this life I had magical superpowers. It was like being rich for a long time, and my mentality was unavoidable. After discovering that this world is the universe of Marvel, there is a distance from watching the theater Feeling, Leon closed his eyes, thinking about his own mental journey, well, the old man Victor was right with Ivan.

There is a deep arrogance in my heart.

So Leon stood there obediently. He didn't have a clock and didn't know how much time had passed. He just felt like a long, long time has passed in his own sense. Victor came out of the door and took a black hound. , Glanced at him, and said softly: "Oh, it's been six hours, Leon."

"Yes, Mr. Victor." Leon tried to keep smiling.

Victor closed the door neatly, turned around and took the hound for a walk.

It was already dark when Victor returned with the hound, and he did not speak when he passed Leon, nor did Leon make a sound, but he smelled a trace of blood coming out of Victor.

The temperature at the turn of winter and spring in Stalingrad is not high, especially when there was a blizzard a few days ago. When the snow melted these days, the free chill in the air seemed to crack bones.This night, Leon was a little groggy while standing, after all, this was only a ten-year-old child.

He stood quietly on the spot, his knees stretched hard and straight, and his face sank slightly. In the dark night, he couldn't see his expression. There was no sound or light, only the wind and snow of Stalingrad. With him, if you drag the perspective to the high sky, this scene looks like a religious painting.

There was no light in Victor's house, but Leon did not see. In the window on one side of the house, a pair of eyes were looking at him quietly. The owner of these iron gray eyes was Victor.

"Do you think this boy is suitable?" a voice sounded.

Victor tilted his head, noncommittal, just watching Leon standing still in the wind and snow.

After a while, "It's not easy to have this kind of will at ten years old." Victor still said coldly, "If that's the case, maybe it's a good choice."

"You weren't going to teach him anything, this is just making things difficult, isn't it?" The voice was reluctant.

Victor glanced back. It turned out to be a very delicate little girl, but she inherited Victor's iron gray hair color and pupils, and looked a little cold.

"Aphrora, if he persists, you will be disqualified."

The girl pursed her mouth.

"If he can really persist, I can let him." The girl said with some difficulty, "You said, there is another place, what is it called, Ka, Kama..."

Victor laughed silently.


Leon didn’t know about this brief conversation in the house. He stood in the cold night of Stalingrad and his whole body was paralyzed. A physique surpassing his peers’ sturdiness had no effect at such a temperature. There was a trance and drowsiness, and without knowing it, the sky was gradually whitening and brightening.

A little girl with iron-gray hair quietly pushed open the door, saw Leon, whispered "God", but Leon did not hear it, the girl walked to him lightly and held it in her hand. Holding a small bowl of hot porridge.

"Leon?" the girl whispered.

Leon saw the little girl who was very close to him.

"Ah." There was a vague sound in his throat, and Leon's sane gradually recovered. "It's dawn."

The girl looked at him quietly, and handed the hot porridge in front of him.

Leon thought for a while, took it, and drank slowly into his mouth.

After a while, the porridge in the bowl was empty.

"Um...thank you." Leon said, "so when is this?"

The girl said sympathetically: "It is morning, and there are still a few hours."

"Well, I'm used to it, and I can hold on." Leon said as he moved his motionless leg for most of the night, and the unparalleled soreness hit his brain nerves, "Oh!" Leon sighed. "I said, it feels so charming."

The girl couldn't help laughing slightly.

"My name is Aphrora, the granddaughter of the bad old man yesterday, I think we can be friends."

Leon looked at her and said, "No, we are already friends."

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