Hearing these words, the Boss Wang immediately exploded: "Feng Zhu, whether or not you're looking for me is my business. You just f * cking have to take care of yourself!"

Hearing the Boss Wang's rage, the pillar did not dare say much and could only hold the phone and listen.

Boss Wang vented his anger with a few curses, he then let out a long breath and said to Pillar: "Pillar, I don't mean you, when will you be more mature? How long has Zhang Wen been with me? How long have you been following me? To tell you the truth, if the one who was in trouble today was you, I would definitely have gone to protect you personally. But the one who was in trouble today was Zhang Wen, I am not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for? This brat is a little crazy, let's let him hone himself first! "

What else could Pillar say?

He could only nod his head and say that the Boss Wang was right.

After putting down the phone, Pillar felt a little cold all over.

Since Boss Wang was able to treat Zhang Wen like this today, then he would be able to treat himself in such a manner tomorrow.

The police car Wu La Wu took me away. After I went in, I found out that my crime was the crime of exploiting the country's resources. Although this is the first time I've heard of it, if I were to be convicted of it, it would be enough for me to suffer.

But I didn't panic at all, I felt that the Boss Wang wouldn't let me stay here for more than 24 hours.

So, as soon as I entered the room, I didn't say anything. I was thrown into the air-conditioned room.

After I went in, Li Erzi and the others did not have any idea at all. Li Erzi was only coming up with an idea during daily battles, but at the critical moment, he was also confused. He went back to tell Acting Hu, Zhang Guohua and the others, and although they were anxious, they did not feel it was too serious.

However, the words that came out from the pillar made them all fall silent.

He knew a few people in the police station, and also heard about the crimes from them. He said word by word that the crime was the crime of exploiting the country's resources without permission, and if it was really passed down, it would be similar to a criminal act of embezzlement.

This sentence caused everyone to frown.

Just then, the Wang Yuxian heard the voice coming from above, her beautiful eyebrows knitted together, and she asked: "Zhu Zhu, what did you say? Zhang Wen's crime is that serious? "

The pillar nodded its head, saying that this crime could only be overstepped.

The Wang Yuxian was also silent.

At this moment, she was more anxious than anyone else. She silently turned around and went upstairs. She took out her phone and looked for someone's number. After hesitating for a long time, she finally dialed it.

The call was quickly connected.

It was the voice of a man with a rather gloomy voice.

"Hey, Jade Immortal?"

"Brother Liu, it's me …"

"Why did you think of calling me? Hehe, you missed me? "

Wang Yuxian made a sound of agreement, but if she quickly got into the main topic at hand, "Brother Liu, since we have known each other for such a long time, can you help me with something?"

The Brother Liu was silent for a while. It sounded like the owner of the voice was lighting up a cigarette.

"Go ahead."

Thus, the Wang Yuxian explained the current situation.

Brother Liu didn't say anything. He could only hear the sizzling sound of the dry cigarette butts being burned by the flames.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

From the moment I entered until now, I had been blowing cold air, someone in the middle had brought me some water, and now, until now, no one had bothered with me.

I don't know how much time passed, but I have no idea of time here.

At this moment, I had never felt so nervous before. Honestly speaking, this was also the first time I entered this place. Previously, I had only seen how to torture people in movies, but today, I finally experienced it.

It couldn't be more accurate to describe it as killing people without seeing their own blood.

My mind was blank, still buzzing, and I wrapped myself in my clothes, trying not to let the cold rush into me too quickly.


Just then the door opened and a pretty policewoman and an old policeman came in.

"How is it? Do you understand? " the policewoman said.

This was different from wearing a uniform. If this girl were to take off her uniform, she would be a rather ordinary person. However, the moment she put it on, her body was obviously filled with a heroic spirit.

I looked at her and chuckled. "I understand. Either give me your WeChat, I'll tell you in secret."


The old policeman slammed the table with all his might, "Please be more serious, we are giving you a chance! Do you know what your crime is? Do you know how many years it is? "If you are serious, I can guarantee that you will be given fewer punishments …"

He began to brag, and it was their language, and I couldn't be bothered to listen to him, so I lay down on the table and pretended to sleep.

He slammed the table in anger and shut the door and went out.

After he left, the cold wind started to blow again. I subconsciously tightened my clothes and fell asleep on the table.

I woke up from the cold in my dream.

When he woke up, he found himself in this small dark room. He had a terrible headache, and his body felt cold and hot.

"Hey, what time is it?" I shouted from the room.

I shouted once more, almost crazily, before a calm voice spoke to me from the other end of the phone.


I was stunned for a moment.

It was evening when I came in, and it was now eight-thirty, so to say, the past day?

I frowned.

And the Boss Wang? Why didn't he come?

Or could he not?

However, this was a bit unreasonable! I know what kind of person the Boss Wang is, and I know how much power he has here.

Then there was only one reason.

That is, the Boss Wang doesn't want to bother about me!

Thinking about this, cold sweat dripped down my forehead. If he really didn't care about me, what would I do? If this crime was really pronounced, I wouldn't even be able to cry in time.

F * ck!

From the looks of it, I have been messed with by the Boss Wang! That battlefield was like a thunderbolt, and now it has exploded on top of my head!

No wonder he gave the battlefield to me so easily!

I could no longer remain calm at the thought.

If that's the case, then maybe that old policeman is right. I really should be honest now …

In Wang Yuxian's restaurant, the pillar had arrived early in the morning. Acting Hu Li Erzi and the rest were surrounding the pillar in the restaurant, all of them smoking their cigarettes.

So far yesterday, the pillar had called, but no one had been able to help.

This was the difference between a hooligan and a boss. To put it bluntly, this matter was a matter of a phone call from the Boss Wang.

Sometimes, the difference between people was just that huge.

Acting Hu's phone did not ring at all, he kept looking down from time to time.

"You're still f * * king in the mood to love Hei Mei! "Damn!" Li Erzi opened his mouth to curse.

"Ah?" What did you say? " Acting Hu's face was rosy white, he definitely did not expect that all of us knew about his incident, he is the only one who is still in the dark.

But he immediately understood that Li Erzi and the others were just secretly watching his privacy!

He stood up and was about to argue with Li Erzi when Wang Yuxian walked down the stairs.

"Stop quarreling, I'll take care of Wen Zi's matters!"

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