The dim light made Lao Gao even more impulsive.

He did not care whether Wang Yuxian agreed or not, and immediately grabbed Wang Yuxian's small arm, and pulled her into her embrace.

"Lao Gao, wait a moment..."

Seeing that Lao Gao's mouth that was filled with stubble was about to close in on his, Wang Yuxian's face immediately turned red. He did not know how long he had not felt this way.

She was looking forward to it, but it shouldn't be this time.

This atmosphere was not right!

Lao Gao treated Wang Yuxian's refusal as a shyness. He immediately reached into Wang Yuxian's chest with her big black hand, and patted her pockets with an evil smile.

"Jade Immortal, why don't you give it a try? Draining this stuff before doing something is definitely a form of enjoyment!"

Inside a small transparent bag was a bit of white powder.

It was this thing that had allowed Lao Gao to get further and further away from him!

In that moment, Wang Yuxian's slightly calm heart exploded, as she opened Lao Gao's hand, her voice raised by a few decibels.

"Lao Gao, are you that unafraid of death! Have you ever thought about what I would do if you died? "

Time seemed to have stopped as Lao Gao regained his senses and slapped Wang Yuxian across the face.

"Fuck, I let you enjoy it, yet you refuse to appreciate my kindness!?" Do you know how much these things are worth? "

Wang Yuxian started crying, "This thing is even more valuable, is it even worth the value of our relationship?!"

Lao Gao paused, and slapped him yet again.

"This is fucking different!"

Wang Yuxian was filled with tears, she did not know what to do.

Lao Gao used his arm to grab onto Wang Yuxian's neck, with both of his hands, he slowly pulled the thing out, and with his other hand, he fished for his lighter.

Some people went astray.

Some people were forced to do so.

And some people do it for love.

Under Lao Gao's pressure, the Wang Yuxian was forced into a corner one step at a time.

At this time, Lao Gao was no longer Lao Gao, but instead looked like a ferocious demon.

At this moment, Wang Yuxian blocked a few attacks and then started to give up.

She stared at Old Wang with red eyes, looking at him with the kind of gaze that you would use to make fun of me if you chose to.

Her heart broke into countless pieces.

Could it be that Lao Gao didn't know how dangerous this thing was? Did he not know that after the Wang Yuxian absorbed it, it would become like him?

He was not trying to make the Wang Yuxian enjoy it, but to have her fall along with him!

Lao Gao, is he even human?


The lighter lit up, and an evil smile appeared on Lao Gao's face: Jade Immortal, have a bite, it's absolutely satisfying, at that time I will let you fly into the sky, haha!

Two streams of tears flowed down Wang Yuxian's face.

Who told her to like Lao Gao?

Who asked her to love the Lao Gao she loved so much?

Perhaps, this was fate!

Wang Yuxian simply closed her eyes and did not care about anything else.

I had been listening to their conversation up there, my fists slowly clenching and clenching.

Lao Gao, are you f * cking human again?


At that moment, I kicked open the door upstairs.

"Lao Gao, stop it right now!" I walked down, fists clenched.

When Lao Gao saw me, he was shocked. He didn't know that there was still someone hiding up there.

"Wen Zi..." Wang Yuxian cried even harder.

"Jade Immortal, are you still not clear about who Lao Gao is?!" I said angrily.

Lao Gao was stunned for a few seconds before reacting. He hurriedly put away the things in his bosom and picked up a bottle of wine from the table.

"Fuck, our family's business, it's none of your business! Get the hell out of here! "

I put Wang Yuxian behind me and coldly said: "If you want to scram, it's you who should do so!"

"F * ck …" Lao Gao threw a bottle of wine over. I raised my head to block and the bottle grazed my arm and flew away.

Then, I shot forward like an arrow and grabbed onto Lao Gao's hair, forcefully pulling him up to my knees.

I prepared to give him an electric cannon, but after thinking about it for a moment, I decided to give up on it.

He grabbed both his hands and locked them around him.

With a light pull, I pulled out the contents of his pocket.

"Zhang Wen, f * ck me..." Lao Gao was still struggling, but his other hand continued to punch out powerlessly.

This fellow's strength had decreased significantly. It felt as though he was scratching an itch when he hit someone.

"Don't you like smoking? I'll let you smoke! " I opened it, poured it all into a bottle of wine, and spilled it on the floor.

Zhang Wen, you …" "AHH!" The moment I saw this thing disappear, Old Gao seemed to have gone insane as he frantically struggled in my embrace.

Seems like he wants to eat me.

I used my eyes to ask the Wang Yuxian what to do next.

Wang Yuxian shook her head at me.

I sighed, twisted Lao Gao's hand and pushed him away, giving him a kick on my butt: "Scram!"

I pulled the Rolling Gate down.

Lao Gao scolded him for a while before bitterly leaving.

In the restaurant, I lit up a cigarette and helplessly sat there smoking, while Wang Yuxian squatted on the floor with her knees in her arms.

"Wen Zi, don't tell anyone else about this." Wang Yuxian stroked her hair behind her ears and said softly.

"If I didn't say it, others would already know about it. Jade Immortal, I feel that all of you really don't need to do it anymore." These words are my heartfelt words, it's not that I want Wang Yuxian to leave Lao Gao and stay with me.

I just want her to find something better. I don't want her to live like that every day. It's not like her at all.

He didn't know if she understood or not, but she didn't say anything for a long time.

"Jade Immortal, did you see it clearly? Lao Gao wants to harm you! Do you know how hurtful that thing is? " As soon as I get excited, I start talking freely.

"Wen Zi, sister understands …"

"You still let him do that to you? What if I'm not here today? You are willing to let him succeed? " My hand was shaking as I held the cigarette.

"But, in the end, he's still my man …"

The Wang Yuxian was good everywhere, but she felt that her EQ was not mature enough.

Or rather, I didn't understand her past at all. I didn't have the right to say anything like that.

Everyone has a different color in love.

"You are still young, and people who like you can make a whole new street. But why must you put all your heart into Lao Gao? I don't believe that he's that good! "

Wang Yuxian lowered her head.

I felt that it would be better to let her think things through herself. Thus, I extinguished my cigarette and went up. Soon after, the Wang Yuxian also came up.

I heard her footsteps near my door and lingered for a moment.

Dong, dong, dong.

She knocked on the door.

"Wen Zi, are you asleep?"

I sat up in bed. "No."


The Wang Yuxian hesitated for a moment, then said: "Sister, tonight, can I sleep with you?"

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