Xiao Wang, original name Wang got rich, it was a very old and unsophisticated name.

But from this name, it could be seen how much hope his parents had for him. They hoped that he would make a fortune and leave this poor place for his own.

The old man's thoughts were simple, and Xiao Wang's name was also very simple.

So when he came out, Xiao Wang basically did not tell anyone his real name, and it was also Xiao Wang who called him by his real name.

Except his parents.

When he was seventeen, Xiao Wang was in high school.

He was in his third year of high school, and his studies were tight. Every day was like a war.

Xiao Wang's results were not bad. Although he was born in the countryside, he had a good brain.

Every time his parents received Xiao Wang's good results, they would also show off in the village.

This was also their chance to show off.

At that time, Xiao Wang's father was already lying on the bed.'s mother was taking care of the old man as she grew land.

Preserving harvests through drought and waterlogging were all for good harvests.

Very unfortunate.

In the end, they were only sold for less than a thousand yuan. Forget about paying for's tuition, even the basic expenses of his family wouldn't be enough to cover all the expenses.

However, Xiao Wang still lived up to his expectations and entered a pretty good university.

But the school fees gave him a headache.

It was impossible for the family to afford it.

"Mom, why don't I go home and help you farm? I don't want to go to university anymore." That year, the ignorant Xiao Wang made a call to his family.

Xiao Wang's mother was very open-minded, "Nonsense! He had gone to college with great difficulty, so how could he not go to school? Do you know how many people in the village can't even go there? You have to do it for me! Go well! In the future, don't stay in the village and be a farmer for the rest of your life! I'll think of a way to pay for it! "

Xiao Wang couldn't refuse his mother's request and could only agree. However, he knew that this money was not something that could be taken out just by saying that he could take it out.

Work to earn some money.

Be less burdensome if you can lighten the burden on the family.

He worked as a waitress in a KTV.

Although the work was tiring, the income was not bad.

But when Xiao Wang successfully worked for a month and prepared to pay his salary, a problem had occurred.

With a single glance, he could tell that the boss was a socialite with a bald head.

"You're called Wang Fangwei?" That day in the office, there was contempt in his eyes.

Xiao Wang nodded, he did not care about anything else, he only cared about money.

This month's money was enough for him to let his mother relax for a while.

"Hmm, this is a probation period and you have no salary!" The baldy saw that Xiao Wang was an honest and sincere student.

"What?" The person who introduced me did not tell me! " A buzzing sound came from Xiao Wang's head.

"Didn't I tell you now?" The bald man glared at him.

Xiao Wang clenched his teeth: "Then, is next month not the probation period?"

"Mm …"

After Xiao Wang finished speaking, he went out and continued working. Another month passed.

Summer vacation only had two months, Xiao Wang had been dragging on without paying his tuition, he was counting on this month's salary!

But on the day that he received his salary, the baldy's words changed again. He said that Xiao Wang had to work for another month before he could collect his money.

"Why?!" Xiao Wang stubbornly asked.

"Why not!" This time, the baldy was too lazy to explain.

"Damn, you lied to me!" Xiao Wang just realised that he was not a match for the baldy and was knocked to the ground in just three moves.

That moment was the moment where Xiao Wang was the most ignorant and helpless of them all.

The baldy had no intention of giving him the money. He was simply toying with him.

He couldn't bear it, so he went to the hardware store to buy a kitchen knife, then jumped back into the KTV to look for the baldy.

But Baldy and his men, with their several guards, beat Xiao Wang out.

This time, Xiao Wang's head was also broken.

But he still couldn't accept it. He had worked so hard for just two months and it had gone down the drain?

At this time, a pair of large hands pressed down on Xiao Wang's shoulders. Xiao Wang turned around, and what stood behind him seemed to be a Boss Du with a halo.

"Kid, what happened to you?" The Boss Du at this time, had just been in a good mood. When he was playing here, he had already noticed Xiao Wang.

If he didn't have any deep grudges, how could an honest and well-behaved student possibly use a saber to slash at someone?

So Boss Du wanted to know what happened.

Xiao Wang told him the truth and cried out loud.

Boss Du laughed and said: "Wang Fangwei, are you willing to follow me? I dare not say anything else, but I guarantee you that you will live well in the future! "

Xiao Wang stared at Boss Du for a few seconds, then numbly nodded his head.

No one would have thought that so many things would happen in the future. No one knew that just a single word of promise would cause Xiao Wang to go all out.

That day, Boss Du brought people to clean up the bald man's place. Xiao Wang personally picked up a brick and smashed the bald man's head.

He had also smashed the KTV into smithereens.

At that time, Xiao Wang suddenly had a feeling of satisfaction.

He himself had never been looked up to before, but today he could finally lift his eyebrows and feel proud.

The feeling of being respected was truly great!

From that moment onwards, Xiao Wang also made up his mind to follow the Boss Du.

After the summer vacation, Xiao Wang brought 10,000 yuan home.

"I'm rich! You can use this money to pay the tuition fees!" Mother said.

Xiao Wang shook his head: "Mom, look at all those students in university, how many of them have proper jobs? Do you think I've graduated from college and I have a job now? This is the ten thousand dollars that Lao Gao has given to me in advance! "

"But, this …" 10,000 credits was a sum that was too much for her to bear. This amount of money was enough for them to spend for a long time.

Xiao Wang nestled into his mother's embrace. "Mom, in a while, we'll go find a better hospital for Dad. Who knows when Dad might really be able to stand up?"

"Good …" "Just listen to my son …" Two streams of old tears flowed out from her eyes.

She felt that from that moment onwards, Xiao Wang had grown up and become sensible.

However, she'd never thought that her son had left on a road of no return.

From then on, Xiao Wang followed the blades and fought hard for the Boss Du. All of the fierce battles were fought by him and the blade.

Although Xiao Wang was not skilled, he would always rush to the front.

If he wanted to get more money from the Boss Du, he would have to work even harder.

Of course, the Boss Du had never treated him poorly, he had always received the most dividends, and sometimes, he would even be given some money for him to filial piety towards his parents.

Xiao Wang felt that this kind of big brother, where could he find him?

Therefore, his feelings for the Boss Du were also slowly changing.

He changed from a cold and detached boss to a familiar elder brother, and then to a blood brother who cared about him and tolerated him …

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