Yuxian nail shop.

Here, the first floor of manicure, the second floor is the place to live.

I specially asked someone to clean it up. The dress is warm and tidy. Wang Yuxian likes this tune.

Wang Yuxian knows nothing about manicure. These days, she learns from the girls in the manicure shop when she is free, and then tests her nails.

Wang Yuxian is smart, but willing to bear hardships. No matter what she does, she can succeed.

Some men can't even compare with her.

It's just opened here. There are a lot of things to do, but the battlefield is inseparable from me and Li Erzi. I can only come when I'm free. I usually let Zhuang forced Hu and Heimei stay here to help Wang Yuxian take care of the business.

Nothing happened at noon that day. I left Zhang Guohua on the battlefield and came to the nail salon with Li Erzi early in the morning.

During the day, there are still many girls coming to do manicure. Business is good.

Wang Yuxian is still busy and has no time to greet me.

Today, when Hei Mei was away, I saw from a distance that pretending to force the tiger to sit in the nail shop, put the big black scratch on the nail table and let a girl who looked like a newcomer do his nails.

I looked a little jumpy.

In the past, he slapped the tiger on the forehead: "what the fuck are you doing, tiger?"

Pretending to force the tiger to look back and see me, he smiled at me: "Wenzi, I'm not sacrificing myself to practice for these girls?"

I looked at him coldly.

Pretending to be a tiger, I don't think it's so kind.

At this time, I found that the girl opposite didn't wear much, and the things on her chest were looming.

I immediately understood why pretending to be a tiger came here just now, just to see the girl's chest!

No matter how free he was, he didn't come to help the girl with her manicure.

"Brother, how do you feel about the manicure?" the girl asked, pretending to be a tiger.

Pretending to force the tiger to return the obscenity on his face just now, he immediately became serious.

"Well, it's good. Keep working hard. It's just that the color is not very good. It seems a little too much..."

Li Erzi couldn't bear the strength of forcing the tiger, and deliberately shouted at the door, "Oh, black sister, why are you back now?"


Pretending to force the tiger to fall to the ground.


Yuxian nail salon is more famous than any of us imagined.

In a few days, the fame here spread.

The decoration here is not only luxurious, but also the level of Manicure technicians is very high and the price is not expensive, so girls nearby are willing to come here for manicure.

Meanwhile, near Wang Yuxian's hotel.

The lights have long been turned off here. It's dark.

Lao Gao knocked at the door for a long time, and no one answered.

He frowned and his face sank.

Even if he smashed the hotel for a few days, Wang Yuxian never left in the hotel. What's going on today?

Why not?

These days, Lao Gao still helps the little wolf to send things, but the money given by the little wolf can no longer satisfy Lao Gao, so Lao Gao thinks of Wang Yuxian.

Doesn't she still have some savings here?

Ask for the money and he can suck it for a while.

He doesn't care what Wang Yuxian thinks at all. All he cares about is money.

He called Wang Yuxian. The phone was connected, but no one answered.

This makes Lao Gao even more uncomfortable.

This Wang Yuxian is hiding from him tomorrow!

He can abandon Wang Yuxian.

But if Wang Yuxian avoids him, he can't!

But he couldn't find anyone now, so he went to the wolf angrily.

No way. He has to start work today.

No work, where does the money come from?

Wolf is not in the bar now. If you have time, go to the KTV nearby. It's all right. I'll look for women in this rental room.

There's no way. He doesn't know why. Those people at the column squatted in the bar waiting for him recently. As soon as he passed, those people seemed to have heavenly eyes. They rushed in and hit him!

He has been beaten three times in a week!

This fight is really in vain!

So the little wolf found a rule. If he didn't go to the bar, he would be fine. If he went to the bar, he would be finished!

Although he doesn't know who betrayed his whereabouts, he still doesn't go to the bar recently in order not to be beaten.

For the time being, I'm in my rental room.


Bang Bang~

There was a knock at the door.

"Who?" the little wolf was alert. He thought that the people of the pillar could not know that he lived here?

In that case, the pillar really has a heavenly eye!

"It's me, Lao Gao!"

"Grass..." the little wolf scolded and came to open the door.

"Why are you here?" the little wolf was very upset to see that Lao Gao was the only one.

Lao Gao sat down and poured himself a glass of wine: "shit, that bitch!"

"What's the matter?" the little wolf heard that Lao Gao was scolding Wang Yuxian!

He is interested in Wang Yuxian, but he has always been beaten in the past two days. He doesn't have time to contact Wang Yuxian at all. Moreover, he is afraid that when Zhang Wen suddenly comes out, isn't he worse off?

"Just now I went to the hotel. There was no one in it, and she wasn't there! She must have run away with a man! I knew who she was!"

Hearing what Lao Gao said, the little wolf was full of contempt.

He took a deep look at Lao Gao and said meaningfully, "Wang Yuxian didn't go with a man, but he doesn't open a restaurant now!"

Although little wolf hasn't been active outside recently, the news is still very well informed.

"What? No more restaurants?" Lao Gao was surprised.

Wang Yuxian doesn't open a restaurant. What are you doing? Did you go back to your hometown? Who will ask for money after that?

"Lao Gao, I didn't say you, you woman, you don't know?"

"I really don't know." Lao Gao was speechless.

"You woman, opened a manicure shop called Yuxian manicure shop! And now the business is good! Everyone knows, just fucking you don't know!"

After listening to the wolf's words, Lao Gao seemed to be hit in the head.

Wang Yuxian, did you open a nail salon for him?

Besides, it's making money?

Lao Gao's teeth are itching. Didn't wang Yuxian say he had no money! When I gave him the money, I chattered. Now it's my turn to open a shop. It's really a big deal!

Shit, Ba Zi!

Lao Gao scolded secretly in his heart.

"Lao Gao, you really can't deal with women, or I'll help you!" said the wolf.

Lao Gao didn't hear the meaning of the little wolf's words, but thought for a while and shook his head: "no, I'll find her first and see what she meant! I don't believe that a rural woman can fly up the branches and become a phoenix!"

Lao Gao doesn't believe it. That's his subjective speculation.

But Wang Yuxian, is not a Phoenix, others see in the eyes.

Restaurants are popular.

Open a nail shop. Nail shops are hot.

She's not a Phoenix. Who is it?

"OK, go deliver the goods first. I've contacted all the people," said the wolf at this time.

Then he gave Lao Gao a bag of things.

Lao Gao took it and went out.

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