I am worried that something will happen to Li Jiarui, so I asked Wang Peng and the others to go with me to look for him.

Right now, Wang Peng and Wang Peng already have a lot of brothers in the school, so after Wang Peng shouted loudly in the dorm, seven or eight people ran out to help me find Li Jiarui.

I kept calling her, but no one answered.

Ten-odd minutes later, Wang Xin called me, saying that she had Li Jiarui.

I hastily walked over.

Li Jiarui sat in the dorm angrily with her chest moving up and down.

"Why did you keep calling me? Teacher told me to talk about something just now. " she said snappily.

I suddenly looked like a monkey who had just appeared on stage. Wang Xin stuck out her tongue at me and went out.

"I was afraid something would happen to you," I said softly.

"What can happen to me in school? Aren't you a little too nervous? " She pouted at me. "You kept calling me, and I got annoyed!"

I was indeed a little anxious just now. I hurried over to hug her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "It's my fault for delaying your business. I promise I won't do it again."

She pouted. "Your attitude towards admitting your wrongs is pretty good. This time, I won't pursue this matter."

"Thank you, my wife."

"Cluck, cluck …" She covered her mouth and laughed.

At night, I said that I would treat them to dinner, but when I paid the bill, it was Li Jiarui who paid it.

After we finished eating, we went to her place to play. For some reason, I kept having the feeling that Li Jiarui and I were separated by a layer, and were not as intimate as before.

I thought she was still a little angry, so I didn't think too much about it.

When I wanted to take Li Jiarui to a room in the middle to get intimate with her, she forcefully rejected me.

This made me a little unhappy.

She comforted me by saying that she was here on her own and would stay with me until she was done.

Anyway, I didn't enjoy myself today, so I went back to sleep.

Lao Yan came over on time at noon on the second day. Today, he rarely didn't drink alcohol, he only ordered a few plates of food and leisurely ate it himself.

As usual, I said hello to him and went back to my work. I waited until there was no one around before I went over to chat with him.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you drinking today?" I asked while chuckling.

Lao Yan frowned: "Big bro is worried!"

After so many days of laying the groundwork for him, he was finally going to get into the main topic today.

"What is it?" I looked at him seriously.

"Ai!" He sighed heavily, "To tell you the truth, there's a boss who owes me money and there's no news of it for more than a year. He said he has no money, but I know he doesn't want to pay me back at all! But that's not a small amount for me! I've encountered some trouble in the past few days, so I might not be able to get the funds back! "

He stared at me.

I knew what he meant, but I played dumb. "Then why not?"

"It's going to be useless!"

"Where's the police?"

"Haha …" He laughed self-deprecatingly. "Bro, if the police were useful, would I still need to worry?"

I nodded my head and took a sip of my tea.

It's dry and bitter.

I know that what should come will eventually come. No one in this world would be willing to give you a favor for no reason at all. There are some things that you have to return.

I lit up a cigarette and said: "Lao Yan, if you have something to say, just say it. We are straightforward people, and if I can help, I will definitely help!"

Lao Yan's eyes moved, his eyeballs moved craftily, and said: "To tell you the truth, when you guys fought with Brother Long that day, I was there, and I felt that you guys were all talented, had good skills, and had some ruthlessness that no one else had, I think if it was you helping brother, I would definitely get back the money!"

So that's how it is. He wants us to help him ask for money!

To put it bluntly, it was to collect the debt.

When I was young, my father was a gambler and lost a lot of money, so the people who collected the debt came to my house to set up their things.

I never thought I'd get involved with those people.

Besides, I've never done anything like that.

Seeing that I was hesitating, he chuckled. "Brother, I know that you can't earn much money by being a waiter here, but one month is around two thousand, right? Well done, three thousand? What could this amount of money do? The boss owes me 500,000, if you help me get this money back, I'll split it with each of you for 10,000, what do you think? "

When Acting Hu heard money, his eyes immediately straightened and he continuously nodded at me.

I thought, what do you know? Income and risk are proportional, for Lao Yan to give us so many benefits, there must be a greater risk inside.

Lao Yan knows so much about us, this is his bargaining chip, even if he doesn't do anything, an anonymous letter reporting it to the Public Security Bureau would spell the end for us. Right now, I can only help him once to stop him from talking.

Presumably, Lao Yan also thought the same.

I nodded at Lao Yan: "Alright, I will help you with this matter, but only this time!"

Lao Yan beamed. "Haha, alright! Young people must have some ideals! Staying here all day is not an option! "

Then he asked for two bottles of wine, called Acting Hu and the others over, and they all drank together.

Lao Yan said that he and the owner had not seen each other for a long time, and he didn't want to get into an awkward situation because of the five hundred thousand, so he could only come and find us. Let me say that it was a distant relative, and Lao Yan owed us money, so he gave us this IOU.

He said that the boss actually didn't have much ability, so he told me not to be afraid.

Before he left, he gave me the address and phone number and told me to come by myself.

He left us five thousand dollars, he said, as a down payment.

After he left, Wang Yuxian came over and asked me: "Wen Zi, did you really think about helping him? This is not as simple as you think. "

I know that Wang Yuxian is worried about me, but I have no choice but to do this.

Lao Yan wanted to be friends with us because it was fake, but in reality, he wanted us to do all sorts of things as a threat.

However, I will only help him once, so I definitely won't interfere in the future.

Besides, there was no other way to keep being threatened.

"Jade Immortal, you don't need to worry about that. I know what I'm doing. I heard that the shops nearby will be closed to the water tomorrow, right? It just so happens that you can take a day off.

Seeing that my tone was firm, Wang Yuxian didn't think too much and only told me that she knew a few people from before and wanted me to call her if there were any problems that I couldn't handle. I nodded my head.

After Wang Yuxian left, I said to them: "Acting Hu, Zhang Guohua will go and collect the debt with me tomorrow. Li Erzi, you stay."

Li Erzi panicked: Why aren't you letting me go, looking down on me?

I smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "The division of labor in the revolution is different. You are responsible for staying behind to help me investigate Lao Yan's background.

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