My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 249: deep sea to be fired

"However, he doesn't look very smart in getting his name."

Harry shrugged, obviously disliking this guy named "Professor".

"Ah, haha, you're right."

The tall and thin man laughed awkwardly.

"Then look at this, flames!"

The lanky man introduced a third product to Harry, "This is a superhero who used to work for the Walter Company, age 34, weighs 140 pounds, has special skills - explosion, fire resistance, likes feathered fashion, used to climb I have been to Jushan Mountain, and the signature catchphrase is: The flames have begun!"

Harry looked at the thin guy with the cockscomb and the hippie dress, and thought this one was less reliable than the two above.

"He's an explosive guy, deafening." The lanky one boasted to Harry about the popularity of the flames.

"Soak up all the limelight, he's hot, ma'am, this is definitely the perfect superhero team member for you, and if you drop him, there will be seven offers to grab him tomorrow."

"Forget it, I shouldn't have confidence in you guys, even the most hateful villain looks like a street gangster in my eyes."

Harley sighed and left the UIT company.

"Super villains are becoming less and less distinctive, so how can they compete with Mr. J's Destruction Legion?"

Harry walked down the street with a sullen face.

"The last time the train robbed the nuclear warhead, it was destroyed by the clown and his subordinates. If he hadn't had a group of subordinates, I would have thrown him off the fire and let him feel the ice and snow in Siberia."

Harley thought of the humiliating defeat the Joker had thrown from the train last time.

I was walking on the street bored, and saw a news on the TV through the glass window of the store.

The Deep Sea of ​​the Super Seven is caught in a peach dispute.

Deep Sea is already in huge trouble after being accused of sexual harassment and slandering and insulting women.

The host briefly introduced the event.

A kindergarten teacher named Catherine, who was rescued from Governor's Island, accused the deep sea of ​​forcing her to give her fingering, and insulted her personality, using allegedly discriminatory words such as "Bichi" and "Bitch" to insult her.

Catherine asked Deep Sea to make financial and moral compensation for her and make a public apology.

"It's completely out of nowhere, we're just going on regular dates, some words... some passionate words, maybe just inadvertently uttered when we're agitated, and that doesn't count as evidence for the charges."

Deep Sea was wearing his dark green combat uniform and said with a bitter face.

"So, you admit that you discriminate against women?"

The reporter caught the fault in the deep sea dialect and asked.

"No, I don't, don't take it out of context."

Deep Sea panicked and hurriedly defended.

At the same time, he pushed aside the reporter and slipped outside.

The camera recorded the scene of Shen Hai fleeing in embarrassment, and the female reporter said: "Although Shen Hai does not admit that he has discriminatory words against women, based on his words and deeds, it is likely that he is a sexist. As a public example The fact that a member of the Super Seven is a hidden feminist makes one wonder if the other male superheroes at Walter are male chauvinists."

In the United States, there are two absolute political correctness, one is Black Lives Matter, and the other is the issue of women's boxing. Once you touch these two taboos, you will definitely be killed by the society.

Sadly, the deep sea has been targeted by such a group of experts who focus on feminist issues.

Once he has an accident, the Super Seven should be renamed the "Walter Sisters Flowers" - Leslie, Maeve, Starlight, Storm.

The people of the motherland were imprisoned by Eric. Black is still eating sand in the Sahara Desert. The locomotive has a heart attack and is hospitalized. Deep Sea is obsessed with feminist issues. It is estimated that he will soon quit the team.

"Hmm, poor little guppy."

Harry muttered, "I'm willing to take in this unlucky **** if he wants to join my super villain army..."

Speaking of the general, Harry suddenly widened his eyes and raised his voice, "Wait, the members of the Super Seven have joined my Super Legion, is there anything crazier than this?"

She almost jumped up excitedly, "This is definitely an idea that surprised Mr. J, I'm going to recruit this little fishman into my super villain army!"

Action, action, Harley Quinn immediately took action and slipped away to the Walter Company.

She wants to convince Deep Sea to join his super army.

On the other hand, the troubled deep sea is receiving the guidance of relevant professionals in UIT company.

It's still the two wonderful people who received Harry before - tall and thin and a big back.

"Come out and talk a few times, cry and say you know you're wrong, and then say how you love your girlfriend and puppy."

The tall and thin man was sitting on the sofa, and in a very professional tone, he approached the deep sea.

"Puppy, or kitten, but puppies are better. According to our survey, in terms of women's preference for pets, puppies are slightly ahead of cats. UU Reading"

Dabeitou seemed to have ADHD. He stood behind the dejected deep sea and said, "Just talk about how you love your girlfriend and how you like your pet dog Duoduo. It's a good name, right? It's just called Duoduo."

The tall and thin man sang in harmony with the big back, "Yes, your love for pets will cause women's impression of you to change. They will feel that a superhero who likes family and pet dogs must not be a **** who is suspected of discriminating against women."

"The most important thing is to convince women that you are a superhero who is caring, caring about animals and caring about women."


Deep Sea hesitated, "I don't have a girlfriend, and I don't have a pet dog. I do have a little hamster, but it starved to death a few days ago. I like to keep some tropical fish, so that I can talk to them at any time... ..."

The tall and thin man stood up and said with a hatred of iron and steel: "On! Does crisis public relations need to tell the truth? No, the important thing is to convince the public of what you have done, even if it sounds full of lies."

"OK, you are professional, I believe in your strength."

Deep Sea didn't believe it and couldn't do anything about it. The company had given up on him and was going to let him quit the Super Seven.

Once you withdraw from this super-first-line team, the things that you can easily get in the past may be far away from yourself in an instant.

Wealth, strength, honor, all will disappear in an instant, maybe he can't even pay his own credit card.

This is really...a frightening thing.

Therefore, the deep sea can't wait to find this public relations and consulting company that claims to be able to help superheroes solve everything.

"Of course, we are definitely the most professional. We helped settle the last Tek Knight scandal..."

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