My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 299: first battle green arrow

Green Arrow has fallen into a state of rage. As if he didn't hear Eric's words, he rushed forward two steps, jumped up, and charged towards Eric like a big bird.

Although invisible, his fighting skills are still fierce.

Oliver Quinn is a master martial artist, proficient in Judo, Wing Chun, Taekwondo, Karate and Kali martial arts. He can use his fighting skills to fight one against seven. Not only did he take the time to hone his craft, but he also received training from some of the world's top fighting masters like Ms. Shiva.

Apart from that, like Dick, he is an acrobatic master who can dodge fire easily.

In addition, he is a very good culinary cook. Legend has it that the Green Arrow Special Spicy Beef Stew, which he made secretly, was both feared and loved by the entire Justice League.

However, judging from the slow speed of his movements, it should have been a long time since he had eaten beef well.

Facing the attack of the green arrow, Eric took a step back slightly with his toes, and at the same time turned around and twisted his waist. The black cloak drew a sloping arc and attacked the green arrow.

Green Arrow lost his sight, and could only use his hearing, which is many times higher than normal, to make battle judgments.

A strong wind was blowing in the face, and the experienced Green Arrow stretched out his arms, ready for the current blow, and then pulled away.

However, the expected attack did not come.

Eric's cloak is just a feint, and the fist in his right hand is the ultimate move.

Taking advantage of the shortcomings of Green Arrow's inability to capture his own movements, Eric's fist struck his chest like lightning.


This punch didn't make much effort, just made Green Arrow feel a blackness in front of him, a tightness in his chest, and he stumbled back.

Eric didn't give him a chance to breathe, grabbed the clothes on his chest and threw it to the ground.

This time it only made him fall on the buttocks, and did not hurt him.

"Can you calm down now? Oliver Quinn?"

Green Arrow wasn't out of combat, but he didn't want to fight anymore.

Sitting on the ground dejectedly, he raised his head, "Are you really Batman? You still know my true identity, is it the Joker who told you?"

"Dude, you can't say that, you've already become the mayor of Star City, who doesn't know you're the Green Arrow of that city? Tights, the dude who goes partying everywhere, and then the party goes to the second half, throwing Drive your lovely bodyguard and go to the chivalrous way... Haha, I can't imagine the eccentricities of rich people."

The clown in the lantern ruthlessly complained to the Green Arrow.

"Oliver, I am indeed Batman from another earth, believe it or not."

Eric repeated the previous words again, "I want the world to return to normal, maybe, you can help me."

He reached out to Green Arrow.

"Help you? Humph, what do you know?"

Green Arrow stood up from the ground and patted the dust on his clothes.

"Look, in this world, everything happens naturally. Do you know what the most terrifying place is? The most terrifying place is that these wars, which are not unnatural at all, these are the most natural things in the world! "

Green Arrow roared emotionally: "In the war just now, what you saw is the most natural thing in the world. It's all staged all over the world, and everyone is not surprised!"

The hideous scar on his face trembled with his roar, "This is a complete horror show, this world...that's it, hope has been completely cut off!"


Eric didn't think so, "Oliver, what about you? If what you just said was your true thoughts, I would turn around and leave without hesitation."

Oliver was suddenly stunned.

His expression became strange.

After changing his face a few times, he sighed slightly, "Well, I always do ridiculous things with duplicity... I am willing to believe you once. Cherish in this disordered society. , that's the only bit of kindness left!"

Green Arrow is a preliminary identification of Batman's identity.


The old blind man Green Arrow held the reins of the horse, and let the horse be the navigation and lead him forward.

"So, what's with your eyes and the scars on your face? I remember Diana saying that you and Dinah (Black Canary) were both sacrificed."

Eric walked at the front and turned back to Green Arrow and asked.

Green Arrow sighed, "If I can, I don't want to look back on that tragedy... I was stabbed in the face, blood flowed, and the mob who got the power wouldn't let me go, they continued to attack me. Dai. Na saved me, she has a super power called 'Canary'..."

Green Arrow's mood dropped, "It may be from a wizard's superpower, or maybe she was born with it. This superpower can hypnotize others and use her voice to disturb others. Dinah uses this ability to hypnotize others. to the thugs who attacked me and made them think I was dead...but she couldn't save herself..."

He was full of remorse for the sacrifice of Black Canary.

"That shouldn't happen, it's me who should die!"

Green Arrow covered his eyes, "I woke up and got stabbed in my eyes...but what's all that? I lost my Dinah...and never see her again. already."

At the end, his voice became choked up.

The raven sitting on the horse has red eyes. Although she does not know the black canary, she is still moved by her devotion to her lover.

"Ms. Dinah must want you to do something meaningful with this body."

Eric patted his shoulder gently.


Arrow's voice became firm again, "I hope you can do me a favor and send me to Carson City, Nevada."

"Carson City?"

Eric didn't know why the other party went to Carson City.

"There's a refuge base there, and I need to send something there."


Eric continued to ask We are not yet familiar with the situation where I will tell all the secrets and tell the truth, but you will help me...right? You are Batman after all. "

It seems that Green Arrow is treating Eric and his party as free **** escorts.

Before Eric agreed, Raven agreed immediately.

"Mr. Green Arrow, we're going to Burning Steppes. I heard that it's also near Nevada. It should be not far from Carson City. I think we can **** you there, right? Mr. Batman."

The raven cast a hopeful look at Eric.

Eric was stared at by the raven at this time. Naturally, he couldn't say what he refused, so he nodded, "I hope it won't take too long."

The clown hanging on the saddle disagreed, "Bat, you want to send a blind man to the refuge base, I won't agree. I think you'd better put away your excessive sympathy, otherwise you will be caught by this unknown source. This guy lied. I never lie, man, you gotta keep your eyes peeled!"

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