My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 421: Bat VS Night Owl

boom! boom! boom!

Eric threw a few bat darts.

The extremely fast dart made a sound of breaking through the air, and flew in front of Ye Xiao in an instant.

Ye Xiao raised his cloak and covered it in front of him.

Using special materials, it has a strong elastic and defensive cloak, which can easily bounce the Batarang.

The two feet hit the ground, and Ye Xiao moved in front of Eric in an instant.

The whole body was tense, and all the strength was concentrated on the fist, hitting Eric's chest.

As a counterpart of Batman, his fighting skills are not only full, but also much stronger than Eric.

After all, when it comes to martial arts talent, the Wayne family says second, and no one dares to claim first.

A subtle block, brushing Eric's outstretched arm, and then instantly bends his elbow, changing the direction of the attack.

Eric's jaw is his target!

With a backward step, he avoided the attack of the night owl, but the attack that followed him came again.

Eric had to keep backing away.

Raise your arms and hold the opponent's upper kick.


Eric's kicked arms went numb.


After pulling away, panting slightly, Eric stared at Ye Xiao, who was resting.

Even if his body has been strengthened, he cannot resist the opponent's attack.

If you don't rely on any external force, from a competitive point of view, you are not the opponent's opponent.

Although the speed and strength did not exceed his expectations, the grasp of timing and the targeted attack on the opponent's weaknesses, such a physique master with majestic experience, is far beyond his own rank.

Unlike Death Knell, Death Knell is the kind of person who is too conceited but cannot understand the connotation of fighting. He will only display the techniques he has learned and acquired from life-and-death struggle, but he will not or disdain to think about how to extend this kind of danger. homicide.

It is also different from Omega. Omega is the kind of coercion under the general trend. After possessing the anti-life equation, fighting skills are only one of his killing skills. Although it is majestic and magnificent, it will not make people admire, because the other party has completely mastered it. After all, you just take it for granted.

Ye Xiao, is the kind of existence that makes Eric fearful in a simple fight.

Experience and innate intuition allow him to push Eric into the wind with ease.

"In the long history of human beings, fantasy has appeared from the day of birth, and with fantasy comes chaos. Chaos and disorder are the themes of the eternal development of the world. For rulers, if they cannot deal with these chaos , then prove that their grip on power is ineffective and deserved to be resisted. You think criminal syndicates are sinful, but in the face of an ineffective government, destroy it through extremism, and recreate a more worthy of allegiance and Effective government, isn't that what it should be?"

Ye Xiao did not pursue the victory, but stood in place and spoke his views with a magnetic voice.

"You... just crazy!"

Eric shook his head, "No matter how much you defend the criminal syndicate, it cannot change the nature of your aggressors!"


He nodded slightly, "The shackles of moral values ​​make it impossible for all of you to accept the concept of 'natural selection, survival of the fittest', I understand. But the ultimate source of moral values ​​is not culture or rationality, It's the individual!"

"I have no intention of convincing you, or forcing you to agree with me. But we are clearly the same people who can bring the whole world to the brink of destruction for a purpose. Look at what you do, there is no Gotham, no crime, But what you're doing is recreating Gotham. Even though it's bad for the people, you obviously enjoy it."

Ye Xiao raised his cloak and directly killed Eric.

Eric naturally disagreed with his nonsense.

"If you think I have ulterior motives, trying to turn New York into a Gotham that everyone hates. All I can say is, that wasn't my intention. Thomas Wayne, you killed your brother, you killed your parents, you killed The Joker is dead, and the power to rule Gotham in exchange for order, is this the way to rule that suits your heart?"

"No! That is your hatred for yourself. You are used to seeing corruption and greed, and you are used to seeing the dark jungle. You can't find a way to solve all this. You killed your parents, but you still can't solve these ills. Gotham's disease is getting worse! So... you secretly acquiesced to the theory of Speedmaster, believing that the world should be ruled by wicked people, and you gave up on yourself! You gave up on the correction of Gotham!"

Mouth escape, who wouldn't?

In the face of Ye Xiao's personal attack, Eric was not to be outdone, and directly exposed Ye Xiao's true face.

"You are sick, and you are very sick, worse than Gotham!"

In the last sentence, Eric increased the volume and directly reprimanded him!


Ye Xiao did not refute, but just stood quietly and faced Eric face to face.

After a long while, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "What does it matter?"

A feeling of emptiness, a strong sense of self-destruction emanated from him.


Eric was a little stunned, and he didn't know why this guy admitted it directly.


Ye Xiao suddenly launched an attack, stepped forward with both feet, and moved in front of Eric at the fastest speed.

The fist turned into lightning, and a swoosh hit Eric's cheek.

Eric quickly raised his arm to block.

Ye Xiao's fist was like a steel wire condensed into a ball, full of terrifying power.

Eric clenched his fists, but the shocked one stepped back.

In the next second, Ye Xiao's right hand was bent into an elbow, supporting Eric's counterattack.

His body shuddered violently, and his indifferent eyes lit up.

It was the first time Ye Xiao had met someone who could compete with him in physical skills. Of all the people he's ever met, Eric is the only guy who can make his eyes shine.

"Don't tell me you're so embarrassed that you're angry?"

Eric sneered and stepped back, avoiding Ye Xiao's violent knee strike.

"No! It's because I found that we are all the same type of people, and we lack interest in other people's preaching. Compared with this, we prefer to use violence to solve bang bang!

The moment they spoke, the two fought for more than a dozen rounds.

Comparatively speaking, Eric is the one who falls behind.

However, he has not shown his trump card, and he has not used the green light ring and the superhuman serum.

If these two big killers are used, I am afraid that the situation can be reversed in an instant.

But now is not the end of the world, and the trump card is to be used at a critical time, not as a conventional weapon.


The two fists collided, and there was a violent explosion in the air.

Eric took out a hook gun from his belt and shot at Ye Xiao while he stepped back.

After his modification, the hook gun has a speed no less than that of an ordinary firearm, and the silk thread wrapped around Ye Xiao's arm with a swish sound.

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