My Tennis Treasure, Starting From Polk's Retention!

0466 Dragon Power Comes To The World Or Kills Two Dragons With A Sword?

0466 Dragon power comes to the world or kills two dragons with a sword?

The figure of Kitagawa, who has opened another dimension, standing in the court at this moment, made everyone in the audience tremble.

Even if Echizen Ryoga activates the fusion of his own swallowing black hole and the legendary warrior, he will create a different-dimensional black hole warrior.

this moment.

His eyes also became solemn and sharp.

after all!

At the end of the competition between Kitagawa and his father, Kitagawa started the Tai Chi Yin and Yang Double Dragon Diagram at that time, and he turned defeat into victory in one fell swoop."

He deeply and clearly realized how terrifying and desperate Kitagawa's strength was at this time.

This is a force that even Echizen Nanjiro, the world tennis legend and known as the "Uncrowned King", cannot resist.


Echizen Ryoga actually asked his father afterward.

If it were more than ten years ago.

380 With the opponent who was still at the top of the world tennis world at that time, he faced the North at this time.

Can the opponent be sure to kill Kitagawa, the black and white dragon, with the "samurai sword" in his hand?

But Echizen Nanjiro gave a negative answer without hesitation.

This answer is for Echizen Ryoga.

It obviously gave him a deeper understanding of the power of the Tai Chi Yin and Yang Double Dragon Diagram.

In the auditorium.

"Come on, come on!! Kitagawa has indeed opened a different dimension!!"

"Why is it different from what I saw before?! Weren't there two fish-shaped phantoms one black and one white before? Why now.........turned into dragon shadows?!"

"I'm afraid... Kitagawa's strength has also improved greatly without us knowing it!!"

"I once heard that players who open a different dimension have the opportunity to transform the other dimension!! I don't know if Kitagawa has done this!!"

"Transformation? Just like Byōdōin Hōō, the captain of the Japan U-17 team, right?"

"That's right!! Once transformed, it means that the player has a clearer control over the power of another dimension, and all the advantages can be better utilized... But only he himself knows how much it has been enhanced!"

"This is the pinnacle showdown between the top players of the U-17 World Cup!! This tiebreak is definitely a game beyond everyone's imagination!!"

The spectators in the auditorium didn't care that the match was too long. They all raised their heads and looked in the direction of the competition court.

They can't wait to see Kitagawa and Echizen Ryoga face off in this tiebreak match.

And the same.

No matter it is Polk and others in the players' box of the German U-17 representative team.

Or Medanore and Echizen Nanjiro of the Spanish U1-7 team (cjfi).

Each of them stood in front of their seats, watching the tiebreak that was about to begin.

Confrontation between different dimensions

It will finally begin!!

In the VIP box.

Reinhard, the others, Mifūne Nyudō and others also had very serious expressions.

It was the first time for them to see Kitagawa open such a different dimension!!

At this moment, they also clearly realized it.

It’s not just Echizen Ryoga who keeps improving for this game!!

As a former winner, Kitagawa's opponent is constantly improving its own strength!!

So much so that at this moment, the other party can open up a different dimension that is no less than the Black Hole Samurai created by Echizen Ryoga fused with the legendary samurai!!

Looking at the yin and yang twin dragons intertwined in black and white, Mifūne Nyudō San couldn't help but speak softly: "The fish leaps into a dragon, this game... is it the dragon's mighty road or the sword that kills the twin dragons..."

"It's up to them..."

at the same time.

Thomas and Angele were still amazed that Kitagawa had opened a different dimension that was not inferior to the Black Hole Samurai.

Elena on the side was already operating her laptop again.


With her fingers flying, she kept inputting into the computer everything her vision captured about the different dimensions of the two people in the court.

But when she finished typing, she wanted to generate results......


This result did not satisfy her.

"The mental power is so strong that it is impossible to estimate... Sure enough! It is still impossible to fully understand a player based on data alone..."

Talking softly to herself, she also cast her eyes on the Belgian court C. .

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