What Bentley moon cakes, Rolls Royce bird's nest and the like.

Is this still less?

All of the above are just the tip of the iceberg.

And some netizens, after suffering losses, most of them also chose to swallow their anger.

As for why?

Some netizens, after being deceived, chose to post a video, to be honest, hoping to seek justice.

But in private, these netizens are called, privately messaged, and threatened by various people.

In the end it didn't matter.

Because, there is no one influential enough to stand up to help them!

Therefore, most people do not want to threaten themselves or even their family members because of some money, and finally choose to swallow it!

This also boosted the arrogance of those black-hearted anchors!

And because of Qin Yu, many netizens saw the opportunity!

If they don't stand up and speak out at this time, there will definitely be no chance in the future!

So ever!

Various reporting videos have appeared on major online platforms!

"Hello everyone, my name is Jiang Feng, and today I want to report Kuaishou anchor 'Poodle' for selling me sky-high Bentley mooncakes with my real name!"

"When I bought moon cakes in his live broadcast room, he personally told us that this moon cake was jointly authorized by Bentley Group."

"But in what I learned later, there was no such thing at all... I asked for a return, but was maliciously threatened!"

Another netizen.

"Hello everyone, my name is Li Hailian. Today, I want to report the Douyin anchor 'Mama Bell' with her real name. She used a noble packaging to deceive our trust in online products."

"After we full-time mothers paid a membership fee of 2000 yuan, we entered Belle's mother's WeChat group. She was there, giving us lectures and brainwashing every day."

"In the end, we full-time mothers, each of us paid a franchise fee of 1 yuan, and also bought a lot of products from her and sold them."

"Finally, we found that these products are basically three-no products, and there is no guarantee of quality, but..."

The above are cut leeks.

It was all because of trusting these anchors that I handed over my hard-earned money to them.

But what came back was all fraud!

The water of the chaos on the Internet is much deeper than it appears on the surface!

These situations immediately aroused the attention of network security officials.

Those anchors who were reported by their real names were all summoned by name!

Even in bad circumstances, they were directly detained at the police station on the spot!

Network cleaning, officially started!

While these anchors were unlucky, the guilds and companies behind them were all implicated!

For a while, those slightly famous anchors are in danger!

Some people even report the bad deeds of their peers in order to protect themselves!

Among them, Huang Juntao is the most unlucky!

Because he is the fuse, there are thousands of people who report him!

Also, every crime is different!

This makes the network supervision official, but also instantly stunned!

An anchor, can do so many bad deeds?

Many are breaking the law!

=== Chapter 2, Brother Yu, the first video (the second is asking for a review and comment on the monthly ticket for flowers)) ===

Those anchors are about to hate Huang Juntao to death!

They can't wait for Huang Juntao to spend their whole life in prison!

"Knock on your mother Huang Juntao, you are an idiot, don't think about it if I make it difficult for me, you will stay in prison for the rest of your life!"

"Bastard, if it wasn't for your troubles with Mr. Qin, would we be able to ride the horse and follow the bad luck?! Shit, you have to die!"

"Damn, I want to buy a murderer to kill, tell me how much it will cost to buy Huang Juntao's life in prison, I will go bankrupt and kill him!"

"Silly dick, you don't even know how to clean your ass! Now we're going to be unlucky, and you have to take full responsibility!"

Countless anchors hate Huang Juntao!

During this time, the network has undergone a major overhaul.

Those anchors with bad deeds were all summoned.

Some were even detained directly.

The major platforms have also been punished to varying degrees.

What's more, some Internet celebrity companies and guilds have been implicated and directly closed down!

The online platform also accepts rectification, and many platforms temporarily stop live broadcasting!

Qin Yu was surprised after knowing these things.

He never imagined that the chaos on the Internet would be so serious!

"Good guy, the current Internet is really deep."

Unable to bear, Qin Yu posted the first ever video on his Douyin account.

Although his Douyin account has more than 5000 million followers, he basically does not post ten videos.

Nor do they interact with others.

Occasionally on Douyin, it is just to watch short videos to pass the time.

Today, he couldn't help but posted a video.


"Hello everyone, my name is Qin Yu."

"I released this video today, not targeting anyone. I just want the majority of netizens to keep their eyes open when they are free from work and pass the time."

"Don't make yourself the next victim."

"I also hope that some people will not do things that are ashamed of their conscience."

A very simple piece of content.

But Qin Yu himself did not know.

After this video was uploaded, the number of retweets exceeded more than 500 million!

The number of likes is even more terrifying than more than 3000 million!

There are countless messages!

"First place, first place! Brother Yu, turn me over!!"

"Ah, ah, two blood and two blood! Please turn it over!!!"

"Hey~~~ If everyone can be as positive as Brother Yu, these online chaos and jokes will not appear..."

"Brother Yu, I support you!"


After Qin Yu posted the video, he didn't care anymore. As for the fans' comments, he didn't watch it either.

Qin Yu didn't have time to worry about those things on the Internet, he had to prepare a big surprise every day.

No, Qin Yu had nothing to do these days, so he went back in with some toys.

The main reason.

Qin Yu's toy store is doing great business!

Every day, fans would come to chat with Qin Yu in the name of buying toys, take pictures and so on.

Qin Yu was helpless and could only smile bitterly.

In a few days, the toys in the toy store were almost sold out.

Qin Yu went to stock up again today.

With the previous experience, he bought a lot of goods this time.

In addition, the warehouse behind the toy store was also bought by him, and there is no problem with more goods.

This time, a semi-trailer was full of toys.

They were all goods that Qin Yu went in.

In the evening, the toy store was unloaded.

Qin Yu looked at the full warehouse with a dazzling array of shelves.

Can't help but laugh.

"This time I bought so many goods, I will definitely be able to materialize some good things!"

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Today is Qin Yu's day to go to school.

In the morning, on the playground, the classmates and teachers looked at Qin Yu with anticipation.

Everyone held a 'weapon' in their hands, and when they saw Qin Yu coming, they collectively shouted.

"Mr. Qin, good morning."

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