My unlimited life

Chapter 018: Second in a year!

You can search "My Unlimited Life Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is a year. In this year, the protagonist of the whole world is the king of the gods-Uzumaki Nagato!

It all started with the goddess of power in the deep mountains of China, who killed Guanshiyin who could not be killed. Within half a month, he moved to Luo Hao. After killing him, his amazing power was spread throughout the world. The world called him "the resurrection of gods and powers", he was the god of power !

In the following week, a storm that shocked the world swept the world from Japan!

The cause was the competition of the new generation of Japanese mystery forces. A magician who was at the bottom of the year suddenly broke out and achieved good results. Afterwards, everyone learned that he actually prayed to the king of the gods during the competition and received various bonuses. In order to achieve such a result.

Almost at the same moment, the Italian "Sword Fairy" greatly increased in strength, and the news came that it had defeated the "Crimson Demon" that was once indiscriminate.

After discussing the information of the god of infidelity killed by the gods, the council of sages concluded that the [cihangpudu] power acquired by the first god of infidelity who killed him possesses the power to bless the pious.

Once it was announced at this time, the world was in an uproar!

He is extremely powerful and empowers believers. The mighty king who possesses this ability is like a true god. Fanatics in the Vatican are clamoring for sanctions, but they are just cheering and dare not move.

This year, the believers of the King of Power have sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain. The world has never lacked the existence of giving everything for strength, and the King of Power needs only faith, not the soul, why not do it!

However, no matter how big the craze is, there will be a time when a year is fleeting. So far, the craze caused by the King of God is about to die, and a new change is coming...

Italy is located in the southern part of Europe and is mainly composed of the boot-shaped Apennines and two large islands in the Mediterranean, Sicily and Sardinia.

Italy borders France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia in the Northern Alps.Italy is a highly developed democratic republic and the cradle of European nations and cultures. It has bred Roman culture and Etruscan civilization.

Today, a beautiful and civilized country like Italy has welcomed 3 uninvited guests, 3 uninvited guests and gods who can destroy Italy.

"The smell of snakes in this country."

A young girl, or a young girl, stood on the roof of a building in Italian territory.Talk to himself.

About thirteen or four years old, childish and angel-like cute face.The silver hair that grew near the shoulders melted into the moon-like brightness, and the pupils were dark as night.

She is wearing a thin sweater and mini skirt, black knee-length stockings, and a blue knit hat on top of her silver hair. She is Athena, not Athena!

Athena, the god of disobedience.Came to Italy following the snake...

"Wake up, Mekal."

A young man floated in the air and called out loudly to the sea belonging to Italy.

The boy is the war god Velesrana, the war god of ancient Persia, the guardian of the god of light "Mithra", and the undefeated army god with ten incarnations.

Velesrana is not here!Sanjiu Novel Network

Veles Lana is the winner, and victory is synonymous with Veles Lana. In order to seek a defeat, Veles Lana awakened Mekal.

With the call of Velesrana, a huge whirlpool appeared in the sea, and a huge figure slowly walked out of the whirlpool.Mekal, the god of disobedience, appeared.

Mekal is the honorary title that people sometimes give to guard the city of Tyre. He looks like a giant man in the middle of life, with a shaggy hair that has no haircut, and a beard that covers the lower half of his face. He has a wild appearance.

The God King who crossed 2 meters easily, the rumbling muscles, just looking at it, felt very overwhelming, the muscles were very majestic and divine.

Obviously he was dressed in very rough clothes, with dirty rags and leather covering his chest, and a tattered cloak on his body, but it was full of majesty, and he wanted to kneel down and hang his head just looking at him.

"Wellers Lana, what is it to call the old."

The giant Mekal walked out of the vortex and roared as he watched Velesrana floating in the air.

"I am the winner, I am looking for defeat, God King Mekal, to wake you up just for the first battle. Come on."

The god of disobedience Velesrana looked at the huge figure of the god of disobedience Mekal, feeling the powerful power of the god of disobedience Mekal, and said to Mekal excitedly.

"It's very interesting, very interesting. It's really interesting to wake the old man in order to fight the old man."

With the roar of Mekal, heavy rain came. In the heavy rain, the god of disobedience Welles Rana and the god of disobedience Mekal fought!

As a result, both lose and lose. The god of disobedience Velesrana was broken up by the god of disobedience Mekal, and 10 incarnations were scattered all over Italy.

Mekal, the god of noncompliance, was seriously injured and hid somewhere to recover. Both gods are looking forward to a battle.

The storm swept across the southern part of Italy. This was the aftermath of the power of the god of disobedience, Mekal. Italy escaped a catastrophe. It is really lucky that the battlefield of the two gods is at sea instead of on the mainland.

But next time.Not every time is so lucky.

The Magic Association in Italy sensed that it was unusual. Erica Browntree of the Red Bronze and Black Cross brought her maid, Alianna Hayama, Arrie Arudi to investigate.

At the same time, Kusanagodou, who was on summer vacation, was sent to Italy by his grandfather Kusunaichiro to return the Magic Book of Prometheus to the witch Lukulaziazola.

In Japan, on the balcony of an ultra-luxury villa located in the mountains, Nagato is reading a magical book that I don’t know where it came from. I don’t know when it started. Nagato has fallen in love with it. A habit of knowledge.

Saya, dressed in white, appeared on the balcony and looked at Nagato with a smile: "Brother Nagato, there have been three gods of disobedience in Italy. One of them is very suitable for the development of the Buddha country!"

Saya also appeared here during the year, but the two did not mention any plot issues in a tacit understanding, and Nagato suddenly fell in love with this unknown feeling.

"Really!" Nagato closed the magic book, took out a mobile phone, dialed, "Notify Ena and Lily, and prepare a private plane, I want to go out, destination-Italy!"

ps: Regarding Kudōgodō, he will become the king, but it is only a stepping stone, otherwise the Japanese forces will not dare to counterattack, and Nagato will be embarrassed to start...

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