My wife is from League of Legends

My Wife From League of Legends Chapter 134

And the calm on Pao-yü's face had already been so frightened nine heavens away that the twisted face could have strung out water! He was so angry and laughing, sad and happy at the beautiful girl's "wise" decision, and couldn't help smiling in the midst of thousands of sadness.

Heh, heh...the army is here to stop it, the water is here to hoard it! You think I can't handle a little girl like you? Sister Phoenix is also really thinking, but she even let her daughter to spy on her and forbid herself from picking up girls, and if she annoys me, I will take the little girl... Hey, hey!

"Uncle, why are you smiling so weirdly? You're thinking bad thoughts again, aren't you? "Qiao'er withdrew her eyes from seeing her mother and aunt off, and looked back to see Baoyu's sinister grin!

Chapter 65 - The Unexpected Harvest

Amitabha! Sins, sins! The little girl's words were a rude awakening from the "evil" thoughts, but in his mind, the illusory jewel of the sutra was more playful than repentant, without any sincerity of repentance!

"No, I was thinking of how to have a good time with our little ancestor! "The usual composure returned to the jeweled face, and the guy who had already had a plan made full use of the great man's tactics - underestimating in consciousness, valuing in strategy!

"Huh? "If the previous Qiao Qiao'er will be happy and smiling, but now it is a great suspicion of a snort, eyes as full of doubts as the face of the class enemy, "you will be so good-hearted? I don't believe it! "

The first...encounter between the young girl and Pao-yü unfolds at the Water Moon Pavilion, and the wind, intent on watching the show, slips away in a leisurely fashion, never to return.

"Pao-yü, you're so good! "Jingxu and Bao Yu walked out of the nunnery door side by side, the good lady didn't know whether to praise or disparage the words laughingly obvious, "No wonder you wanted to tell what kind of story last night to the intelligent child and the girls, so it was to coax the little girl! "

"The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the story that you've been told by your mother, and you'll be able to see that it's a good one.

Strolling between the mountains and fields, enjoying the prosperity never feel the fresh breath, plus the beauty of the company beside the heart of the distractions in the refreshing mountain breeze blowing with the wind.

The snow has stopped, the original green heaven and earth is covered with silver wrapped in plain clothes, a man and a woman in the snow on a soft whisper, the warmth of the warm current permeates the space where the two people are, the desire born of love finally makes up for the two people's feelings too suddenly born of regret.

Unknowingly, the silhouettes of the people standing side by side grew closer and closer, and finally merged together as one under the push of the ripples and waves.

"The original "baby" that seemed to be flirting was replaced by the sweet "sister", a subtle change that made the beauty even more emotional and beautiful.

After some contemplation, Baoyu couldn't help but feel the doubt that had been hovering in her heart for a long time, "Why did you lose your temper the day before yesterday when I asked you about your family? Is there something to this? "

The lover's voice has not yet fallen Jingxu once again changed color, the sweet red tide of love faded for a moment, replaced by panicked pallor, hatred and sadness in the bottom of the eyes one by one, lingering; the relationship between the two is already intimate, can not hold their own Jingxu trembling delicate body naturally nestled into the love of the boy's embrace, through the thick warm, safe and strong chest to resist the chill in the heart.

"Sister Jing, tell me about it, you're my woman, I'll help you no matter what! "Bao Yu big hand a tight force to hug the beauty to the chest, firm words filled with sincere ideas, the flow of intense emotions magically soothed the loss of control of Mrs. Xiumei's aromatic heart.

"The two of them held each other tightly for a long time, and Bao Yu didn't ask any questions, but just transferred her heartbeat into her body, giving her the courage and perseverance to stand up.

As the cries stopped and the tears dried up, the gloom in the middle-aged woman's heart turned into a sunshine of hope; under the tender gaze of Baoyu, she had only one thought in her mind - the man in front of her was her heaven, her earth, her happiness and her hope!

The trembling words were low and condensed, and the beautiful woman, though agitated, methodically poured out the family feud that had been hidden for over ten years.

It was the Imperial Guard again! What a vicious and unforgiving court! After hearing this, Baoyu was furious, and she hated the Royal Guard even more, and I wonder how many other folk have suffered like Jingxu. It's fucking black!

"What was the name of that bastard who was in charge? "Bao Yu's calm tone was even more palpable than the rage, the icy breath flowing out from his lips, the bone-chilling chill revealing a hint of stern killing intent.

"Zhao Quan! "Beneath the solemn siege, Silent Void gnashed his teeth and spoke out of deep-seated hatred!

"Zhao Quan?! It's the current Thousand House Zhao Quan, the controller of the Imperial Guard! "Baoyu came out of shock, the world turned out to be so small, and circled around to an old friend, it seems that this Zhao Quan wants to not be his enemy is also difficult!

"Well! "The beauty nodded heavily in response, her jade hand subconsciously clenched into a fist, her nervous fingers almost stabbing into her palm, her heart and mind apprehensive, her beautiful eyes wide open, waiting for Ai Lang to respond to this.

"Sister Jing, don't worry, this Zhao Quan is dead! "How could Pao-Yü miss such a great opportunity to perform! It's also a side two poo, such a favor can also win the hearts of beautiful people, is simply a gift from God.

Before the beautiful woman in tears of gratitude crawling on the eyes, Bao Yu speech with excitement and curiosity followed: "You said the evidence is what? "

"I'm not going to be able to do anything about it," she said. "In the middle of the journey, they encountered robbers, and after the chaos, there was no danger, but the dog thief Zhao requested to open the box for inspection for safety reasons, but I blame my husband's family was a moment of stupidity and agreed to his sudden request, and the two signed an official document to open the box and carefully checked the million silver not less than one tael. "

Bao Yu quietly listened to his wife, shrewd enough to know that things must be out of here, the seal was removed if the silver is not missing since no big deal, but if a pen is missing that is the crime of deceiving the king.

Before she could finish her thoughts, Jingxu's words resounded again, "But in the disaster area, a million pieces of silver were strangely turned into stones, and disaster struck! "Although the matter has been over for a long time, Jingxu still felt helpless in her heart, "When the Emperor was investigating the matter thoroughly, that Zhao Quan dog thief went so far as to accuse my husband's family of stealing from him, and he even produced a forged official letter signed by my husband's family as evidence. The whole family will be executed. Even my mother's family will not be spared. "

"What about the real official letter? "Hearing to this point Pao-yü had understood everything, and had inquired in positive tones, "Is the 'evidence' that sister speaks of the real official letter? "

"Well! "The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to the list, which is a great way to get the most out of the newest products," he said. "

The first time I saw it, I thought it would be a good idea to show it to my father, but he said that the official letter alone could not bring down Zhao Quan, because he was biased against him, otherwise he wouldn't have closed the case without the trial. "

The letter was sent to the letterhead of the letterhead of the letterhead of the letterhead of the letterhead of the letterhead. "

The "fake" Baoyu then said softly: "In fact, it is all in the Emperor's mind, he wants who lives and who dies is not simple. Three words that make anyone prosperous and rich! "

"So what do we do? Is there no hope? "Pao Yu's reasoning into the wood made the light of hope in Xiu Mei Shifu's eyes dim for a moment, the fighting spirit of her fang heart becoming frustrated and powerless in the face of the cruel reality, knowing that now Zhao Quan was not only promoted and rich, but the emperor's favor was even greater than it was in the beginning.

"I didn't say it was hopeless! "Bao Yu light words shallow smile careless, once again tightly in the bosom of the beauty let her restore hope, "in fact, to take revenge is not simple, treat the bad man means to be more ruthless and more spicy than him, or I sent someone to assassinate him is, with such a villain no need to talk about the way of the gentleman! "

"This..." the great temptation to make Jingxu for a moment the idea of frenzy, some confusion after the struggle in the heart of the beauty of the "justice."

gaining the upper hand, "But doesn't that leave him to die in style, while the dead grieving souls remain unable to sink their grievances?! "

Alas! "fake" Baoyu is now speechless, smiling and wondering how he forgot the ancients this hard to change the bad habits of it! It's so pedantic to put your honor above your life!

"Jewel, good man! Don't you have any other ideas? "The middle-aged beauty in her heart, but the Baoyu is wise and great, like an omnipotent immortal as tall and mighty, fresh and unpretentious beauty so delicate and creamy teasing, immediately will be almost no stability of the second son of the Baoyu made a lost soul!

"Baby, I'll just do what you say! "The hot breath of the two people's heart ideas slightly changed, Bao Yu this love of the mountains and mountains but also love the beauty of the guy is definitely a faint material, without resistance to be captured by the beauty.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest version of the book, which has been published in the journal. "

Seeing the beautiful woman's face full of doubts and not at ease, the "Big Fainting Officer" rubbed the beautiful woman's full jade peak as he said in detail without blushing, "Isn't there any witness? The most important thing is the emperor, I decided to try to coax the old man, as long as we disgraced Zhao Quan, everything will be solved. "

The Jade's words are easy to say, but the difficulty is very difficult to do, and the beautiful woman who understands this is touched by his verbal advances and is not angry at him.

He is a very clever man who can easily understand the psychology of Jingxu, and although his love for her is mixed with the desire for revenge, he is absolutely sure that if he cannot avenge her, she will fall into his arms as well.

How can there be perfection in this world? It's a mistake to want perfection! If you're sincere, why do you care so much? Not to mention that Zhao Quan Ben is his enemy, isn't it a man's duty and obligation to share his lover's worries!

The first time I saw it, I thought it was the last thing I wanted to do, but I didn't. The last time I saw it, I thought it was the last thing I wanted to do.

The two of them gradually forgot everything outside of the body, forgetting that it was in broad daylight in the wilderness, forgetting the secular rituals of the training, waiting for a pair of lovemaking mandarin ducks is the ground for the bed, the sky for the passionate infinite!

"Second Uncle, Second Uncle..." came the discontented cry from afar, and the little girl who had heard the story immediately found that the bad second uncle had slipped away, and of course she dutifully looked around for him, while the two little nuns who could no longer tell a pleasant story had no choice but to wander about after him.

This dead girl! Seeing her awake from her infatuation, Baoyu's original wish of seeing her in the snow is dashed.

"I'm on a collision course with you! "Baoyu's menacing finger Qiao'er, full of determination and generosity, "from now on there is you without me, there is me without you! "The heroic and extraordinary Pao-yü was furious, while the poor little girl was weeping and grieving, apologizing and confessing her fault to her second uncle, and vowing never to be a bad man again!

"Second Uncle..." the loud cry that pierced the clouds and cracked the air hinted at anger, the little girl who approached the front parted her little feet and crossed her hands at the waist in a fierce woman-like manner, "Bad Second Uncle, what do you want to do sneaking out into the wilderness? "

"Ah! "The thunderbolt from the clear sky shattered Baoyu's beautiful dream, it turned out that everything was just a fantasy, the little girl in front of him has no little bit of the pitiful plea for mercy in his own imagination, is just a little tiger! And our truly pitiful Lord Baoji can only stoop to the level of stooping, not even daring to breathe, let alone rebuke harshly!

Chapter Sixty-six

At noon, under the clamorous drumming and the banners and tents, a procession of spiritual supporters slowly started to make its way along the winding path at the Tiejie Temple, with thousands of guests and nearly a thousand people from the Ningrong family making up this majestic spiritual support tour, the extravagance and luxury of which were rarely seen even in the capital city where there were so many rich people.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at a few of the things you've been missing out on.

Wow! It's the time of separation! The thought of here is even more gloomy and low sighs, the idea of a turn of the nature of the free spirited "false"

Bao Yu thinks that the separation with the three girls is only temporary, and that they can be together for a long time if their hair flutters, and that sister Feng is still with her, so why should she be so sentimental?

"Brother, don't be so sad," and Baoyu walking side by side with the Jia chain usually wandering used to, at the moment is also forced to do sad; but compared to Baoyu he can not tolerate this boring, lowering his words he also thought that the other party with his general thoughts, hidden with a frivolous tone: "these days the brothers suffering," said. When we get back to the capital, I'll give you a few tables at the Heavenly House and gather all the brothers to enjoy yourself! Is it good? "

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