My wife is from League of Legends

My Wife From League of Legends Chapter 307

Yikes! The roar of the young eunuch's heart can be alarming, but the action of the hand had to be gentle and slow, the backhanded caress of the guy along the beautiful woman's delicate ribs climbing upwards, due to lying down and covered by the jade peak became a hot target!

"Mother, let go of your heart and enjoy yourself!"

The hoarse words are uneven in tone. The man with the strong urge to provoke the fingers of the guy is even more skillful, he wants to completely stimulate the fire of lust of the great beauty, half public and half private to send the beauty queen to the summit of lust, pleasure abyss!

Well...he told himself to enjoy it! Oh, God. Why can't you get angry? Instead, he also obediently raised his body shape, allowing his warm palm to fully grasp the puffy and rising peaks, and...and...and...he actually went so far, those two fingers also kept pinching his own nipples pulling and rubbing!

The flames in Xiaobaozi's eyes could not be restrained any longer, and the invisible flames quietly burned the breath in the room. No longer have the heart to spy on the pervert!

What the hell! Let the bad guy do what he wants, what's going to happen is going to happen anyway, so why be a villain in vain? The three royal women who thought of this before going out, better kindly close the door tightly. Even zealously commanded the maids and eunuchs not to approach.

For three lovers of the understanding of the little treasure child has no time to respond, grateful to the heart of the guy is even fearless, one on two hands at the same time led to layers of milk waves, set off the road buttocks waves. The interplay of the two hands was truly soul-crushing!

The slender waist under the sudden expansion of the curve, mature woman's unique plumpness let small treasure son deep into the five fingers only feel the softness into the heart of the sea, the fragrance stabbed into the heart room, thousands of hot in the heart and soul shiver, almost even heavy duty in the shoulder also forgot a clean!

"Mother, the Princess they went out" bad boy big hand first down the jade legs from top to bottom, then back to the forbidden area before the guy who could have been a strong breakthrough but nonetheless had to good people completely surrendered, burning vassals: "Come, open the legs a little!"

"Ah! This bad guy, Dead Bobo!"

The shyness of the queen's heart can be earth-shaking, but the fire of love has begun to flame up the beauty is not at all ashamed of anger Dasheng, the tightly closed jade legs did not open, but subconsciously tight and tight!

How could the small difficulties be difficult for the little eunuch who was about to lose control, the big hands tightened, the fingers that were wreaking havoc on the ample breasts were more shaped with passion, the hot red tongue along the neck climbed the queen's cheeks for the first time and approached the vermilion lips on the side head step by step.


The penetrating numbness and sourness rose to make the great beauty's heart sea roaring, the long-lost grudge finally rushed to the sky, uncontrolled jade legs momentarily tense after helpless nature a point!

The fires of love began to soar, desire stirred in the heart, and thousands of love threads mingled with mysterious mana, turning into magical fires burning the demonic forces that scattered and dodged!


Little Bozi took a lot of effort to side to stop the heart of the Upside Down, instantly already naked guy no longer scruples, the hot shape of the sky, the upright masculine body like Tarzan pressed the queen's naked back.


The beautiful stimulation of skin-to-skin contact let the noble woman satisfied moan, passion to this moment has been unable and unwilling to look back, lying on the couch of the beauty of the Empress did not see the small treasure child's mutation, is seen I'm afraid that there is no time and mind to be surprised at the alarm!

The big free hand finally breaks the leg in at the thousandth call!


The queen's two hands in the tensions of helplessly pulled out of the bedding, tightly hanged silk quilt of the white teeth can not help but bite the lower lip, sexy and charming charm hooked the little treasure child is like a golden light, hands like a dragon.

The original eunuch is so intimate! The long-awaited relief lingering in the United States Queen could not help but for their own hovering has been a long time to respond to the question, erotic volcanoes and ambiguous thoughts perfectly fused together, at the moment the Queen just want to give up everything to enjoy that although not deep soul but also touching touch!

The fact is perfect, the only regret of the Queen's heart and mind of course will not happen. False eunuch up and down with the caress is like a mysterious torch, the volcano of lust has been roaring, soaring flames released the beauty of the Queen's years of pent-up passion.

The time is ripe, the most important, the most critical moment has finally arrived.

Fingers covered with fragrant Ze suddenly left the body, not waiting for the Empress to express her emptiness and loneliness, the large "fingers" suddenly filled up the beauty full of!


If it weren't for the mysterious boundary, the entire palace would have woken up to this cloud-piercing scream!

How did that happen? That's not a finger! What the hell is Little Bozi doing to himself? The wise beauty didn't have to think much before she made a definite judgment, and her aromatic heart suddenly jumped as if it were lightning.

Could it...not...possibly...?

Thousands of questions pulling jade hands down a probe, seeking the truth of the beautiful people is desperate, incomparably apprehensive in the middle and vaguely born overwhelming expectation, heartstrings frenziedly she suddenly a hand under the grip, fast as lightning grabbed the fiery foreign object!

Ah! It's true! Oh my God, the mother of the country, the Empress Zun has been seduced by a man!

Monstrous waves instantly and completely overwhelmed the Queen's heart, first surprised and then ecstasy fell from the sky, endlessly numb under the influence of the mind is through the heart flow, into the bone three points!


Passionate jade hands gripped hard. The little jade in the heat is even more violent surge, electric shock like pleasure in the palm of the fingers more prominent.

Passion has reached ten thousand feet high, love fire raging spread endlessly. The flames of the rushing fire were nowhere to be found searching for the cunning demon's power.

"Ah... Little Bozi... light... heavy... "

The sound of joy in incoherence in the sea of desire, completely open heart of the beauty of the eyes lost, as delicate as a flower jade lips blossom, blank mind difficult to retain everything in the world, only the powerful impact at this time to rub out the beautiful sparks, wild in and out of the side is the most beautiful language!

Boom...the subway to Spring is coming into the station!

The sound of heavenly music melodiously melodious. Moaning quietly triggered the beauty of the Queen's gradually withering rebirth of life, in the endless love and affection, the grumbling absentee woman disappeared, the poor Queen without a trace. The beautiful beauty and the masculine man in the bed, in the room, on the table....

A hazy halo of light enveloped a pair of joyful lovers, and the colorful glow of light blossomed brilliantly all the time in the tumbling clouds!

After waiting for the beauty queen to scream for countless times. No longer in control of the second master of the treasure is also pushed by the waves of passion to fly on the peak of desire!


With a tiger roar that shook the heavens and the earth, Master Bao Er couldn't resist the puffy soreness from head to toe, making his eternal mark in the noble phoenix body!

When the wind ceased and the shadows stopped, the colorful light also seemed to surge back into the body, and the paralyzed beauty was already sleeping sweetly in extreme contentment, quietly feeling the mysterious subtle changes in her beautiful dream, from body to heart sublimation again!

The bitter threads of love entwined into cocoons, fate's blessings finally let Cold Beauty feather into a butterfly, so spiritual desire mingled under, not only erased all the evil, but also forged the immortal youth, immortality of the primordial spirit!

The first time I was in the room, I was in the room with my wife, and the second time I was in the room with my wife, and the third time I was in the room with my wife, and the third time I was in the room with my husband.

Time passed, and the beauty queen had never slept so contentedly for many years, and when the mutation ceased, the great beauty, who had a lovely heart, regained her waking mind from the depths!

Was it...all a dream? The excessive perfection of the Empress a little unbelievable, apprehensive heartbeat of a deer in the room, the long curtains of the show rapid trembling, but she can not open the beautiful eyes, cautiously afraid that the moment you open your eyes everything will be gone!

You have to face it! After a long time of wandering great beauty heart a cross to take a decision, firm ideas fiercely, the great beauty and fast and fierce suddenly opened the beautiful eyes!


A scream blurted out, the reality really has changed, although a handsome and extraordinary but unfamiliar face printed into the eyes of the beauty, the initial moment of astonishment followed by incomparable surprise and fear of screams!


The loud slap of the beauty queen's jade body tightly shrank into the bedding. Hands and feet scurrying around looking for their own clothes.

The change of circumstances made the newly awakened her have no time to hiss, the somewhat impressive guy in front of her is very good-looking, but she wanted to see the skinny ordinary little eunuch more!


A half-asleep guy gets a slap in the face for nothing. It's karma. It's definitely karma! Perhaps it was the gods' design to lure the beauty queen into his arms with ill intent? But there is no one in the world who wouldn't wish for this kind of retribution if he could enjoy it! Hey, hey....

"Good sister, you..."

After the intimate lingering, the topmost heroic man would no longer be a groveling little eunuch, and his name was quietly changing.

"Who are you?"

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