My wife is from League of Legends

My Wife From League of Legends Chapter 322


The life-threatening golden needle fell to the ground, and the rather spiritual magic treasure automatically flew back to the Plum Demon's hair bun with an aggrieved low cry.

Quiet, deathly quiet. The sudden change caused everyone to be petrified on the spot, never expecting such an outcome!

What did you just say? Replying normally, Bao Er couldn't even remember what was said just now, only that a stream of heat rushed into his mind, and in the blink of an eye Sha Xing turned into a clay wooden sculpture.

Huh? How sour is your own heart, and for whom are the tears in your eyes? It can't be that this demoness scared him to tears! Shame on you!

Alas! The result is still the same? Peach Demon was the first to break the dead silence, letting go of Bao Qin and Bao Nobile she strode to Mei Demon's side and softly said, "Sister, let's go back, don't let him hurt you again."

"Gah, gah..."

Zhang's maniacal laughter caused the crowd to turn pale again in an instant, and without waiting for Mei Demon's response, the sky was already covered with sand and dust, the gale was blowing wildly, and the thief-hearted Golden Bull King was breaking through the air with a swift and fierce force!

"Ha, ha... Falling Plum, you can't do anything, so let this king give you a hand!"

The guy who was severely injured by Master Bao Er in the Haunted Domain was now not only intact, but his magic power had increased so much that he was able to suppress the tension of the crowd with just his own strength!

"Jinniu, it's not your turn to interfere in my Falling Plum's affairs yet!"

The demon's thoughts changed slightly, and at this critical moment, she turned back into the savior of the second son of the treasure, and her delicate body blocked in front of the treasure.


Peach demon another helpless sigh, but the movement of the footsteps also only slowed for a moment, complex eyes to stare at the face of a startled Bao Er after a glance, with his sister together to protect him!


The first time I was in the hospital, I had to go to the hospital to see if I could find a doctor. ""Don't be ridiculous, he's not like that!""

The first time I saw this was when I was a young girl, I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. There was no need to think too much about it, as the beautiful eyes of Ru Shui had only as much affection as the sea, without any suspicion or jealousy at all!

The crisis is not only painful, but also brings a huge wave of washing away the dust, polishing the true love of the divine hammer, out of the confusion of the beauty of the country, a heart unreservedly tied to the treasure brothers; just look at each other has made the two hearts, the sea of love blend!

"Ha, ha..."

Faced with the unexpectedness of the two demonesses, the Golden Bull King did not disobey but instead laughed wildly, and the cunning fellow's seemingly fierce form turned abruptly. In an instant, he pounced on his real target, the Pao Nobile sisters!

Jinniu knows he is in the peach, plum blossom two demons join hands to please, and moreover is defeated two female demons, profoundly inscrutable treasure two master also let him dare not approach, ghost domain scene he used a long time to escape from the dream.

At the moment, the second son of the treasure in front of the female demon although no fight back, but the magic power more highland Jinniu did not dare to risk, who knows if the second son of the treasure is deliberately to please the beauty? How could mana just disappear? A thousand thoughts a hundred times, the sinister fellow made up his mind the moment he flew out for a second, just capture two human women who had no fight back. Then it wouldn't be hard to achieve the purpose of his trip!

Wow! The natural wind exclaims for it, "The cows are flying into the sky! Come and see the miracle, everyone!"


The bull caught Nobile and Baoqin in the air with a shriek, and after the gale, there was no one left.

After escaping far away, the Golden Ox could finally laugh with pride, and its high words echoed with the wind for a long time: "Jia Baoyu, if you want to save them, come to the demon world. Ha, ha..." "Bold thief!"

The up-turned-Boji had yet to withdraw his gaze. Tyrannosaurus rate of a dozen men finally came after the incident, as fiery, noisy, incomparable fierce man did not have to say pounced on the front.

Bao Yu next to the plum demon in the sudden change in the situation, but calm a lot, do not want to play with the reckless man with a wave of her sleeve, the poor Tyrannosaurus like the wind to fall out of the fallen leaves.

After casually chasing away the mosquitoes. Plum demon bizarrely soft voice to Baoyu: "What are you going to do? Jinniu is not a vegetarian. If you go there, you'll be his food and we won't be able to beat him together! ""You'd better go back to the capital, and we won't bother you!""

Peach Demon and Plum Demon can be said to be of the same mind. Immediately with her sister's words of "goodwill" persuasion: "Anyway, you have so many wives, and are not inferior to these two, it is better to live than to die! "

"Ah! Jewel! How could it be you? Where are the first and second girls?"

The first time I was in the room, I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night.

"Nothing! Bao Nai and Bao Qin were rescued by a friend of mine!"

Bao Er did not want the whole house to be in chaos, and lightly stretched his arms for the first time to take the young girl who was so dear to him into his arms.

"Oh, that's good! Scared the hell out of me!"

Looking at the corpses of several thieves on the ground, Ying'er naturally chose to believe, although there were many irrationalities, but she didn't bother to ask, anyway, everything was with Bao Er!

When the tyrannical dragon is not afraid of life and death and barking back, to meet him is the second son of the treasure's anger, the most extraordinary in the four families in front of the second son of the treasure, impetuous to know the manners, not to wait for the second son of the treasure's stern eyes and a sweep, he was the rate of the crowd bowed to listen to teach!

With Baoyu's orderly arrangements, the sisters are sent to the capital to rest for a period of time because they are in shock, and the entire Xue family in Jinling closes their doors to the outside world!

"Guys, let's go!"

The two demonesses looked directly into the eyes of the party from a hint of anxiety, but the face of the leisurely but even stronger, "Do not try me, I'm going to go on this journey! As for my involvement with you, can you tell me more about it on the way? "

The calm calmness in the face of danger brightened the eyes of Peach and Plum, as if they were seeing the fearless and unafraid Qi Tian Da Sage from eight hundred years ago again. Although not as domineering as the stone monkey, but also has a hidden but not exposed heroic passion!

"All right! I'll help you with this one, and then we'll settle old scores between us!"

Mei Maiden gritted her teeth to keep her jade face indifferent, then sleeves even waved, powerful demon power for a moment that connected heaven and earth, the three feet is the wind and clouds, in a dry subordinates stunned in the seemingly slow real fast driving clouds away!

"Ah! Second Master is truly a god!"

In the midst of the alarm of the ten thousand people, the Xue family has bowed down to their knees, while thinking in their hearts, with the second son of the treasure, the storm will be overcome peacefully, the Xue family is saved!

Loyalty to the master had strengthened once again, the original panic had turned to ashes, and the purpose of Master Bao's exaggerated departure had been achieved.

The world was in chaos, and the only way to keep the family together was to be powerful!

The news should have made the demons flee in fear, but the loss of his magic power brought back the spirit of the demons, and what makes the demons cheer even more is that the Five-colored Stone, the number one treasure in the world, has become one with the Jade, which means that if you eat the flesh of the Jade, the effect is much more powerful than the flesh of the Tang monk!

The long-quiet demon world was bustling with excitement overnight, and the shocking news made the demon skies rejoice, endless desires swelling at a rapid pace, and ten thousand demons flying all over the sky!

With the joint call of the Golden Bull King and the One-Horned Dragon, as well as the King of the Fierce Ghosts, the Whirlwind King, and several other great demons, the entire demon world knew of Pao-Yu's impending arrival in the demon world!

The Golden Ox, the leader of the demons who wants to eat the "Jade Pork", rightly denounces Queen Rumei as a scum of the demon world who colludes with mortals to make enemies of the demon world, she is not worthy to be a great and glorious demon!

At the end of his impassioned words, the Golden Bull King's finger fell on the Plum Demon King's territory and waved his hand, "Brave brothers and sisters of the demon world, how can you tolerate traitors like the Peach Demon and Plum Demon flaunting their power in the demon world? Down with the traitor, down with the traitor! "The power of the masses is indeed strong, the Queen's Flower Palace, which has confronted the Three Great Demon Kings for hundreds of years, was conquered in less than a pillar of incense, and the Demon Realm has lost a great deal of power since then, making the Golden Bull and One Horn, who are the only ones left of the Four Great Demon Kings, smile at each other with great pride!

"My lord, what you commanded Little Bull has already been done, and that Jia Bao Yu will enter the demon realm in a few days!"

The King of the Golden Calf has become a "calf" and an underling, Hitch! What was even weirder was that not only was he not dissatisfied, but he was excited from the bottom of his heart, which showed how powerful the lord he was talking about was!

"Well! Well done!"

In the empty chamber of the cave, there is only the figure of the Golden Bull, and the words of the invisible "Lord" naturally reveal a mysterious power that makes the Golden Bull willing to be used by him, "According to the plan, Jia Baoyu will be cornered, but remember not to really hurt him. It's still useful! "'Calf understands! Little Bull sincerely hopes that His Lordship will break the seal and lead the demon realm to the heavens!"

The Golden Bull's tall form bowed down to the void, and his face was even more incomparably fervent!

"Heh, heh... hitting the heavens is a trivial matter! The one I'm going to deal with is Pangu, and the key to this victory lies in the Five Colored Stones!"

The words faintly paused, the mysterious Lord condensed his voice with great temptation: "Jinniu, you are much stronger than your father, work well, and the position of Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Realm will be yours! In the aftermath of the incident, an invisible net has unfolded, and the loss of magic power has led to a step-by-step approach to the net. Did he, like, have a choice?

When the water of West Lake opens, the gate of the demon world appears! With the help of the two demonesses, who are difficult to distinguish between friend and foe, the resolute Bao Er stepped slowly into another dimension!

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