My wife is from League of Legends

My Wife From League Of Legends Chapter 327.

"It is true that no one can break the power of the boundary of the secret land of the ascending platform, even the Gods and Goddesses of the West can hardly cross half a step, but there is only one exception within the three realms, now you understand! "

The primordial ancestor sighing and sighing amidst instinctive eyes glowing at the treasure second master!

"Jewel...can you withstand...can you stand it? What if it's wrong...?"

Mei Maiden's heart is taut to the extreme, apprehensive in the accosted speech, not so much in the pursuit of it, more like a murmur of worry!

"The Peach Demon's plump body came to Baoyu's side, not hiding the love in her eyes, and persuaded her: "This hope is too slim, won't you be back in half a year? When the time comes, we'll go to the netherworld to rescue the souls of the two hairpin's spirits, and there'll be no difference between a ghostly immortal and a living person. "'Sisters, do you think I should do this?'"

Pao-Yü did not answer directly, but put the question before them, "If I do this, will you think highly of me?

What is the result of this? It's Bo and the others who have to endure inhuman pain! ""Do you really have to go?""

The plum girl is aromatic, the colorful eyes are soft and heavy, and the peach girl's vividly feminine eyes express the same sentiment!

The handsome face heaved a little, and Pao-Yü replied with a determined look, then from true emotion as the waves churned, "Whoever is my beloved, I will give everything for them, including my life!"

"I'll go with you!"

Peach and Plum made the answer in unison, the two sisters smiled radiantly, and the same firm breath made the second son of the Po simply did not have the opportunity to object!

"Heh, heh... Two little girls don't even believe in my husband's words, no wonder the human world often says that a girl is too big to stay!"

The Primordial Ancestor lightly laughed and ridiculed to resolve the overly condensed atmosphere around him, and his confident tone instantly dispelled the wisp of sadness and gloom, "Don't worry, when did I miss it!"

"Oh! By the way, there's one more thing that Mr. Jia should know!"

The old man, even after the big event was over, couldn't forget to serve the snacks and said with a smile on his face: "The Ghost King has captured a female ghost to the demon realm.

Ah! Who is it? Although Pao Yu didn't know who it was, he was certainly obligated to this.

"En, I'll just help you out a little more!"

After receiving a nod of gratitude from Baoyu, the Primordial Ancestor's bamboo cane was a little empty in his hand, and powerfully enveloped Baoyu's figure in an instant.

Without waiting for the reaction of the two daughters and Baoyu, the Primordial Ancestor disappeared into thin air as if he had come, and his final words came with the wind, "The power I lent you, once activated, can only last for two hours, remember! Take care, little brother, and I'll see you later!"

A steep peak jutting out of the sky, halfway up the mountain, inside the Golden Bull Cave House, a group of evil spirits are drinking and gathering!

"Brother Golden Bull, I'll drink to you! It's a wonderful plan, admire it!"

Although the Ghost King is a defeated soldier, he is still treated by the Golden Bull in the demon realm, and the smug fellow even fantasizes about the moment when he eats the flesh of the precious jade and returns to the underworld!

"Yes, let's all toast the golden cow!"

The One-Horned King and Little Whirlwind, as well as a cadre of demon generals, raised their cups, hinting at the Golden Bull Dragon!

"Report one or two," the little demon's report interrupted the crowd's compliments, "My lord, the scouts report that they have found Jia Baoyu's whereabouts in the west! "'Yes! This drink will be ready when we get back!"

A number of demons had put down their wine glasses and left their seats, leaving the Golden Bull alone to gaze at the swarming crowds with pleasure!


Bao's second daughter-in-law, as she often did in the cave house, glared coquettishly at the maid in front of her, "Who are you, and how come I've never seen you before? "

"Back to Madam, the slave girl is the King's new transfer to serve you!"

The ordinary-looking maid leaned over with slight trepidation and explained: "Because everyone is preparing a feast of 'precious jade meat', the King is afraid that the lack of manpower to snub the Lord of Ghosts, so he sent his servant again! ""Well!""

Acting high on the Bao two daughters-in-law satisfied with the nod, but with her floating appearance can not find the noble place, but more like a wealthy people to make people disdain, even the original little slutty charm is also erased!

"Since you're new here, my lady doesn't blame you! Remember, no running around!"

Bao's second daughter-in-law showed her master's authority and forgave her servant's sneaky sins as if by the grace of God!

"Thank you ma'am for your great kindness! The slave girl takes her leave!"

The relaxed maid quietly grew airy.

"Slow down!"

Bao's second daughter-in-law looked at the sky, then turned back and commanded, "Come with me, bring that food box, and be careful not to spill it!

Chapter 4 - Demon Realm Obsession (4)

"Sister Linjia, my little sister has brought you food!"

A smile conceals the sinister intentions Bao two daughters-in-law before the sound arrives, people who do not know the inside story really think she and the woman in the room is how good!

"Thank you for your ladyship's concern, I dare not, please return!"

The woman in the room is still covered in black veil, but the look in her eyes has lost its former tumultuous calm, inexplicable heat turned into a wisp of annoyance in the eyes surge, not like the visitors, she is even more rude to raise her voice to reject guests.

"The king is not here, I, as a sister, naturally have to serve my sister well!"

Bao two daughters-in-law heard a hint of perversity in the other's words, the heart knows that the slut's sneer is even stronger, both feet a lift to go inside to see the other's hair waves "wonderful" scene!

"I'm sorry, but the young lady's husband died young, not to mention the 'noble,' sister of the Lady, please return!"

The mysterious beauty's cold words reveal an innate elegance that makes even the jealous Bao's second daughter-in-law feel ashamed of herself!

"Since my sister is not in a good mood, that little sister will not be disturbed," said here Bao second daughter-in-law not to vent her anger on the maidservant next to her, gesticulating: "You just send the food box in, do not disturb the lady, or I will punish you!"

"Slave girl understands!"

The respectful maids, perhaps accustomed to their master's arrogance, hung their hands and did as they were told without a hint of dissatisfaction!


Cold snorts blurted out, and Bao Er's daughter-in-law turned around after dropping a vicious glare! If it weren't for the Ghost King's order not to be rude to this mysterious woman, and if it weren't for the fact that the nasty woman inside was protected by a magic weapon, I'm afraid the malicious Bao's second wife would have torn her to pieces!

Pretentious bitch! The frivolous female ghost cursed to herself as she walked away, I never would have thought that this woman's fixation was really amazing, after giving her two or three days of spiked food since, she was still able to maintain her normality, what a nasty bitch!

Under the scrutinizing gaze of the ghost guards at the gate, the new maidservant carefully lifted the curtain and entered.

"Madam, please dine!"

The door curtain falls and separates the inside and outside, and the servant girl with her head up and chest out boldly measures the mysterious woman sitting leaning against the window with curious eyes.

The look was not only not as timid as before, but also an inquisitive and indiscreet one!

"Put it on the table, I'll eat it later!"

Uggs side head it looked at the silhouette did not find the maid's anomaly, lazy jade hand virtual wave, plump petite body more inexplicable slight tremble, treating the next girl her attitude but much better, gentle and elegant and her floating deep breath is very consistent.

Who the hell is this woman? "The next girl" a moment of light speed like rotation of the mind, thousands of ideas entangled back and forth, but could not find the right answer. The mind slightly confused under only had to speak again: "Madam, you better eat it while it's hot, cold is not good!"

"Hey, you haven't left yet? Go on down!"

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