My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4810: Extra number (49)

Because that time, she knew that Joe would not die.

There are fathers, sisters, brothers, and three holy hands at home, and certainly will not let Joe have something.

But this time, Joe is missing, or is lost...

For three months, there was no news.

When Joe was not with her before, he would not meet for up to two months.

But that's a video call with Luyan every day, and almost no one missed it.

Therefore, Luyan has long been accustomed to contact with Joe every day.

Suddenly interrupted, she really can't get used to...

"Sister, he never contacted me... because he is afraid that I will worry... If he is still alive, still in this world, he will not contact me for more than 100 days, even if he reports peace... Not the pessimism I think, I think... he may not be there anymore."

Lu Yan lowered his head and his voice was hoarse. She wanted to cry, but she didn't have a tear.

When people are extremely sad, they are actually crying.

Because the brain is blank, there is no ability to think.

Huo Mian understands the mood of Lu Yan, because she has also experienced, Qin Chu has crashed, and then did not come back in four years.

"Smoke, I understand your mood... Qin Chu has also disappeared. It is also such a life that no one can die or die. For four years... I have not given up for four years. Do you know what kind of belief? You only have three months, don't be so pessimistic."

"Sister... I am so scared."

Luyan lost the cigarette **** that had not been washed and fell to the ground.

Then he rushed into the arms of Huo Mian.

She is such a powerful person, at this moment, but also needs a warm embrace to heal himself.

Huo Mian distressed, afraid of the smoke in his hand, would burn her, and quickly throw away his cigarette butt.

Step on it, then gently hug the land with both hands.

"Smoke, you listen... We are not so fragile, so don't be easily knocked down by everything... I am the best example. I spent four years waiting for Qin Chu to come back... I believe small Not necessarily alive, he is still waiting for you... waiting to grow old with you."

"If I can see it again... I must marry him immediately to have a baby, and I won't wait for a second." Lu Yan looked up and his eyes were a little bit of tears.

Homonia nodded...

Then there is the silent sob of Lu Yan, and the endless distress of Huo Mian.

Luyan was sad because of Joe's disappearance.

After all, the strength of the land smoke, can not find people, it is really not optimistic.

But who knows, Joe is just missing, after all, there is hope to come back alive...

But Su Yu, Su Yu, in order to save everyone, really stays in a nightmare forever.

Although I have been very restrained to think about this, but just a little moving the idea.

Huo Mian will feel that there are millions of silver needles in the heart of the mess, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Comforted Lu Yan for a while, watching her quietly return to the room, Huo Mian was relieved to return to the master bedroom.

When she went back, Qin Chu had already got up and looked at the time, it was a little early in the morning.

Qin Chu took the cup and poured a cup of warm water on Huo Mian and handed it over.

"Husband, why don't you sleep?"

"Worried about you, how about the little smoke?" Qin Chu asked.

"The state is very bad, she thinks that Xiaofei is already dead." Huo Mian sighed slightly.

"It must not be dead, I feel that he was kidnapped."

"Oh? Husband, do you have any clues?" Huo Mian leaned over, sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Qin Chu's arm, some excited.

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