My youth love story can definitely be written

My Youth Love Story Can Definitely Be Completed Chapter 128

There is really not much time left for the appointment with Zhenbai’s editor. What Biqigu can expect now is not to miss the tram. If it is like just arriving at the station and just a tram departs, then the time will definitely be too late. Up.

Having said that, the luck of Biqigu and Zhenbai is obviously not worse than that, not to mention that Biqigu's luck is now at the A level!


Biqigu leaned on the back of his seat and exhaled a long breath. Although it was very dangerous, at the last minute, Biqigu and Zhenbai got on the tram to avoid the embarrassment of being late.

Slightly slower than Qigu, then raised his head and looked around. Unlike some super masterpieces, such as hard-working men who work hard in the tram, that cannot be described in too much text, perhaps it is not that trams are used very much now. In the big time, there were not many people in this car.

Biqigu looked to the side, Zhen Bai sat there calmly and calmly, drinking the drink that Biqigu just bought from a convenience store to prevent her from choking herself.

Biqigu put her hand on her true white hand, then closed her eyes and began to sleep in a fake sleep.

On the way to the meeting with Zhenbai’s editor, there were no moths, which made Biqigu very gratified, although he thought carefully if something needed to be slapped before he set off. How to deal with it.

Accompanied by the voice of the reader on the train, Higiya took Jinshiro's hand and walked off the train. What is more gratifying is that although the restaurant selected by Ayano and Mashiro is quite far away from Sakura Sho, it is far away from here. The tram station is very close.

As soon as Biqigu and Zhenbai walked out of the station, they looked up and saw the restaurant's sign.

Ayano was sitting under the sign, through the glass, and wearing sunglasses, greeted Higiya and Mashiro.

Biqigu took out his mobile phone and checked the time. The time displayed on it was more than ten minutes behind the time agreed with Ayano. Biqigu believes that his watch will not be so slow, so there is only one reason, and that is Ayano. It is the kind of person who is used to tens of minutes ahead of the agreed time.

150 Too naive, is it rare for me to update after twelve o'clock?

Although this hairstyle and eyes, although a bit impolite, it looks really different in style.

Biqigu looked up and down the woman in front of him.

She keeps a hairstyle that reminds people of modern stream of consciousness as soon as she sees it. Her eyes are sharp and narrow, which reminds people of a creature hidden in the prince.Although she is in a sitting position, she can probably see her clothes, which should be a green dress, a popular style this summer. She is now sitting on the seat with her chin in her hands, looking at Biqigu with interest.

"...What's wrong?"

Biqigu was uncomfortable being stared at by her, pulling at his too tight collar, he asked.

"En? It's nothing!"

Ayano squinted her eyes, and drew a forty-five degree smile with an upward arc at the corner of her mouth.

"I just want to see what it is like to be a man who has been confided in his heart all day long~!"


She waved her hand to interrupt Zhen Bai's words, and smiled at Biqigu.

"I finally saw the real person... Then, what is the relationship between you and Zhenbai and who are you her?"

"Are you her mother?"

Biqigu Fue, obviously he came here because he was worried about being a real white editor, but why does it look like this guy is worried about staying next to him?

With a helpless sigh, Biqigu turned his head and looked at Zhenbai.

"This guy, I really don't have much ability to take care of myself, so I usually..."

"Hachiman is a true white owner."


Biqigu stared blankly at the side, calmly speaking to a stranger in broad daylight.

"Really white, what did you say..."

"It doesn't matter, Yawata, Aya is her own, she won't call the police, tell her it's okay."

Zhen Bai said with a thumbs up at Biqigu.

"Hey, hello, is it Yao Yao for a long time?"

Higiya stood up quickly and pointed to Ayano, who was holding a phone in one hand and covering his mouth with one hand.

"If this is the case, please organize her quickly! What if Mr. Police really comes over!"

"And since it's a quiet call to the police, please be quieter! I can't help but hear too clearly!"

"whispering sound!"

"What is it! Hey, I said you, you won't really call the police!"

"I won't do that kind of thing! Me."

"Then don't look away, look into my eyes and speak!"

"Don't, anyway, you must be careful in your heart* I am right!"

"Who knows how to do that kind of thing! Can't you just set me up casually!"

"Puff puff!"

"...Hey, selling cute is no longer something you should do at your age!"

"What do you call my age!"

Ayano looked furious, she patted the table hard and then muttered.

"Obviously, I also had a time when it took the whole school--"

"There are--have you been?"

Biqigu deliberately put his hands on his chest,

"That means it's over now? Sure enough, has he become an Obasan reserve when he is old? Or is he an Obasan level figure?"


Ayano gritted her teeth and stared at Bigiya.

Zhenbai sat beside Biqigu watching the scene in front of him, suddenly said,

"It's great, it seems that Yahata and Ayano get along very well."

"Who would come with this guy!"

"From what point did you come to this conclusion!"

Higiya and Ayano were furious at the same time. After hearing each other’s words, the two stared at each other again. After a stalemate for a while, Higiya took the lead in moving his eyes away, and he sighed.

"Forget it, I didn't come all the way to make trouble with you."

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