My youth love story can definitely be written

My Youth Love Story Can Definitely Be Completed Chapter 180

Biqigu looked out the window, his vague head was reflected on the transparent glass,

But what does it matter to me?It's just a heretic who tried to break away from the organization.

Biqigu smiled at himself on the glass, his dark eyes were faintly golden in the sunlight.

Don't complain about the wrong location... Author I am poor and I have never been to Japan...

195 Awakening

"Honestly, Mai, why did we go to Akihabara...obviously just recently returned to Chiba."

"Well, it's only an hour away anyway. I'm an old customer of this store! Trust me, I won't waste your time, so I said."

At this point, Yang Nai suddenly stopped, she narrowed her eyes, and a dangerous atmosphere filled her, she said with a smile but a smile.

"So, Yawata, can you tell me who Mai is? There is another woman in her mind when she is with a woman. This is very rude behavior, Yawata."

"Huh? I didn't think of other women!"

Biqigu has a calm face,

"Mai is just the nickname I just thought of for you. If you like it, you can call me Takuya, well, although there is nothing disgusting on my head."


Unexpectedly, Yang Nai didn't hold on to this point, she chuckled open the glass door in front of her and walked in.

Biqigu raised his head and took a look. He smiled bitterly, and walked in behind Yang Na. Above his head, the sign of the restaurant was hung above the door.

The void of edge.

It doesn't seem like a serious name anyway.

Biqigu sighed. I don't know why he always feels that he doesn't want Komachi to come to this cafe. Although Komachi will definitely not come...but in order to avoid accidents, he should demolish it when there is such a sign?

Biqigu swept left and right. He felt that a "shenjing" should almost be able to dismantle this place directly, right?

There are always many people who think that appearance is the root of everything. The same thing different people do will make other people have different opinions, such as looking around the surrounding environment, and others will consider when the insignificant-looking person makes it. Should I call the police, and if someone with good looks does it, the people around will think that he is probably enjoying the surrounding scenery.

What a proficiency this is.

Biqigu completely disagrees with this argument. Angels are the crystallization of the most beautiful fantasy of mankind. Their appearance is the most beautiful structure in the eyes of mankind. Both lines and other aspects are perfect. Although he is not in an angel state now, his appearance has been perfectly optimized due to the holy power contained in his body. First of all, the impact on Odin’s dead fish eyes has been weakened, and then he was originally called The good looks have also been strengthened. It can be said that Higiya Hachiman is simply the face of the Ministry of Service!

Of course, it is the boys' appearance in the ministry.

But he was still warned.

Just as Biqigu glanced around, a cold female voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"May I ask you something? Guest."

The sudden sound frightened Biqigu, he hurriedly moved a few steps forward, and then turned to look.

There stood a girl with a lovely face—if you ignore the katana around her waist.

"I am the foreman of the Yuanzhikong Cafe at the bottom, do you have any needs?"

"Ah, no, I..."

Hello, is that a real knife?Isn't it a real sword?Also, why do you have such a strong murderous aura!And why would you be a waiter with a knife and be murderous at my customer!

Just when Biqigu was so slanderous, the rescuer finally came.

Yang Nao seemed to finally remembered Biqigu who was invited here by her, and ran over and smiled.

"Long time no see, Yachiyo."

She first said hello to the bad girl with the saber, and then pointed at Biqigu,

"This is my best friend, Higiya Hachiman. I made an appointment with him to meet here."

"This is Yachiyo, my friend, working here."

"Ah, I just heard that she is the foreman."

Yachiyo didn't pay attention to Biqigu who was watching her talking. She calmly moved her gaze to Yang Nao and said in a peaceful voice.

"My best friend... Am I less important than him?"

Hearing her words, Yang Nai smiled wildly,

"Hate... Yachiyo would you care about this? And if you want to say it, I am not as important as Kyoko in your eyes?"

"That's it, I understand."

Biqigu looked at Yachiyo with a confused look, nodded and then turned to leave. He said to Yang Naidao,

"Hey, what riddle are you playing?"

Yang Nai said with a smile,

"Hehe, A secret makes a woman woman."

"...Can we stop speaking English in this tone... it sounds painful."

He Yangnai found a place to sit down casually. It doesn’t seem to be the time when the coffee shop is booming. There are not many customers in the whole shop. The waiter named Hou Yachiyo just stood aside and didn’t know what to think what.

"What to eat?"

"Huh? It doesn't matter to me, just leave it to you."

Yang Nai nodded, without saying much, just lightly nodded.

"So... what do you tell me to come out for?"

"What...Is there something to do when I ask you out? Isn't it possible that we can't just talk about the past? Obviously, I haven't seen each other for a long time."

Yang Nai deliberately showed a very aggrieved appearance.

Biqigu said with a smile,

"Hey, I've always seen each other during the previous cultural festival, alright!"

"That was a long time ago!"

After talking with Biqigu, Yang Nai suddenly stopped smiling.

"I heard! What happened during your school trip."

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