My youth love story can definitely be written

My Youth Love Story Can Definitely Be Finished Chapter 230

"Looking at what Hiratsuka-teacher thinks, it should be correct."


Huang Quan looked disappointed,

"Does it really have to be this way? I really have no affection for this guy named Yusheng..."

Hearing this, Biqigu smiled bitterly.

"Why say it as if I have a good impression on him..."

With that, he sighed.

"But there is no way...After all, the school's funding is limited. If you want to make a show that you can see, you can only find someone to cooperate. It happens that there are a lot of stupid people on the beach... Well, the funds are sufficient, so you know."

"...If I remember correctly, your monthly salary should be quite a bit now...Can't you just make a contribution?"

"It's you who remembered it wrong... My salary was directly advanced for a year long ago. Where did you get the money?"

Biqigu said without blushing and breathing, he wouldn't tell Huang Quan that his salary had risen after returning from Tokyo-in one month he could get the previous one year advance!

"Furthermore, it is not just a matter of money. You see, even if the funds are sufficient, if we want to organize a qualified event, do you think our school has enough staff? It depends on the two or three big fish in our student union. ?"

"But we can raise money from the school..."

With that said, Huang Quan's voice became lower and lower.

"You also know this is not reliable..."

Biqigu pouted and said,

"Our student association is just a newcomer who has just taken office. Now I really don’t have the slightest charisma in the school. I want to recruit people to help? If this Christmas joint program is done well, it should be the next time. It's reliable."

The appeal of the Student Union is also accumulated step by step. The Student Union that has just taken office has no prestige among the students...Although Biqigu can rely on power or teachers, these two points are not reliable, because He couldn't catch the uncooperative student and beat him up. As for relying on the teacher, did he tell Shizuka Hiratsuka, Sousuke Sagara, or the bald teacher?It always feels so unreliable, especially the bald head.

"Then there is really no way..."

Huang Quan was discouraged for a while, she gritted her teeth and stared at the Lion King in True White's arms for a long time, and still slumped on the table without speaking.

Higiya followed her gaze and began to think about whether to take out Captain Bizen and leave it to Maashiro for safekeeping, but after thinking about it, it didn’t make any sense to do so except it seemed a bit stupid, so I chose give up.

"Now, senior."

Seeing that all the students in the student union were in a state of depression, the first one asked with some curiosity.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing."

When Biqigu thought of suffering from the double poison of sight and hearing for a while, he also seemed a little weak.

"You'll know later..."

"Eh, isn't it possible that what Xiaojing said is not fake?"

Biqigu looked at Yang Nao who squeezed to his right with a smile and asked.

"Teacher Hiratsuka? What did she say to you?"

"Ah, it's nothing."

When Yono thought of what Hiratsuka had said to her, the expression on his face became a little strange.

"Xiao Jing said, the student president of Haibin High School, ah, what is that jade?"

Hey, someone just introduced himself somehow?Isn't this a bit too much?

"Well, jade doesn't matter anymore."

"No, no, no, you still have to remember other people's names. His name... seems to be Yusheng."

"Well, Xiaojing said that the student council president named Yusheng at the seaside seems to be a child from the principal's house on the seaside, plus he has been abroad before, so he speaks and acts a bit strange."

...... Ah, the adjective is actually strange......

Biqigu looked at Yusheng not far away with a weird expression and eyes. He now has a lot of prowlers in his mind, but he just wants to ask Yusheng—I said, which one did you go to? Country... Surely it is not an English-speaking country?How else did you survive?

228 All in all

"Through the previous brainstorming, I also used my brain here, tried to sum up everyone's opinions, and probably wrote a Plan for everyone, please share it with everyone."

Wait, if I remember correctly, didn't we only have one meeting?And the whole meeting is all you are talking about...Where did you make the plan...and, haven't we yet decided whether to cooperate or not?

"Eh, Hachiman Hachiman."

Yang Nai summoned Zhaoshou at Biqigu in a low voice, looked around, and found that no one was paying attention, so he moved his head to Yangnai's side.

Yang Nai was sitting on the left side of Biqigu, and the one sitting on his right was under Xuexia. Last time Biqigu was sitting in the position where Yangnai is sitting now, but it should be said that it is the family of Xuexiajia. Miss?He immediately robbed the upper position.

"what's up?"

Yang Nai didn't rush to answer Biqigu's words. She gently pulled Biqigu and got close to Biqigu's ears. A faint Xinxiang came, and the heat from the edges of the ears made Biqigu a little uncomfortable. Shocked his Adam's apple.

"Hachiman, what's the matter with that guy?"

Biqigu didn't answer Yonano's words, but the heat that quietly rushed into his brain through his ears penetrated into the ear canal and left his mind blank for a short time.

"It's really shameful... if you ignore them, you will get angry."

There was a shudder cleverly, and Bi Qigu subconsciously drew a little distance away, facing Yang Nai with a smile that was not a smile, rather embarrassing.

"Well, that guy doesn't know why he likes to add some katakana to his words... Maybe it sounds more handsome."

"Eh, that's it."

Yang Nai said softly, his eyes flowed, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Biqigu coughed twice, and was about to talk to him again, but suddenly felt two cold air from behind, his whole body stiffened. Looking back, he found that Xuexia was looking at him coldly.

He laughed awkwardly. Biqigu didn’t know why he suddenly became guilty. He looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He stretched out his hand and took a few sheets of paper handed over by the cramped origami, and said pretentiously.

"Ah, let's take a look at the planning book written by Chairman Yu Sheng first?"

Thanks for the book!You are indeed a good person, I will definitely try to bring you and Ye Shan together!

By the way, Sister Miura seems to be a good person too...never mind her.

Christmas area joint event planning book.

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