My youth love story can definitely be written

My Youth Love Story Can Definitely Be Completed Chapter 241

Well... Although it was a bit bad, it didn't cause any bad consequences in the end.

"Aren't you worried?"

"worry about what?"

"What if she wants to do something irreparable?"

"such as?"

"Like... eating a city or something?"

"She is not called Shota."

Biqigu laughed suddenly, he shook his head and said,

"Nine-tailed fox is not a gluttonous, not so good appetite."

Yakumo Zi also thought about it, she thought for a while and insisted.

"...You can treat her as a glutton! Or it's a fault of the same level...and, who is Shota?"

"It's just a gluttonous..."

"But you have to say it is the fault of the same level."

Biqigu touched his chin and said,

"If she really does such a thing, then it will be time to kill her."

"But even if you kill her, you can't restore what has happened, right? After all, even if you are Lucifer, you can't resurrect so many people, right?"

"Why do you have to say something that hasn't happened as if it really happened?"

Biqigu scratched his head, a little impatiently said,

"If she really did such a stupid thing, I can do it afterwards. As for the humans who died in the disaster? Since they died in the disaster, it means their destiny is to die in the disaster. If I don’t have time to save them, then It proves that their fate should not be saved by me. As for the others, what to do with me?"

"...You are really cold-blooded..."


Biqigu sneered, he said with disdain,

"Sounds really funny, the dignified monster sage would actually have mercy on humans?"

His eyes did not know when they had completely turned golden, the pale golden eyes full of sacred light looked at Yakumozi, and the high breath pressure Yakumozi for a while.

"Remember the monster sage clearly."

"I maintain order, not humans."

"A monster kills someone, and a person kills a monster. What is it to do with me? Anyway, I neither know him nor her."

"I am the defender of order, not the patron saint of humanity-I am not a human being."

"Next time, don’t talk to me about such a ridiculous topic. If the monster named Yuzomae is so important to you, you monster sage, use your own power to find it, don’t try to use me. ."

After speaking, Biqigu turned around and left without hesitation.

Yakumo Zi looked at the back of Biqigu leaving with a complicated expression. The figure was tall and sacred, full of power and oppression, however.

"You can't see the smell of people."

"What are you talking about? Yakumo Zi."

Remilia had walked back for some time, she stood in front of Yakumozi, blinked her eyes and said,

"Why, did the plan to use Biqigu failed?"

After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for Yakumo Zi to answer, she put her hands on her chest and said to herself.

"I told you a long time ago that even if Bigiya Hachiman had been a human for some time, he was after all the vice-prince of the kingdom of heaven and the son of dawn. It's a superlative'god', you shouldn't try to use him."

"I know."

Yakumo Zi said nothing, she just looked at the direction Biqigu left with a complicated expression, and muttered,

"It's just that, is he already pure Lucifer?"

Did the human named Higiya Hachiman really disappear without a trace?

In the face of countless years of experience as a god, is it really worth mentioning that the mere ten years of being a human being?

Yakumo Zi didn't know, she was a demon, not a human.


It seems that because of the heavy snow, the whole street was empty, and Biqigu walked on the street expressionlessly, seemingly not planning to return to Sakura Village.

The golden light in his eyes slowly converged, and Bi Qigu thought while walking.

Although it had flicked Yakumo Zi, but she couldn't really leave Yuzao Qian Naya aside.

The bait that has been put for so long is also time to close the hook.

Biqigu narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

In the evening, the golden sunlight shone on the snow, and the dangling people's eyes hurt.

Tokyo’s Immortal Tengu, a mutated and enhanced version of the earth spider not long ago, one is a guy who was sealed off by the human power at that time not knowing how long ago, and the other is the ancient Onmyoji, the ancestor of the Ampei family. The big monster Ape Seimei fought was sealed afterwards.

So the question is, how did these two sealed guys get out of trouble?

But don’t talk about things like the strength of the seal getting worse with the passage of time... Let’s not talk about the years that the seal itself can last and the seal’s ability to absorb surrounding auras to repair itself, and there is no outside world. When it comes to supply, why this monster will not become weak? Is it possible that all the relevant insiders in this later life are mentally retarded?Don't they know to maintain the seal and make up for the strength?

So, things are very simple.

Release the immortal, release the soil spider, and also throw out a bunch of evil spirits and a few type b. It must be because she felt the breath in front of Yuzao that day when she met Yaunzi on the roof of the building?

"The guess is correct, but how did you find out where I was hiding? Concubine thinks that hiding is pretty good."

Biqigu looked up, it was a woman's face.

To describe it as handsome is probably too biased, because it is really a blasphemous look.

Biqigu once carefully looked at his face after transformation-Lucifer's face.

Angels have no gender, so after Biqigu turned into Lucifer, his appearance tended to be perfect, holy, which is the so-called loneliness of men, women, young and old, widows, widows, and loneliness. It is a look that almost conforms to the aesthetics of everyone.

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