My youth love story can definitely be written

My Youth Love Story Can Definitely Be Completed Chapter 297

Huang Quan said faintly in his heart.


Ah, is that a bit too much?

Biqigu scratched his head, watched Huang Quan grunt back to his seat, and couldn't help asking himself in his heart.

However, he clearly knows that Huang Quan has spent too much time in the work of the countermeasures room, and has no energy to work harder on his studies. Moreover, he has free time on weekdays. He still needs to do kendo training and other things. It's not satisfactory. I have to talk to her about studying. I'm really too much.

Really, it's too much, me.

He lowered his head and cursed himself secretly, Bi Qigu stretched out a hand to support his cheek, a touch of sadness surged in his heart.

If Huang Quan is said to be gone, who should I go to show off?Yubihama?

……Well.Forget it, she has been miserable enough, and she has no sense of accomplishment at all. Tell her about learning.

It's really boring.

"Really, why do you say that to me? Who do you think I am? Where does Biqigu come from?"

Suddenly heard his own name, Biqigu subconsciously looked in that direction. As always, in this class, it is the few people who will be noisy. The lower castes always live their lives cautiously. Layer is in an awkward situation where the facts need to look at the face above, so only those guys will be so unscrupulously fooling around, right?

What kind of youth do you call this... if this is really youth, then the young people in this country are really miserable.

With such a mess of things in my mind, I looked bored at the existing group than Qigu. After all, you see, it’s always boring, why not look at the excitement there?Moreover, it was mentioned by name or something.

…It’s definitely not because I’m irritated by the name being used to talk about it, and I’m going to remember who said it and then look for a chance to fuck him later!

Hmm, remember that the noisy guy is called Hube... Xiang... this kind of thing, right?I remember that I went to the Ministry of Service to ask us to help him make a girl, although we didn't do anything just because he failed.

You are the one who made fun of my name, right?

Biqigu murmured in his heart, and secretly remembered the person who made his name.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't want revenge. How could the dignified vice-prince of the heaven, the dawn star, and the shining archangel Lucifer do such a thing as revenge on others afterwards?But, you see, human abilities are always limited, right?Even if Biqigu is an angel, because he is now a human being, his abilities are always exhausted. So if there is a major event, he might not be able to save everyone, right?At this time, he had to make some sacrifices. Right now, he was just sending Hube Sho down to a rescue level.

After all, even a righteous partner can't save everyone.

The above is the voice of a righteous angel who is completely dedicated to human beings, and there is absolutely no thought of revenge in it.

"Ah, ahaha."

Yubihama laughed awkwardly. Although she also knows that Tobe is the kind of person who likes to joke, but listening to the subject matter of using her acquaintances as a joke... how do you say?Although there is no special idea, but sure enough, it still feels a little uncomfortable, right?

Let me remind the small household.

Yuhihama made up his mind like this and opened his mouth,

"Little household..."

"It's not good for you? The Ministry of Household."

An unexpected sound rang, and Yuhihama looked in the direction of the sound in amazement. The blonde queen was playing with her hair boringly, Miura Yuko raised her head impatiently and looked at Hobe.

"Speaking of my friend behind my back like this...Isn't it good to say bad things about my classmate?"

just!She wants to say a friend is it!right!Sure enough!

Yubihama's eyes widened and looked at Miura who was a little unnatural.

Yumiko would actually stand on the side of a small company and talk or something... Am I dreaming?

She reached out and grabbed her cheek, which hurt.

What happened between those two people...

Detective Yuhihama, in his own name, instinctively concluded that something unspeakable must have happened between Higiya and Miura.

Biqigu was also quite surprised. As the top caste of the class, Miura would actually speak to himself or something, which really surprised him.

Did you consider yourself a friend because of the last time you saved her?

Hey, she is really nice, Miura, no, Yumiko.

Biqigu thought happily in his heart, and at the same time secretly figured out whether to add a blessing or something to his friends. After all, the recent monster activities are a bit frequent. In case something happens to her too late to help, there is a self-defense Blessing can also relieve him of worry.

Otherwise, it would be a little troublesome to fish for their souls.

Tobe obviously didn't expect Miura to say that, scratching his cheek, and said in embarrassment.

"No, that, Yuiko, I'm just joking!"

"I know it's a joke."

Miura stretched out her fingers and tapped gently on the table. She glanced at Hube lightly, but the piercing courage made Hube can’t help but shrink her head.

"However, such jokes are always bad. I don't mean anything, just to remind you."

"Well, the Huhu is just a joke, don't you know that? Youzi, Huhu is such a person."

Seeing that the atmosphere is developing in a bad direction, as the leader of the men's real estate group, he is also standing at the top of the water, and even the Hayama Hayato, who has made a statement in the entire Chiba real estate community, stood up decisively After the muddy mud, he smiled and stretched out his hand to Miura and smiled, shouldn't it be Yeshan?Even the queen of flame softened with a mouth.


Seeing that Miura was done, Ye Shan turned to look at Hubu Road.

"It's the same with the Ministry of Households. It's a bit impolite to make fun of other people's names casually!"

What is a little bit, it is obviously very rude, okay?

Looking at the progress of things here, Biqigu said in his heart a little unhappy.

"Look, classmate Biqigu is looking here, maybe he has heard it!"

Maybe, I have heard it!

I murmured in my heart, Biqigu didn't expect Ye Shan's topic to extend to him, and quickly turned his eyes away, but his reaction was too late after all. The Ministry of Household had already looked over at Ye Shan's words, and found that Biqigu was When looking at this side, he directly opened his mouth and said to Biqigu,

"Sorry, classmate Biqigu, I didn't mean to make a joke on you."

He stretched out his hand and gestured to him to indicate that he didn't take it to heart, Biqigu said in his heart,

Forget it, just forgive him if he didn't call my name wrong this time. Anyway, he wasn't treated as a penguin or something.

But then again, what does it mean to look over there!It's not an old crooked neck tree!

The farce came to an end, and the class bell rang.

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