My youth love story can definitely be written

My Youth Love Story Can Definitely Be Completed Chapter 347

Ah... I seem to hear the sound of broken nerves.

Watching all of Biqigu's attention unconsciously shifted to the people here under Xuexia and Huangquan, he couldn't help but think in his heart.

Michael, even if you are in someone's house, you will not lose to anyone like this kind of hatred...

Not to mention that there are already somewhat strange Xuexia and Huangquan, as well as a school girl named Isshiki who got in without knowing how to get in. Komachi's side was irritated by Angel's movements, and she took a deep breath. Angered,

"I am only fifteen years old! There is still a long developmental period, and I will definitely be better than you in the future!"

"Eh...I am so confident..."

Angel said casually, she also glanced at Komachi's chest by the way, although her tone was light, it contained a certain subtle emotion.

"What, what..."

When Angel said this, Komachi couldn't help but shrink back a little. She subconsciously looked at Biqigu's face, trying to find a hint of encouragement from him.

Come on!Komachi, believe in yourself, you can do it!

Although Higiya wanted to say that it was true to Komachi this way, but considering the situation of her own mother who has the attributes of a poor breast-line tsundere queen, Komachi... Although it is cruel, this is reality!You have to be brave and strong!

"Well...Anyway, I heard that girls develop relatively early, so under normal circumstances, the developmental period is almost over in high school."

Anqier said as if nothing had happened.


Hey, that sound is definitely a nerve breaking, right?Sure enough, that's right!

Biqigu cast his gaze in the direction of the sound, and then directly saw Xuexia and Huangquan with his head drooping.

What a deep resentment... Well, what should I say?Wouldn't it be a bit too much to say that the sorrowful changes are a bit too much on this occasion?

Angel, you really hurt a lot of people's hearts...


Komachi groaned and suddenly hugged Biqigu’s right arm tightly, and pointed out his teeth towards Angel.

"No matter what you say, I will never admit it anyway! Obviously, obviously, people love Hachiman even more! This has been the case since we were born together!"

Hearing Komachi’s "brother control speech", first put down the tearful Biqigu who was about to be touched, not mentioning it. Xuexia and Huang Quan, who had their heads drooping, said with gloomy faces at the same time.

"Sister control... really disgusting."

Hey!I haven't said anything yet!

"I have been in love with Yawata since I was born..."

But Angel seemed to not hear the disdainful voices of Xuexia and Huang Quan on the other side, she just sighed softly.

"It's great, I have been with Yawata since the beginning."

"Huh! Right! Your feelings for Yawata are definitely not as deep as mine!"

Komachi proudly raised his head.

Um, Komachi, although I am very happy with your heart and feelings, brother, but ah, you are so proud to say such words will really make my brother face a very difficult situation...

Feeling the gaze from the surroundings that became more and more cold after Komachi said the words, Hikigu felt that he could not help the tears running down his eyes.

I said...Xuexia, Huangquan, Isshiki and the others, why do you stare at me as well as Miura and Ebina!There is really white!Do you really understand what Komachi said just now?

"Student Biqigu, really has a good sister, it's really enviable."

Hayama you!


"It really is."

"It's really enviable."

The three of you!Don't think I don't know your names!Especially you, the Ministry of Household!

The water on Biqigu’s face was about to fall out of bitterness, but Angel still had a calm look. She embraced Biqigu’s arm with one hand and gently pressed the other on her chest. Tan mouth slightly opened,

"I have been with Yawata since I was born, and loving Yawata is really enviable, but it is also enviable."

"I, I have loved Yawata deeply a long time ago, before you and Yawata were born, yes, since 12,000 years ago."

Are you saying that if I didn't meet you, I would become an angel of killing?Stop it, okay, I'm not the pervert called Apollo.

Although Komachi seemed to want to say something afterwards, Angel bowed her head and ignored Komachi. Seeing that there would be no results if she continued to pull it on, Komachi had to hum and choose to give up, and she murmured, "Two diseases" and so on.

Seeing that the war between the two people came to an end, although it felt super cool to hug the left and the right, considering some more important issues such as orthopedics, Biqigu chose to get out and stand up quickly.

"I'm going to buy some drinks, what do you want."

"Orange juice!"

"Orange juice X2!"

"black tea!"


Hey, Xuexia, Huangquan, Isse, and True White just need me to help you buy them. What are you guys going to do?What do you want to drink, let me do it myself!

Looking at the current charging group, Biqiguman wanted to put on his previous sign and twitch the corner of his eye.

"Be at ease, I will pay you when I come back!"

Who cares about the drink money?

"Ah, there will be no less travel expenses!"

Where do I come from?

"Well... don't be kidding me."

Ye Shan smiled and stood up and said,

"The number of people is a bit large, so you can't get so many drinks alone than Qigu classmates?"

Who said it, show it to you!If it's a big deal, just use strength to make them all float.

"I will help too!"

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