My youth love story can definitely be written

My Youth Love Story Can Definitely Be Finished Chapter 367

The so-called four lessons of special warfare, relying on the combination of natural spiritual power and special weapons, ultimately can only clean up miscellaneous fish.

Biqigu glanced at Jin Chuntonggu who was thinking about something, shook his head slightly and said nothing.

People are far and near, not everything can be said to others.

"The three-headed dog of hell..."

Jin Chuntonggu still seemed to be a little shocked by the words that Biqigu uttered. He said in disbelief,

"Could it be... the story in the myth?"

"Ah... it's not that one! It's just a close relative, is it a descendant? Of course it's far inferior in terms of strength, but it's also a very powerful thing. If you really want to say it, well. I think about it, probably Is it a monster of the same level as that big tengu?"

Biqigu touched his chin for a moment, then raised his finger to give an example.

"Although the vitality is definitely far inferior, but the destructive power or combat power is far beyond, probably the difference between the Berserker and the Shield Warrior? Well, although I want to use fury warfare and weapon warfare as examples. , But it really doesn't meet that ah, it doesn't."

Biqigu shook his head, seemingly dissatisfied with it.

"Although you say so..."

Jin Chuntonggu's face was ugly. Of course he knew what the existence of the big tengu was sealed back then...because of this, she is even more unbelievable now.

"Ah... it doesn't matter, it's inevitable that you won't be able to accept it for a while. Guan Se Che seems to have recovered, let him speak? Anyway, it is the person who actually survived life and death in that space."


Guan Se Tetsu seemed to finally be relieved from the aftereffects similar to the world shuttle. Although his face was still a bit ugly, he could stand in front of Jinchuntong Valley and talk. Unlike the other Masaki Shindo and Kasugaki, there are still some now. Speechless.

But this kind of experience is quite rare for them. With time, their talents will at least rise by one level, right?Although it will not be so strong, but at least there is a greater chance of surviving.

Jin Chuntonggu's face looked a little ugly and looked at Guan Se Che and Yang Nao who didn't know what he was thinking from the beginning, and said in a bitter voice.

"Sorry... Guanshi, and Xuexia, it was my carelessness that put you in danger."

"No, Commander, it has nothing to do with you."

Guan Shiche was a little flustered, but Yang Nai just calmly looked at Jin Chuntonggu in front of him and helped him up.

"It is not your fault for the observation team to evaluate the monster's strength. Moreover, you have also hired Yawata to assist. Without him, we must have died in battle... So to some extent, you too Saved us."

"So... is it really the three-headed dog from hell?"

Jin Chun is still a little hard to believe that creatures that only exist in legends will actually appear in this city.

"I don't know if it's a three-headed dog from hell, after all, I haven't really seen anything like that."

Yang is a peaceful way,

"But it is indeed a canine animal with three heads, a huge body, and that strong pressure makes me almost unable to hold the knife in my hand..."

Yang Nai laughed at himself and sighed.

"It seems that I still need to continue to hone my sword skills..."

"What about that monster?"

"I was killed by Yawata in a second."

"...Is that so?"

Jin Chun nodded and stopped speaking.

Seeing them who had almost finished speaking, Bi Qigu stepped forward,

"Then Commander Jinchun, since the matter is almost finished, I will go home first. Tomorrow... No, there are still some things to be done today. You have to take a good rest at the time.

Although I want to suggest that these guys in Special Warfare 4th Class also take a break, Jin Chuntonggu is the commander of Special Warfare 4th Class after all. After the fierce battle, he should also be aware of such things as giving the players a proper rest time. , So Biqigu didn't have much to say.

"The words of these two guys will be fine after a while."

Higiya pointed his finger at Shindo Masaki and Kasuga Natsuki, who were obviously still dizzy because of the space inversion.

"After recovery, there will be a certain improvement. You, after all, is a rare experience."

If you want to use data, you probably have enough experience to advance to several levels, right?

Biqigu was running the train with his head full, and then he was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

Looking back, it was Yang Nai who came.

There was a trace of fatigue on her pretty face, and a little sweat could be seen on her sweet cheeks.Although she experienced a fierce battle, it was probably because the opponent she faced was either a ghost or a skeleton. The last three-headed Hell was killed by Biqigu with a single blow, so her clothes were not stained with blood. Just because it was contaminated with a lot of smoke and dust, it looked a little bit old.

"What's wrong? You probably need to go back to Special Warfare Class 4 to report or something?"

Biqigu looked at Yang Nao and asked, and then Yang Nao shook his head.

"No, it’s not necessary. They are here in Guanshi, just let them answer. I have to go home now. After all, I’m still a college student. Although today is the weekend, there are still elective courses to go. I really want to sleep until tomorrow or something like this, but I have to give up this idea because of the credit problem."

"Ah... if so, good night."

Biqigu stunned for a moment, and then prepared to leave.I don’t know why, I always feel entangled...

"You wait for me."

Yang Nai unceremoniously reached out and grabbed the collar behind Biqigu,

"send me home."


Biqigu was a little dazed, Yang Nai repeated naturally with his face,

"I said, take me home."

"Don't you want a weak woman of mine to walk such a long distance home alone in the middle of the night?"

Hearing Yang Nao's words, Bi Qigu subconsciously glanced at the long knife she was holding around her waist.

Where is a weak woman carrying a long knife when she walks... or Kaifeng enchanted it.

"Yes, yes."

Biqigu touched his head and said,

"But didn't you say that you don't want your parents to see me? Because you are afraid that they will ask questions and so on."

"Now I changed my mind!"

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