My youth love story can definitely be written

My Youth Love Story Can Definitely Be Completed Chapter 399

That's a dead bitch with so many words!

Biqigu unwillingly cursed the head teacher of Xuexia's class secretly.

"President Biqigu, no matter how we are comrades-in-arms who have fought together, there is no need to think about the trivial matter of increasing activity funds? After all, you were once a member of the kendo club!"

Since you were once a comrade-in-arms fighting side by side, don't come to torture me now!Who else is a member of the Kendo Club?Obviously you were just dragged by you to be a thug!

With crimson hair and crimson eyes, the whole person seemed to be a burning flame. At this moment, the person standing in front of Biqigu talking was the princess, who was actually very powerful although she didn't show up very much.

Stella Familion.

"I said, Jinglingting has already returned to their own world and stayed there. How about you guys also going back?"

Biqigu sighed,

"Although I don't know how you came here, if you want to return to your own world, I can help?"

"Huh? You already know it."

Stella glanced at Biqigu curiously, then shook her head and rejected his kindness.

"But as expected, it's fine to go back."

She said straightforwardly,

"My dad also said that, and this world seems to be more conducive to the improvement of strength. When the time comes, I will go back and see my dad from time to time. Anyway, Ikki and they are all here, for us. It doesn't matter in any world."

Of course, the improvement of strength will be more convenient here...

However, is it so easy to see things like traveling through the world?

Biqigu narrowed his eyes, this is a bit unusual.

"Whose fault do you think it is?"

Jarvis suddenly popped out such a sentence in his mind, and then no matter how much Biqigu called, it seemed as if he had been banned, not even a word popped out.

"But it's better to be your hometown, right?"

"That's not the case...Hey, don't change the subject, will the kendo department's funding for the next semester be increased?"

Biqigu looked at the red girl knocking on the table in front of him, feeling that she was not so good.


"Student Stella is really amazing."

"It's true..."

Looking at the listless Higiya, Yubihama hesitated and said,

"Well, small business, what happened before?"

Seeing Higiya’s somewhat puzzled expression, Yuihama added,

"It's what classmate Stella said, the teammates fighting side by side... and their own world. I remember that small companies have not participated in the kendo club before!"

Looking at Yubihama, Higiya raised his eyebrows, and almost knew the specific situation in his heart.

Intervention of the world...?

That is, in the eyes of the world, the original duel shouldn’t exist at all?That’s why I interfered with everyone’s memory...

However, although thinking requires thinking, you can't just throw Yubihama aside.

"For that, I went to the Kendo Department to help. As for the world and the like, Stella is actually a secondary disease, and that is her own worldview."


You really believe it...

In the end, when Xuexia's class was over, the student council's affairs were almost finished.

"Sorry, the meeting in the class has been a little longer."

Xuexia said tiredly.

Noting this, Biqigu felt a little strange.

Because of her spiritual power, Xuexia has already far surpassed ordinary people physically. It is really not easy for her to show this exhausted look.

A faint smile hung on Biqigu's face, and he began to wonder what the head teacher of Xuexia class had bb when he was in class.

Because the work of the student union has been completed, Biqigu and the others did not waste time. They broke up one after another when they walked to the gate of the school. However, what surprised Biqigu was that Yubihama, who was in the ordinary dormitory of Mingzhu, was with Yuukishita. The deputy is about to be taken home by her.

"Yuhihama is going to my house tonight."

Seeing the meaning of inquiry in Biqigu's eyes, Xuexia took the initiative to speak,

"Because of the annual holiday, almost all the students in the student dormitory have been exhausted. It is not early today because of the work of the student union."

"I tried to talk to Koyuki, but I didn't expect to agree."

Yuhihama stuck out his tongue and smiled.

"This is not too much demand."

A faint smile hung on Xuexia's face,

"After all, I didn't help with the work of the student union today, so I just treated it as an apologetic."

"Why, Koyuki has done enough work!"

Yubihama hurriedly said, but Yukoshita shook his head.

"Usually, it is usually, this time is this time."

Ah... really a noble and enlightened person. It's so late, why don't you pick me up?

But Biqigu just thought about it in his heart. If Xuexia really invited him, he wouldn't dare to go, it's not that he was afraid of conspiracy or something... It would be miserable if he were to be caught by Yang Na next door. Up?Although I don't know why, I always feel that if Yang Na finds out something like this, something big will happen...

"But speaking of it, didn't Xiao Huangquan come today?"

Yuhihama said suddenly.

Akalin? Huangquan her!You found out that she was not here until now...

"That guy Huang Quan said he was sick."

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