Myriad Paths

Chapter 12 Origin

In the dark night, two strong men were fighting each other. It seemed fierce, but Lu Shan only felt that his fists and legs were blocked, as if every move was expected by his opponent.

Li Qi seemed to be able to predict the future and could always intercept his moves from the middle, making it difficult for him to fully utilize them!

His martial arts were ineffective, his strength was inferior, and he couldn't even break the opponent's skin. With such a disadvantage, Lu Shan was quickly defeated. Li Qi had his hands broken and his ankles broken.

Except for Li Qi and Lu Shan, there was no one around.

"Huh..." Li Qi wiped the blood and sweat mixture from his head and felt a little nauseous.

It wasn't because of killing people. He didn't feel anything about killing people. He didn't feel excited or particularly disgusted. But in order to make a ferocious appearance and scare away the trackers, he took several bites of raw meat. The fishy smell in his mouth made him a little nauseous.

In addition, he received several severe blows. Even with the thick skin of Niu Lijutsu, his internal organs were shaken and his skin was cracked. The injuries could not be said to be serious, but they were certainly not light.

If those two dozen trackers were willing to risk their lives to form a siege, he might really end up here.

Fortunately, even after a certain level of training, a rabble is still a rabble.

"Shan Dazhuang, you are in great trouble this time. Why, are you convinced?" Li Qi sat down, maintained the Niu Li Technique, and said to Lu Shan.

"Spit!" Lu Shan spat, but his hands and feet were in unbearable pain, and the phlegm seemed weak. It didn't even fly half a meter and landed on his own stomach.

"Li Qi, you are so cunning, it is impossible for me to convince you!" He cursed loudly.

"It's just that losing is losing, and I admit it, but you have killed so many people, but you didn't kill me alone, and you broke my hands and feet. Let me tell you, you want to insult me, just dream!" He struggled, shouted at Li Qi.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with me. Who wants to insult you?" Li Qize shook his head. Why did he insult Lu Shan?

Keeping him here just has a few questions.

"You are disabled now. Answer me a few questions and I will let you go back. You will not die here. You have been the gang leader for so long and you should have some savings. You can go back and recover from your injuries. Although you are a lame man, you can't lift it with your hands. , But it’s not like starving to death, how about it?” Li Qi said straightforwardly.

"You and I both know that even though we have been fighting for so long, we are still true to our word. I won't lie to you now. How about it? Are you willing?" Li Qi sat next to him and said.

"What are you asking?" When Lu Shan heard this, although he still hadn't let go of his guard, his tone became more relaxed.

"You are definitely not a tracker. Where did you come from?" Li Qi asked first.

"Tsk, are you talking about a tracker?" Lu Shan sneered, moved with great effort, and leaned his back on a stone: "It's just a joke at fifty steps and a hundred steps. You suddenly appeared three years ago, dressed in weird clothes. He has no power to bind a chicken, and there is no trace of his technique. Is it possible that someone smashed the three innate treasures and threw them in Lizhou? "

Li Qi suddenly heard this incomprehensible term, and his expression suddenly became stern.

He knew that he made the right bet.

However, now is not the time to show cowardice, so Li Qi shook his head: "Why do you ask so many questions about me? I'm asking you now."

"Ha." Lu Shan sneered, but no longer took the initiative to ask questions.

"You haven't answered me yet, where are you from?" Li Qi asked.

"Songguo, deserter." Lu Shan answered impatiently: "At that time, Songguo was attacked by the Tang Dynasty and the whole country was in ruins. The generals did not dare to fight and the soldiers did not dare to advance. So I fled and followed the Lishui River. Lizhou.”

Li Qi suddenly realized.

I see, that makes it clear.

Whether it is the style of the army or the previous battle formations that relied on morale, Lu Shan should have learned it in the army.

But when you think about it, something seems wrong?

"No, if you are a deserter from Songguo, but with your level, how can these two tracker gangs compete with you? Shouldn't they have been annexed long ago? Just like your battle formation today, plus Shouldn't your fighting skills have won you a long time ago?" Li Qi frowned.

"You think I don't want to? If it weren't for you, I would have swallowed up the Paibo Gang and the Shui Ma Gang!" Lu Shan glared: "The Lizhuang Gang is the youngest gang. I fled here six years ago and was alone. I established the Li Zhuang Gang hand by hand. My Kung Fu is the strength training method of Songguo's grassroots army. When I practice, I am practicing the battle formation method. I have been patient for four years and finally achieved results, but you appeared, It forces me to accumulate more strength.”

The more Lu Shan talked, the angrier he became: "If it weren't for you, I would have had the final say here two years ago!"

Li Qi heard this and thought about it carefully.

It really is!

When he first arrived here, the Li Zhuang Gang often invaded the other two gangs, but at that time, in order to protect himself, he thought of a way to unite vertical and horizontal forces, and joined forces with the Shui Ma Gang to withstand several conflicts. With the help of the geographical location and the advantage of the Paibo Gang's techniques in the water, they were able to fend off the Li Zhuang Gang several times.

Thinking about it, after that, Lu Shan should have known that he couldn't easily win now, so he hid the formation and prepared to use it as a killing method?

Therefore, when he was able to obtain a technique, he started the plan without hesitation.

But he didn't expect that he could learn the Ox Power Technique in one day and quickly plan a counterattack.

Thinking about it this way... Lu Shan seems to be a bit unlucky.

However, if he is not unlucky...then he will be the unlucky one.

"Then your formation -" Li Qi tentatively spoke again.

"Dream! Even if you kill me here, I will never teach you!" Lu Shan yelled and reacted fiercely.

Think about it, in this world, things like martial arts will never be spread to the outside world. Unless you join an organization and show loyalty, or establish a master-disciple relationship, or make an equal exchange, otherwise you want to get something else. The technique is indeed as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Didn't you see, both the Shuima Gang and the Paibo Gang were almost driven to death, but the two sides didn't even exchange techniques.

For them, they would rather be wiped out than spread the news.

"Well, that's okay. You're already useless anyway. After today, the Li Zhuang Gang will probably lose their hearts, so you can just take care of yourself." Li Qi said.

Then, he stood up and crushed Lu Shan's head with his foot.

Let him live?

Just kidding, you can tell this man is ambitious at first sight, even if he is disabled, you can’t believe it! If you really let go, what will you do if you come back and fight back in the future? ?

Li Qi is honest in most cases, but that doesn't mean he will pay the price with his own life for integrity.

To avoid future troubles, let’s go back and think about how to deal with the government.

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