Myriad Paths

Chapter 48 Yamane

"Oh... Huh..." Shen Shuibi was so tired that she couldn't straighten up: "Li Qi, what are we... moving rocks for? I'm so tired."

Shen Shuibi said this while holding the basket on the old horse.

The basket was tied with a vine and hung on the old horse. Shen Shuibi was responsible for stabilizing the basket and filling it with stones.

She couldn't carry it on her back, so she had to pick it up piece by piece and put it into the basket on the old horse's back, and then let the old horse carry it while she supported it.

Li Qize didn't have an old horse to use, so he could only move the stone and carry it up by himself.

After all, he is a tracker, so it is common for him to be treated like a beast.

No, it should be said that the profession of tracker itself is used as a beast.

Hearing Shen Shuibi's doubts, Li Qi explained: "On your whim, I also have a whim. The technique of Guan Wuyun also shows that there is a disaster of weapons above my head, so I must be prepared."

"Of course I know that I have to be prepared... So, what does this have to do with moving rocks?" She had already suffered a total loss of physical strength, but now she had another round of heavy physical labor. She was very tired, so she couldn't help but ask Li start.

Li Qi was carrying a large rock weighing three to four hundred kilograms up the mountain when he heard Shen Shuibi's question, "Are you planning a trap? There are mountains and water here. Between the three of us, I am the only one with the fighting ability, so I still have to be prepared first." "

"However, this is almost done. You and Lao Ma can go and have a rest. I can do the rest myself. There isn't much left." Li Qi took a look and saw that there was still about a third of it unfinished, but he If you work hard, you should be able to finish it by midnight.

However, Shen Shuibi shook her lips and shook her head.

The old horse also hummed a few times and did not retreat, but continued to carry the stone up the mountain.

When Li Qi saw this, he didn't say much.

Going up the mountain, he immediately arranged an altar with stones.

Yes, he wants to use the sacrificial method he learned before to see if he can save a trump card.

"Mountain gods, use sacrifices for worship..." Li Qimo read the saying in the book "Zhu".

The so-called sacrifice refers to livestock of pure color, and sacrifice refers to livestock that can be eaten.

When offering sacrifices to mountain gods, pure-colored animals should be used as sacrifices.

Where can I find solid colors now?

Simple, isn’t there an old horse next to you?

Although the old horse is old, as a dragon colt, his coat is pure black and shiny, making him very handsome.

So, he walked to Lao Ma with a knife.

The old horse was so frightened that he took two steps back.

"Come on, do that..." Li Qi smiled and scolded: "I don't really want to kill you."

The old man groaned twice, looking very aggrieved.

However, it was impossible for Li Qi to really kill him as a sacrifice. After all, they had gotten along with each other for a few days, and Lao Ma was close to him, so he couldn't do that kind of thing.

He used a knife to cut the old horse's buttocks, collected some horse blood, and then cut off a bunch of the old horse's elegant and handsome mane.

The old horse made two grunts of grievance.

Li Qi smiled and slapped him on the butt: "I'll give you a wisp of the aura of a blue dragon in two days. Look at what you look like!"

When Lao Ma heard this, he was delighted, stuck his butt out and left.

No need to worry about the wound, the bleeding stopped in twenty minutes. Li Qi only took about 200 ml. For a person of Lao Ma's size, the dosage was about the same as a nosebleed.

Li Qi, on the other hand, took the old horse's blood and mane and placed them on the altar made of stones.

"Chinese stone and set up a monument to appease the gods..."

"The God of Nanci Mountain sacrifices wine..."

Li, originally should be used for wine, but now Li Qi didn't have it, so he took another meaning of the word Li, which is Liquan, which means sweet spring. Shen Shuibi traveled two mountains to get the sweetness of another mountain spring. Chilling spring water.

Sacrifice, sweet wine, everything is complete.

The altar was also built with stones, and Li Qi also used some mechanical methods. He also made a special force analysis to ensure that although this thing seemed to be about to collapse, it would not collapse if it did not encounter vibrations. Fall down.

Even if it were to collapse, it would fall towards the water spring at the foot of the cliff and not hit him.

After identifying the direction, facing the south, he offered sacrifices.

Li Qi then used the back of the hatchet in his hand to smash open a relatively regular stone, barely breaking out a human figure.

In fact, it can only be said that he smashed a stone Sunny doll and came out, which can barely be regarded as a person...

Place this figure on the altar.

Then, facing the south, the ceremony of blessing people begins.

All the spirits in heaven and earth are convinced and become the Tao.

In this world, not only those mountain spirits and water monsters can become mountain gods, but there is another way, that is, the "mountain" itself can become a god.

This is difficult. Mountains have spirits but are ignorant. If you are ignorant, you are unaware. You cannot feel things and you cannot practice.

Therefore, the mountain gods in the world are mostly spirits rather than the mountains themselves.

But what Li Qi wants to do now is to create a mountain god.

is it possible? It's basically impossible.

To do this kind of thing, you need at least one person in the village to worship every month for decades. Several generations of people are edified by incense before they can warm up and develop some spiritual wisdom, gradually awaken, and then the weather and earth will breed hundreds more. Years later, he will probably be born.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Li Qi will not be able to get help from the mountain god for what he does.

But he also knows it.

If there was a mountain god willing to help him, then he would really have peace of mind. There would be no danger at all, and he didn't expect such a pie-in-the-sky thing to happen.

Therefore, the main purpose of this sacrifice is to exchange for a trace of the spirit of the mountain roots.

This method was actually invented by other Zhu people and was recorded in the "Zhu" book.

The principle is to rely on the characteristics of these primitive mountain spirits, which are spiritual but unconscious, to call out some of the mountain spirits and put them into the carved stone statues. This is the first sentence he uttered: chiseling stones and setting up monuments to appease the spirits. .

Then, sacrifice this part and offer a ray of your own energy to imbue it with "human" characteristics.

In this way, this part of the mountain spirit will temporarily awaken to consciousness, but it will be as if the person is still in the stomach. Although it has consciousness, it has no spiritual wisdom.

In this way, although the part of the mountain spirit that was summoned was one with the original mountain spirit, there were differences, as if his hand suddenly had a brain.

The mountain spirits themselves will resist this change. Although they are unconscious, mountains and rivers actually have spirits, and they will eliminate such actions that try to pollute them.

Although this kind of pollution is nothing to them, the mountain spirit is extremely huge. If you want to completely pollute it with human Qi, it is estimated that more than a million people will have to sacrifice their blood. A wisp of Qi from one person will just make the mountain spirit spit.

Therefore, the mountain spirit will cut off this little part that is contaminated by human energy, and then leave, and will never respond to this person's sacrifice again. Even if the mountain spirit really becomes a god in the future, it will naturally hate this person.

But Li Qi no longer cares about so much.

This part of what the mountain spirit spit out was what Li Qi wanted.

The spirit of the mountain roots!

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