Myriad Paths

Chapter 59 Carp Liuyi

Li Liuyi is a martial arts technique that imitates carp.

Carp is one of the sacred objects of Taoism and is known as the head of all fish.

Therefore, it is normal that Luofu Mountain, as one of the Taoist caves, has a technique that imitates carp.

"A man who has attained the Tao can soar into the sky and swim in the rivers and seas. Therefore, Xiao Shi and Xiang Feng ride on the red carp in the abyss, and Qin Gao rides on the red carp in the abyss. This is the proof."

This passage means that a master who has attained the Tao will ride on a red carp and swim in the abyss.

People in Taoism believe that to ascend to heaven, one needs to ride on a carp, because carp has spirituality, can communicate with gods, and can reach the "two poles" and "two realms", so people can ride on a carp to ascend to heaven without being hindered by heaven and earth.

In fact, there are indeed carp that can do it. It is said that there is a carp monster who occupies a long river and calls himself a god. He has great magical powers and boundless magic power. He can freeze a river that is 800 miles wide and countless miles long overnight by casting a spell.

But this Li Liuyi, as an eighth-grade martial arts technique, certainly cannot achieve that level.

This technique is intended to be a carp swimming upstream in the water flow. It emphasizes sneaking in the water, long endurance, and being slippery and good at avoiding the water flow.

Then it takes the meaning of the carp leaping over the dragon gate, which is good at slowly accumulating strength in patience and dodging, and a wave of bursts will release all the strength in the body, and the fish leaps over the dragon gate.

As a martial arts technique, the most important thing is to eat. Li Liuyi requires practitioners to eat at least a wisp of water vapor every day, digest the water vapor with their bodies, and then transform it into internal energy.

There are several ways to consume water vapor. One is to eat fish, a lot of fish, and extract it from the fish's flesh. Fish are born in water and naturally contain trace amounts of water vapor, so just use your stomach to digest it.

This method is the dumbest, but also the simplest. Just buy fish.

The second is to drink water, but you can't drink ordinary water. It must be spring water from the source. At the source of the water, water vapor is self-generated, which is the source of the river. At this time, drinking water and refining it can get the water vapor from the source.

This method requires going deep into the mountains and forests to find water sources, which is much more troublesome than the above method.

The third method is to eat natural treasures containing water vapor, such as water-based spirit beasts and monsters, such as treasures such as water spirit beads.

This method is not considered. Although the effect is the best, the speed is the fastest, and there are no side effects, the biggest side effect is that it will bring a huge economic burden.

Li Qi touched the two hundred coins left in his pocket.

Save some money. It's not enough to buy a piece of pork, and there are water-based spirit beasts.

And this is not just for one time, but every day!

Eat every day!

In martial arts practice, perseverance is the most important, and resources are the second most important. You poor bastard, go play with your ass, you are not worthy of practicing martial arts.

However, fortunately, this is the depth of the Ten Thousand Mountains.

Water sources that are hard to see in the outside world are everywhere here.

"So, we are in this place, with dense water networks. As long as we find a mountain water source every day, the amount of water should not be a problem." Shen Shuibi said.

"Then I will give you the complete practice method." She said and began to practice with Li Qi.

There is no magic in martial arts practice, only training method (or eating method) and fighting method. Fighting method requires a little bit of training, but training method can be started immediately.

Li Qi's second practice in addition to the witch's blessing method also started immediately.

According to Shen Shuibi, practicing concurrently is actually a very common thing, but the main and secondary must be distinguished, and there are certain taboos, otherwise it is easy to cause confusion of the body's qi and imbalance of the human body.

What's more, studying one subject is already very energy-consuming. Generally, studying concurrently is used to make up for shortcomings. Not many people have the energy to study two Daoisms.

Daoism is something that one Daoism is enough to make people spend their whole life.

But for Li Qi, his cultivation is far from that level, so there is no need to worry at all.

It is difficult for doctoral students to change their majors, because they are extremely professional and can't understand a major at all.

But is there any problem for elementary school students to study Chinese, mathematics and English concurrently?

Time passed quickly, and Li Qi's body recovered quickly with the help of the wood energy of the big forest. It only took two days.

During this period, he slowed down his pace.

He only walked for half a day every day, looking for water while walking.

When he found it, he stopped, soaked in water and drank it until his belly was round, and then began to practice Li Liuyi according to the practice method.

Every punch and kick was to promote the human body's small world to better absorb water and then digest it, or to refine the internal energy.

Perhaps because of the foundation of Pai Bo Jin, Li Qi practiced Li Liu Yi unusually fast.

This made him sigh.

Because according to Shen Shuibi.

Luofu Mountain, there was an eighth-grade martial arts technique used as a table leg. If it was put outside, it would be enough to cause some fighting and snatching among some martial arts sects, and it could help a martial arts sect to establish its foundation.

Then, the incomplete fragments of this technique became Pai Bo Jin, which could help a boatman gang gain a foothold, and let two or three hundred people regard it as a treasure and make a living from it.

If I had touched this kind of thing in the past, there would definitely be corresponding interest groups and martial arts masters who would come and easily kill me and then take it away.

Because a man is innocent but he is guilty of possessing a treasure.

But now, Shen Shuibi is so cute, shaking her ears, and teaching him this thing as if nothing had happened.

It took only half a month.

Reality is really magical.

Knowing that this situation was hard-won, Li Qi cherished this moment even more.

He insists on practicing two methods every day to accumulate different Qi.

Every morning, he gets up early to worship the Eastern Canglong and obtain the Great Forest Wood Qi.

Then take out the peach charms engraved with the image of the Togami, worship the Togami, and complete the day's blessing practice.

Then, rush on the road in the morning, while searching for water sources, and practice carp flow at the water sources.

To be honest, practicing Liliuyi is much harder than performing sacrifices.

Sacrifice requires using your brain, learning etiquette, regulations, and templates, being meticulous, memorizing all procedures, taboos, and requirements, and memorizing them.

These things are complicated and complicated, and if you make the slightest mistake, all your previous efforts will be wasted, and you may even be rejected by the gods, and you can only give up on this god.

This is where the witchcraft becomes difficult.

But martial arts is just the opposite.

Practiced wrong? It doesn't matter, just start over.

Did you practice correctly? Don't be complacent, you have to start over.

Anyway, it’s just over and over again, over again, over again, over again.

Over and over again.

Until all the foreign energy in the body is transformed into the body's internal energy, the day can be completed. At least three hours of practice a day, and the tired Li Qi can't move in the water.

But this is just the end of practice.

You still have to learn how to play.

That is the way of martial arts, the so-called "martial arts".

In the process of rushing and practicing for half a day, time just passed day by day.

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