Mysterious city

Chapter 203 No one is traveling with you

Although the exhaustion on the verge of physical collapse made Jiang Zhe feel like he just wanted to lie in bed and rest for a whole week without moving, a plan naturally emerged in his mind.

It was a plan on how to get to Binhai Normal University from Wangcun. Although Jiang Zhe had not thought about the travel plan while experiencing Xiaoyan completing farm work like a robot overclocking for more than a month, when this was completed The first moment the plan came to his mind, Jiang Zhe accepted it very naturally.

Because after this month of "100% immersive experience", Jiang Zhe and Xiaoyan's emotional integration has reached a new level, so even if he didn't make any thoughts, Xiaoyan's plan was still complete The copy went into his head.

Almost the day after Xiaoyan completed his expected work, the underage boy set out on the journey early.

Because his travel plan is almost impossible for any child of the same age, because the process is not only lengthy, but also very arduous.

Early that morning, the villagers of Wangcun came to the village entrance early to watch the first college student from Wangcun in more than 20 years leave.

As expected, there was no grand welcome ceremony or banquet.

Some are just the villagers' silent gazes with complex emotions such as expectation and hope.

The so-called "vehicle" that carried Xiao Yan away was actually just a dilapidated four-wheeled cart pulled by a donkey.

Yes, even the bus, a means of transportation that is gradually being eliminated by the times, is unwilling to drive to Wangcun.

Who is willing to come all the way to this barren, desolate village for a child who can't even pay the toll?

Therefore, Xiaoyan had to take a "donkey cart", which was supposed to only appear in feudal ancient times, to the town closest to Wangcun before he could leave by bus.

Before leaving, Xiaoyan turned around and looked at the dense crowd of villagers standing behind her, as well as her old mother and brothers and sisters. She felt that the luggage on her shoulders seemed to become unusually heavy.

Although his so-called luggage was only a few shabby clothes and bedding.

Seeing the expectant gazes of the villagers and the complicated expression of relief and reluctance on the old mother's face, Xiaoyan forcibly froze the smile on her face a second before her tears fell, then turned her back and urged The donkey driver left the boundary of Wangcun without looking back.

For those who have been living in modern cities and have never experienced rural life, riding a donkey cart, a retro tool, may be a fresh and exciting experience. I believe many people will find it so cool that they want to take a photo. Post it on Moments as a souvenir and “show off” it.

Oh, yes, WeChat was not very popular at that time, so it should be shared on space or blog forums.

But if those people had actually experienced it, they would not think that this experience was so cool and novel, because the feeling of riding in a donkey cart was not even the most basic comfort.

Compared with modern transportation vehicles such as cars and trams, the stability of donkey carts is very poor.

In addition, the roads in the village are usually extremely rough, especially in Wangcun, which is extremely backward.

Therefore, the journey was extremely bumpy. Although the feeling was not as exciting as riding a roller coaster, the dizziness it caused was no less than the feeling of vomiting after riding a roller coaster.

Even for those who never get car sick, after experiencing the bumpy feeling of a donkey cart, it is difficult to get rid of the feeling similar to the urge to vomit after being drunk.

In addition, the donkey cart travels very slowly, and even if Jiang Zhe's physical fitness is extremely strong, he will probably feel strong discomfort during such a bumpy journey.

But Jiang Zhe didn't feel this way at the moment. In his heart, apart from the reluctance to leave the villagers and his family, he was more excited.

In other words, this is how Xiaoyan feels.

Although under the scorching sun, sweat kept dripping down the clothes, and the clothes stuck tightly to the skin, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Although the primitive tool under the buttocks was extremely slow and uncomfortable, it was not a trouble at all for Xiaoyan, who had been used to a hard life since childhood.

Because although the process is difficult, the future is full of light.

At that time, for most ordinary families, college was a passport to a better life and a class jump.

This is especially true for Xiaoyan's family, who are impoverished and have been struggling to make ends meet.

He is heading towards a bright future!

Although Xiaoyan embarked on the journey early in the morning, thanks to the donkey cart that moved as slowly as a snail, it was already evening by the time Xiaoyan arrived at the small town closest to Wangcun.

Even though Xiaoyan rushed to the station to buy tickets immediately after arriving, the trains that day were already full.

If you wanted to leave, you had to wait until the next day.

In desperation, Xiaoyan had to stop for a while.

However, the worse news is that he has never traveled by long-distance bus before, so he naturally has no idea how "expensive" the ticket is.

The same is true for the people of Wangcun. After all, for people with this living standard, few people will leave the scope of Wangcun throughout their lives, and reaching the small town is already a "long trip." .

Therefore, even if the so-called "expensive fare" of the long-distance bus to Xiao Yan is just a drop in the bucket for most people, spending all the travel expenses that Xiao Yan carries with him can only support his total distance to Anshi. Just one third.

You know, the remaining two-thirds are still thousands of kilometers away!

This moment made Xiaoyan's heart freeze, and Jiang Zhe could also feel the feeling of being hit firsthand.

It was the unique feeling of powerlessness felt by a young boy who was not yet mature enough to understand the world and faced the adult world for the first time.

This cannot be avoided by the hardships you endured in your childhood and adolescence. It has nothing to do with your poor background.

On the contrary, if you had an extremely poor childhood, you will be more at a loss when facing this situation than those children who have lived a good life since childhood.

Under the leadership of "elite parents", those children who have no worries about food and clothing will realize early how important things like money are.

To a certain extent, money is indeed everything, and rich people do lose some things, such as worries.

But for Xiaoyan, who has lived in Wangcun since childhood, she has always faced honest and honest farmers with their backs to the sky.

For them, money is not about going to bars and nightclubs more often, playing with young models in clubs more often, owning luxury cars and villas, and even buying the most basic modern tools like a computer is meaningless.

Because in Wangcun, there isn’t even a network cable, so what’s the use of a computer?

For the people of Wangcun, money is just pieces of paper that can be exchanged for food and drink. Money is equivalent to food, clothing and survival.

This made Xiao Yan completely panicked, and Jiang Zhe also felt at a loss as to what to do, as if he had degenerated from the experienced Constantine into a rural boy who had never seen the world.

It would be impossible for him to go back and ask for money from his family or borrow money from the villagers. This trip would be in vain.

Secondly, Xiaoyan realized that her tuition fees had not only wiped out the family’s savings, but also saddled her brother and mother with heavy foreign debts.

How could he bear to ask his family to bear more and pay more for him?

Even if you feel at a loss for a while, staying in a stalemate will only waste time and make things worse.

Although Xiaoyan has been almost self-taught since he was a child and has never received any so-called "elite education", he still understands that running away cannot solve any problems.

If it weren't for this characteristic, Xiaoyan wouldn't be able to get out of the closed and backward mountain just by being talented.

The best solution right now is to take a night's rest and wait until you have more energy.

At this moment, Xiaoyan couldn't even raise enough money for travel expenses, let alone stay in a hotel.

Even in the cheapest "guest houses", the price of one night's stay is astronomical to Xiaoyan.

So this tough rural boy still chose to sleep on the street, right in front of the station.

Because he was worried that if he was far away, it would be bad if he still couldn't buy a ticket the next day.

This night, Jiang Zhe felt that his eyelids were particularly heavy.

If he still had memories, he would understand that his mood at this moment was even more exhausted than when he was afraid to fall asleep when faced with the threat of nightmares.

It was the fear and uneasiness of a young man facing countless unknown difficulties.

But for a boy who has lived with countless difficulties since he was a child, no problem can defeat him.

After all, no matter how hard the days are, how can we give up on the eve of seeing the dawn?

So early the next morning, the first moment the rural boy opened his eyes, a plan had already been formed.

I only have enough money to buy tickets for one-third of the total trip, right?

Then I can just work and make money while going to Haibin Normal University. The worst thing is that it will be difficult and difficult!

Even if you have to leave, you have to go there!

If Jiang Zhe and Xiaoyan's emotional memories were not integrated at this moment, he would definitely be extremely impressed by this child's decision.

How many children can make such a decision alone at the age of seventeen or eighteen?

Presumably most of the flowers growing in the greenhouse will not encounter such a problem. Just letting them leave the shelter of their parents and confiscating their mobile phones and computers is enough to make them cry!

Some roads, no matter how dark and no one walks with you, still have to be walked alone!

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